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International Relations and An introductory summary.

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1 International Relations and An introductory summary.
Theories of International Relations and European Integration. An introductory summary.

2 Lebenslauf – Kurzfassung
Reinhard Meyers, Jahrgang 1947, studierte Politikwissenschaft, Anglistik, und Geschichte an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität 1966 – 1970 mit dem Abschluß Magister Artium. Forschungsstipendiat der Wiener Library, London, an der Graduate School of Contemporary European Studies, University of Reading 1970 – 1972 mit dem Abschluß Master of Philosophy. Wissenschaftlicher Assistent bei Hans-Adolf Jacobsen und Karl-Dietrich Bracher am Seminar für Politikwissenschaft der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität 1972 – Promotion zum Dr.phil. 1974; Habilitation im Fach Politikwissenschaft 1986; seit 1987 Professor für Internationale Politik und Außenpolitik an der Westfälischen Wilhelms - Universität.

3 Die Forschungsinteressen galten ursprünglich der Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen und der Sicherheitspolitik im 20. Jahrhundert; daneben trat aber schon vor der Habilitation die Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Lehre von den Internationalen Beziehungen sowie deren Epistemologie, Methodologie und Theorie. Seit den achtziger Jahren wird dieser Schwerpunkt ergänzt durch Arbeiten zur Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, seit den neunziger Jahren auch zur Europapolitik. Seit 1991 mehrfach Prodekan und Dekan des Fachbereichs Sozial-wissenschaften der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität; 1996 – 2008 Programmbeauftragter für die internationalen Doppeldiplomstudiengänge mit dem IEP Lille, der BBU Klausenburg (RO) und der Universiteit Twente (NL), seit Oktober 1997 Ehrendoktor der Fakultät für Europastudien der Babes-Bolyai Universität Klausenburg und seit Mai 2007 der Universität Novi Sad; Mitgründer und seit 1993 Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen. Hobbies: Industriearchäologie des Transportwesens, italienische Küche

4 meyersr@uni-muenster.de Homepage:
My address: …whatever you do – don‘t forget the little r behind the meyers – otherwise you‘ll end up with Silke Meyer‘s account (and she is often in London) Homepage:

5 Contents: 1) What are and why do we deal with theories?
Grand Theories and Theoretical Debates in International Relations and European Integration - a birds‘ eye view 3) Consequences of different inter-national and integration theories: differences of scientific world views

6 Times & Places Mondays 14.00 – 17.00, starting Monday April 12, 2010
Room 103, Scharnhorststrasse 100 (main building, 1st floor) Course number WWU

7 Subjects and Dates Monday, April 12, 2010: Set Semester Texts:
Introductory Hints, Semester Subjects, Credit Requirements, Required and Recommended Reading, How to Write your Seminar Paper Set Semester Texts: Antje Wiener(Thomas Diez (eds.): European Integration Theory. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2009 Tim Dunne/Milja Kurki/Steve Smith (eds.): International Relations Theories. Discipline and Diversity, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010 Scott Burchill, Andrew Linklater et al.: Theories of International Relations. 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave – Macmillan 2009

8 Useful websites Dunne/Kurki/Smith 2nd ed.: Wiener/Diez 2nd ed.:
with downloadable chapters on Structural Realism and Green Theory Wiener/Diez 2nd ed.: Burchill et al.: with downloadable introduction

9 Subjects & Dates (2) Monday, April 19, 2010
Concepts and Functions of „Theory“: can there be theory-free knowledge ? Set Reading: R.Meyers: The role of theory in the study of international politics – PDF file supplied on my website R.Meyers: Contemporary developments in international relations theory – PDF file supplied on my website Highly recommended: Milja Kurki/Colin Wight: International Relations and Social Science, Ch. 1 in Dunne/Kurki/Smith

10 Subjects and Dates (3) Monday, April 26, 2010
A traditional look at the development of IR theory – paradigmatic revolution, paradigmatic coexistence, or just a succession of debates ? Set text: article on Thomas Kuhn in: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

11 Subjects & Dates (4) Monday, May 3, 2010
Different World Views of IR – A scientific ontology - case study: The first Great Debate between Idealism and Realism Recommended Reading: Jack Donnelly, Realism, Scott Burchill, Liberalism, both in Burchill et.al, op.cit. Richard N. Lebow, Classical Realism, Bruce Russett, Liberalism, both in Dunne/Kurki/Smith, op.cit. L.M.Ashworth: Did the Realist-Idealist Great Debate Really Happen? a Revisionist History of International Relations – PDF supplied

12 Subjects & Dates(5) Monday, May 10, 2010
Different Methodologies of IR – A Scientific Epistemology – Case Study: The second Great Debate between Traditionalism and Scientism Recommended Reading: Morton A.Kaplan: The New Great Debate. Traditionalism vs. Science in International Relations – PDF supplied Friedrich Kratochwil: History, Action, and Identity… PDF supplied Article on „Behaviorism“ in Stanford Encyclopedia… at

13 Subjects and Dates (6) Monday, May 17, 2010
From the Third to the Nth Debate in IR Theory – let 1000 flowers bloom – or more of the same? Recommended Reading: Peter M.E. Volten and Arjan van de Assem: Transcending Paradigm Bashing: Realism and Idealism in International Politics – PDF supplied Richard Little: The English School‘s Contribution to the Study of International Relations – PDF supplied Tim Dunne,: The English School, in Dunne/Kurki/Smith, op.cit. Andrew Linklater: The English School, in: Burchill et al., op.cit.

14 Subjects and Dates (7) Monday, May 24, 2010
Whitsun Holiday – no seminar Monday, May 31, 2010 Grand Oral at Lille – no seminar Monday, June 7, 2010 Cooperation and Integration Theories: Functional Necessities versus the Shadow of the Future – or back to the Realist/Idealist Roots ? Recommended Reading: Wiener/Diez, op.cit., ch. 1 Further material supplied as PDF

15 Subjects & Dates (8) Monday, June 14, 2010 Monday, June 21, 2010
Classical approaches to European integration: Functionalism, Federalism, Neofunctionalism Recommended Reading: Articles by Michael Burgess on Federalism, Niemann/Schmitter on Neofunctionalism in Wiener/Diez, op.cit. Monday, June 21, 2010 Governance and Policy Network Approaches to European integration: brilliant analysis, predictive deficit ? Articles by Peters/Pierre on Governance Approaches, and Peterson on Policy Networks, in Wiener/Diez, op.cit.

16 Subjects & Dates (9) Monday, June 28, 2010
Social Constructivism in IR and Integration Theory: How can we know what we mean to know ? Recommended Reading: K.M.Fierke: Constructivism, in Dunne/Kurki/Smith op.cit. Thomas Risse: Social Constructivism and European Integration, in Wiener/Diez, op.cit. Stefano Guzzini: A Reconstruction of Constructivism in International Relations – PDF supplied

17 Subjects & Dates (10) Monday, July 5, 2010
The fairer sex in theory – gender approaches in IR and integration studies Recommended reading: J.A.Tickner/L.Sjoberg, Feminism, in Dunne/Kurki/Smith op.cit. J.True, Feminism, in Burchill et al, op.cit. B.Locher/E.Prügl: Gender and European Integration, in Wiener/Diez, op.cit.

18 Subjects & Dates (11) Monday, July 12, 2010
The normative and constitutional turn in IR and integration theory – back to the roots of Political Studies ? Recommended reading: T. Erskine: Normative IR Theory, in Dunne/Kurki/Smith, op.cit. R. Bellami/C. Attucci: Normative Theory and the EU: Between Contract and Community, in: Wiener/Diez op.cit. Cf.ibid. Wiener‘s and Diez‘s last chapter

19 Subjects & Dates (12) Monday, July 19, 2010
Recently neglected approaches in IR and integration theory – a new outlook for a critical future ? Recommended reading: M. Rupert, Marxism and Critical Theory, in Dunne/Kurki/Smith, op.cit. A. Linklater, Marx and Marxism, in Scott Burchill et al., op.cit. A. W. Cafruny/M. Ryner, Critical Political Economy, in Wiener/Diez, op.cit.

20 Biblíography of Works to be Reviewed – SS 2010:
choose one, analyse the main premisses, arguments, and conclusions of the work chosen, inform yourself about the author, his other main works, his reception in the field, and the effect his writings had on the study of International Relations Kenneth W. Thompson (ed.): Masters of International Thought. Major Twentieth-Century Theorists and the World Crisis. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP 1980 Iver B.Neumann/Ole Waever (eds.): The Future of International Relations. Masters in the Making ? London: Routledge 1997

21 Classical Authors of International Relations
Raymond Aron: Frieden und Krieg. Eine Theorie der Staatenwelt. Frankfurt/Main: S. Fischer 1963 [or the French edition: Paix et Guerre entre les nations. Paris : Calmann-Lévy 1962] Hedley Bull: The Anarchical Society. A Study of Order in World Politics. 3. Aufl.Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Edward Hallett Carr: The Twenty Years’ Crisis 1919 – An Introduction to the Study of International Relations. 2.Aufl. London: Macmillan 1974 Barry Buzan/Richard Little: International Systems in World History. Remaking the Study of International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2000 F.H.Hinsley: Power and the Pursuit of Peace. Theory and Practice in the History of Relations between States. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P. 1967 Stanley Hoffmann: Janus and Minerva. Essays in the Theory and Practice of International Politics. Boulder & London: Westview Press 1987 Hans J. Morgenthau: Politics Among Nations. New York: Alfred A.Knopf 1960

22 Classical Authors of I.R. (2)
Edward L. Morse: Modernization and the Transformation of International Relations. New York: Free Press 1976 Kenneth N. Waltz: Man, the state and war. A theoretical analysis. New York: Columbia UP 1959 Adam Watson: The Evolution of International Society. A comparative historical analysis. London: Routledge 1992 Martin Wight: International Theory. The three traditions, ed. Gabriele Wight & Brian Porter. Leicester: Leicester U.P. 1991 Quincy Wright: The Study of International Relations. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts 1955 * * * David A.Baldwin (ed.): Theories of International Relations. Farnham,Surrey: Ashgate 2008

23 Introductions, Overviews and Critiques of IR Theory
John Baylis/Steve Smith (eds.): The Globalization of World Politics An Introduction to International Relations. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford UP 2008 [Please buy/use ONLY the FOURTH EDITION !] Scott Burchill/Andrew Linklater (eds.): Theories of International Relations. Basingstoke: 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan 2009 Tim Dunne/Milja Kurki/Steve Smith (eds.): International Relations Theories. Discipline and Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2nd.2010 James E.Dougherty/Robert L.Pfaltzgraff, Jr.: Contending Theories of International Relations. A comprehensive survey. 5th ed. New York: Longman 2001 Jim George: Discourses of Global Politics: A critical (re)introduction to International Relations. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publ. 1994 Martin Hollis/Steve Smith: Explaining and Understanding International Relations. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1990 Robert Jackson/Georg Sorensen: Introduction to International Relations. Theories and approaches. 3.Aufl. Oxford: Oxford University Press RECOMMENDED TEXT FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS Charles W.Kegley, Jr. (ed.): Controversies in International Relations Theory. Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge. New York: St. Martin’s Press 1996

24 Introductions, Overviews and Critiques of IR Theory (2)
Gert Krell: Weltbilder und Weltordnung. Einführung in die Theorie der internationalen Beziehungen. 4.Aufl. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2009 Siegfried Schieder/Manuela Spindler (eds.): Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen. 2. überarb. Aufl. Opladen: Leske & Budrich 2006 Steve Smith/Ken Booth/Marysia Zalewski (eds.): International theory: Positivism and beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P. 1996 Jennifer Sterling-Folker (ed.): Making Sense of International Relations Theory. Boulder & London: Lienne Rienner 2006 RECOMMENDED TEXT FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS John A. Vasquez: The Power of Power Politics. From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P. 1998 Cynthia Weber: International Relations Theory. A critical Introduction. London: Routledge 2001 Ngaire Woods (ed.): Explaining International Relations Since Oxford: Oxford U.P. 1996

25 Introductions to and Overviews of Integration Theories
Ben Rosamond: Theories of European Integration. Basingstoke: Macmillan 2000 Antje Wiener/Thomas Diez: European Integration Theory. Repr. Oxford: OUP 2005, 2nd ed. Oxford 2009 Hans-Jürgen Bieling/Marika Lerch (eds.): Theorien der europäischen Integration. 2. Aufl. Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag 2006 Katharina Holzinger et al.: Die Europäische Union. Theorien und Analysekonzepte. Paderborn: Schöningh/UTB 2005 Andreas Grimmel/Cord Jakobeit (eds.): Politische Theorien der Europäischen Integration. Ein Text- und Lehrbuch. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag 2009

26 Other works recommended for occasional reading/browsing
Michael Banks (ed.): Conflict in World Society. A new perspective on international relations. Brighton: Wheatsheaf 1984 Tim Dunne/Michael Cox/Ken Booth (eds.): The Eighty Years’ Crisis. International Relations 1919 – Cambridge: Cambridge UP 1998 A.J.R. Groom/Margot Light (eds.): Contemporary International Relations. A Guide to Theory. London: Pinter 1994 Margot Light/A.J.R. Groom (eds.): International Relations. A Handbook of Current Theory. London: Pinter 1985 Andrew Linklater: Beyond Realism and Marxism. Critical Theory and International Relations. Basingstoke: Macmillan 1990 Ulrich Menzel/Katharina Varga: Theorie und Geschichte der Lehre von den Internationalen Beziehungen. Einführung und systematische Bibliographie. Hamburg: Deutsches Übersee-Institut 1999 Reinhard Meyers: Die Lehre von den Internationalen Beziehungen. Ein entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Überblick. 2.Aufl. Königstein/Ts. 1981 Mark Neufeld: The Restructuring of International Relations Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge UP 1995 William C. Olson/A.J.R. Groom: International Relations Then And Now. Origins and Trends in Interpretation. London: HarperCollinsAcademic 1991 Trevor Taylor (ed.): Approaches and Theory in International Relations. London: Longman 1978

27 Thanx for today

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