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Veröffentlicht von:Merten Hemmann Geändert vor über 11 Jahren
Key Figures for the Metal Working and Processing Industry Turnover Employees Turnover per employee (K EUR) Companies* WZ-Code 2008: 243, 245, 25 * Businesses with at least 17,500 Euros taxable turnover and/or employees liable for social security contribution Source: Statistical Office for the State of Baden-Württemberg, Eurostat
Foreign Trade of the Metal Working and Processing Industry GP2009: 25 (2010) Source: German Office of Statistiic Exports to … (K EUR) Imports from … (K EUR)
Examples of Metal Working and Processing Companies Based in Baden-Württemberg
Students in disciplines related to the metal working and processing industry Graduates in disciplines related to the metal working and processing industry Potential Employees for the Metal Working and Processing Industry in Baden-Württemberg Baden-WürttembergGermanyPercentage Baden-Württemberg in Germany Students 13,905 88,28016% Graduates 1,857 10,606 18% * Courses of study related to the metal working and processing industry: Engineering, Metal Technology Source: German Office of Statistics Baden-Württemberg Germany
Research and Development Activities of the Metal Working and Processing Industry in Baden-Württemberg Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft e.V. Research centres9 Max-Planck Institutes1 Fraunhofer Institutes1 Contract research facilities in the innovation allianz B-W3 University research faciltities16 Higher educational establishment research institutes10 Other research facilities1 Karlsruhe Freiburg Stuttgart Ulm Schwäbisch Gmünd Aalen Furtwangen Heilbronn Symbol stands for an institute/specialist area/centre Denkendorf Mannheim Konstanz
Karlsruhe Freiburg Stuttgart Ulm Pforzheim Reutlingen Heilbronn Heidelberg Mannheim Source: Network of Organizations with Competency in the Metal Working and Processing Sector in Baden-Württembergs Regions E AST -W ÜRTTEMBERG A REA Clusterinitiative Automotive-Region Ostwürttemberg | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Clusterinitiative Netzwerk Oberflächentechnologie Region Ostwürttemberg (NORO e. V.) | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE N ORTHERN B LACK F OREST A REA Clusterinitiative HOCHFORM – Metallverarbeitung | H OMEPAGE |H OMEPAGE H IGH R HINE A REA -L AKE C ONSTANCE Clusterinitiative Wirtschaftsregion Südwest automotiveforum | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE H EILBRONN -F RANCONIA A REA Clusterinitiative Automotive-Dialog | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE S TUTTGART A REA Clusterinitiative Automotive Region Stuttgart CARS | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE S TUTTGART A REA Clusterinitiative Automotive Region Stuttgart CARS | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE
Source: Network of Organizations with Competency in the Metal Working and Processing Sector in Baden-Württemberg Nationwide B ADEN -W ÜRTTEMBERG NATIONWIDE Clusterinitiative bw-construction | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE B ADEN -W ÜRTTEMBERG NATIONWIDE Clusterinitiative bw-construction | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE
Trade Fairs in the Metal Working and Processing Sector in Baden-Württemberg Blechexpo, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE BONDexpo, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Composites Europe, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Fachmesse i+e, Trade Fair Center Freiburg, Freiburg | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Fastener Fair Stuttgart, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Lasys, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE MOTEK, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE O&S, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE SCHWEISSTEC, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE STANZTEC, CongressCentrum Pforzheim, Pforzheim | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE SÜDTEC, Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart (Airport), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Turning-Days, Southwest-Fair Villingen-Schwenningen, Villingen-Schwenningen | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE M ORE INFORMATION : engineering/
Appendix: Listing of R&D Facilities (Listed in kind of facility and alphabetical order) Fem Reseach Institute, Schwäbisch Gmünd | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institute of Textile Technology and Process Engineering Denkendorf, Denkendorf | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Mikroaufbautechnik der Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V., Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM), Freiburg | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Angewandt Forschung (IAF), Ulm University, Ulm | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institute of Applied Research (IAF), HFG Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Applied Sciences, Schwäbisch Gmünd | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institute of Applied Research (IAF), Aalen University, Aalen | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institute of Applied Research (IAF), Furtwangen University, Furtwangen | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institute of Applied Research (IAF), Heilbronn University, Heilbronn | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institute of Applied Research (IAF), HTWG Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institute of Materials and Processes (IMP), University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE IPM – Institut für Produktionstechnik, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Kompetenzzentrum für Schleiftechnologie und Feinstbearbeitung (KSF), Furtwangen University, Furtwangen | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Kompetenzzentrum Tribologie Mannheim, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft e.V. Research Centers Max-Planck InstitutesFraunhofer Institutes Contract research facilities in the innovation allianz B-W University research faciltities Higher educational establishment research institutes Other research facilities
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Angewandte Materialien – Werkstoffkunde (IAM-WK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Werkstoffprozesstechnik (IAM-WPT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Zuverlässigkeit von Bauteilen und Systemen (IAM-ZBS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Fahrzeugsystemtechnik (FAST), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Leichtbau Entwerfen und Konstruieren (ILEK), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Materialprüfung, Werkstoffkunde und Festigkeitslehre (IMWF), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Materialwissenschaften (IFM), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Mikro- und Nanomaterialien (MATWIS), Ulm University, Ulm | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik (IFM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Umformtechnik (IFU), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen (IFW), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Angewandte Werkstoffphysik (IAM-AWP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Institut für Angewandte Materialien – Werkstoff- und Biomechanik (WBM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Materialprüfungsanstalt Universität Stuttgart, (MPA Stuttgart, Otto-Graf-Institut (FMPA), Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE wbk Institute of Production Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Forschungsgesellschaft Umformtechnik mbH, Stuttgart | H OMEPAGEH OMEPAGE Appendix: Listing of R&D Facilities (Listed in kind of facility and alphabetical order) Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft e.V. Research Centers Max-Planck InstitutesFraunhofer Institutes Contract research facilities in the innovation allianz B-W University research faciltities Higher educational establishment research institutes Other research facilities
Baden-Württemberg International Agency for International Economics and Scientific Cooperation Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19 | 70174 Stuttgart Germany Phone: +49 (0)711.22787-0 Fax: +49 (0)711.22787-22 E-Mail: Internet:
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