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Michael Haverbeck System Engineer
VMware vLab Manager Michael Haverbeck System Engineer Title Slide, to be used as holding slide for walk in Section Heading: 38pt Arial in white Speaker Name: 18pt Arial BOLD in black Title: 18pt Arial in black
VMware vLab Manager bei der R+V Versicherung
R+V Versicherung AG Case Study Platform Test-Centre (PTC) Warum nutzen wir den vLab Manager für das PTC Anforderungen unserer Kunden Architektur des PTC Case Study Education Center (EC) Warum nutzen wir den vLab Manager für das EC Architektur des EC Probleme die wir mit dem vLab Manager hatten/haben Diskussion Title: 26pt Arial BOLD in blue Bullet Text: 20pt Arial in black. Tips: Try to keep the starting bullet position the same unless you have a couple of bullets. This helps with a smooth transition between bullet slides. Do not exceed 8 bullet points. And try not to go any lower than 18pt Arial. If you can’t read the text, then neither can the audience! If you can visualize the information rather than bulleting it, then do it. You will have more impact, and the audience will remember visuals more than text. Do not over crowd your slides, let the information have some breathing space (white). If you can split the information over two slides, then that helps. DO NOT ever put content outside of the white box area.
R+V Versicherung AG R+V ist die größte Versicherung im Finanzverbund der Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken R+V gehört zu den 10 größten Versicherungen in Deutschland Vertrieb über die Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken R+V hat Angestellte Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Case study Platform Test-Centre
Was ist das PTC? Eine Umgebung, um unsere Vertriebssoftware auf den verfügbaren Windows Betriebssystemen in diversen Kombinationen zu testen. Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Case study Platform Test-Centre
Warum nutzen wir den VMware vLab Manager Früher dutzende physikalische Computern im Einsatz Mittels CDs und Imaging-Software Betankung der Computer Das Neuaufsetzen produzierte hohen Personalaufwand Hohe Kosten für die Beschaffung der Computer Anforderungen der Kunden nur teilweise erfüllbar Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Case study of the Platform Test-Centre
Requirements for the PTC Environment Different Windows Operating Systems to be hosted (2000, XP, Vista) Test-Systems are not Member of the R+V Windows Domain Access to the Internet without using the Company Web-Proxy Software can be installed on the systems using CD, DVD etc. Centralized Management of the Systems Easy and fast way to use Imaging of the Systems Easy to use Access Management Automated deploy of the Systems Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity. Access to the R+V Network throughh a Firewall for SWD Update Performance of the Systems must be similar to a physical computer
Case study Platform Test-Centre
Architektur der PTC-Umgebung I Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Case study Platform Test-Centre
Architektur der PTC-Umgebung II Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Case study Education Centre
Was ist das Education Center? R+V hat Angestellte Die PE-Abteilung bietet verschiedenste Schulungen für die Mitarbeiter an wie z.B. Windows XP, Vista, Word, Excel, Outlook etc. Die PE-Abteilung bietet verschiedenste Spezial-Schulungen für im Haus entwickelte Software an Ziel die Kosten für externe Schulungsmaßnahmen zu reduzieren Anpassung der Schulungen an den Bedarf des R+V Mitarbeiters Aktuell werden alle Mitarbeiter im Rahmen des Windows Vista und Microsoft Office 2007 Rollout auf die neuen Programme und das Betriebssystem geschult. Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Case study Education Centre
Warum nutzen wir VMware vLab Manager für das Education Center? Wir brauchten mehr Performance für die PE-Umgebung Bislang eingesetzte Lösung auf Basis von MS Virtual Server war auf-grund des hohen Anteils an Skripten nicht mehr verwaltbar Der Windows Vista Rollout und die damit verbunden Probleme mit MS Virtual Server veranlassten uns vLab Manager einzusetzen VMware vLab Manager ist ein Standard Software Produkt mit einem zentralen webbasierten Management Interface Keine selbstgestrickten Skripte mehr dank VMware vLab Manager Quick and Easy to use besonders für die Mitarbeiter der PE Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity. Es passt besser in unsere Prozesse und Strukturen Support durch VMware
Case study Education Centre
Anforderungen an den VMware vLab Manager in der PE-Umgebung Es gibt 6 Klassenräume in denen täglich Schulungen stattfinden Jeder Klassenraum enthält 12 – 14 VM´s Die VM´s in den Klassenräumen müssen von den PE-Mitarbeitern zentral administriert und verwaltet werden können. Die VM´s müssen Mitglied der R+V Domäne sein Die Antivirus und Sicherheitsupdates müssen eingespielt werden. Imaging Verfahren für die VM´s werden benötigt. Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity. Geringer Bedarf an SAN Storage Die VM´s müssen Windows Vista als OS unterstützen
Case study Education Centre
Architektur der Umgebung I Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Case study of the Education Centre
Architektur der Umgebung II Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Probleme die wir mit vLab Manager haben/hatten
Sizing der Datastores für vLab Manager Ablage von Templates und VM´s bezogen auf den Datastore Unzureichende Dokumentation des Produktes Benutzer und Gruppenverwaltung sehr global Zusammenspiel mit Virtual Center 2.5 Konfiguration von Ressourcen Update Manager Integration Browser Plug-in für den vLab Manager Integration von Zertifikaten in vLab Manager Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity. VMware ESXi 3.x ist nicht supported
Diskussion Keep charts simple, or visualize them in a different way. Only work with the template colour palette. Try to avoid using more than three colours in charts/diagrams. Also refrain from using shadows, as this is not part of the corporate identity.
Q & A Holding Slide
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Thank you for coming. Rate your session and watch for the highest scores! Final slide - Holding Slide
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