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The world is slowly returning to growth
Composite of leading indicators Source OECD Nov 03 GDP Growth forecasts 2004 4.5 4 3.5 The world is slowly returning to growth. [Quote: Economist/Clive Crook] The OECD composite of leading indicators shows that the business cycle is moving back into growth GDP forecasts for 2004 show strong growth, particularly in the US. The most striking growth figures come from Asia; China’s GDP rose at 18% in the third quarter (seasonally adjusted); Singapore’s by 17% and Taiwan’s by 24% (source Economist). Some of this growth is a rebound from SARS. Business activity is picking up The number of M&As has risen, and even the IPO market is showing signs of life with the expected US$15bn IPO of Google 3 2003 2.5 2 2004 1.5 1 0.5 Japan United States Euro area Source: Economist
IT Budget change from previous year (%)
IT’s role in enterprise growth is reflected in overall IS budget upturn 2003 forecasts evidence a crunch point for IT budgets. IT Budget change from previous year (%) 15.9 15.0 9.7 10.1 1.2 1.3 0.0 1998 (a) 1999 (b) 2000 (c) 2001 (d) 2002 (e) 2003 (f) 2004 (g) After falling off the cliff in 2001, IT budgets are finally showing some signs of recovery While IT remains a significant proportion of capital spending for most enterprise, few CIOs see budgets growing at previous rates for some time to come Expectations are that IT budget growth will be more reflective of enterprise growth Source: a) From IT survey 1998 b) From IT survey 1999 c) From IT survey 2000 d) Gartner, 2001 IT spending and staffing survey results, Potter, Grigg, Gomolski e) 2002 EXP CIO Survey f) EXP CIO Survey g) Estimate based on results of 2004 EXP CIO Suvey Trend line
Though security and cost cutting remain crucial
CIOs are in their third year of relentless cost pressure while having to deliver faster innovation and better business risk management. TOP-TEN BUSINESS TRENDS, 2004 Ranking Average weighted score (max = 10) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2002 2003 2004 Security breaches/business disruptions - 12 1 Operating costs/budgets 1 1 2 Data protection and privacy 4 2 3 * Need for revenue growth - - 4 * Use of information in products/services - - 5 * Economic recovery - - 6 Single view of customer 3 5 7 The pressure to control costs across the business is set to remain throughout 2004 Many executives are still feeling the influence of the end of the last business cycle, and are managing in a way appropriate for economic slowdown The emphasis on sound cost control is unlikely to change, the bad experience of believing that sound business fundamentals could be ignored is still quite recent. Security and privacy concerns top the agenda across all the regions Concerns over corporate governance, and the public and regulatory backlash account, in part, for this. Sarbanes-Oxely in the US for example has focused concerns over data protection and security In Europe public concerns over freedom of information and data protection have led to a number of new laws that companies are required to implement and abide by. The combination of cost control and security and privacy concerns is likely to place a significant drag to growth on many enterprises through 04. A great deal of investment and resources will be consumed dealing with these issues, that could have been directed to driving revenue growth. But the risks are huge, with brands and reputations on the line. Faster innovation 5 3 8 Greater transparency in reporting - 7 9 - 4 10 Enterprise risk management Selected change in ranking compared with 2003 * New question for 2004
What the Gartner Group is saying...
The interoperability agreement between SAP and Microsoft addresses CIO management priorities as identified by independent analysts such as Gartner. Demonstrating business value of IS/IT: existing investments of both SAP and Microsoft technologies can be leveraged to reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) as new functionality can be built to more effectively present and manage data, reduce the time to deploy new functionality and manage business processes. The goal of providing lower cost solutions to better allow business decisions to be made can be realized. Strengthen the IS business linkage: by utilizing Microsoft technology that a customer most likely is already familiar with (e.g. Microsoft Office), the SAP agreement provides a roadmap to further integrate SAP data for end users in an efficient and meaningful way. However, it is not just limited to the presentation layer as the .NET platform as a whole can provide a lower time to deploy new applications, business processes, and make overall management of the environment more efficient. Increasing use of IT architecture/standards: Microsoft and SAP are committed to working together towards industry standards for Web services. Such standardization will make for tighter integration between the Microsoft and SAP platforms and serve as a foundation for development of further joint technology in the future. Making IS more service oriented: Microsoft is committed to Web services through .NET as a Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) as SAP is committed through NetWeaver as their Enterprise Services Architecture (ESA). - Priorities addressed by the SAP/Microsoft interoperability agreement
SAP NetWeaver and Microsoft .NET
Seemingly, it appears that SAP NetWeaver and Microsoft .NET are competing technology platforms and customers are faced with only choosing one or the other. Reality: customers are faced with choosing the best technology components from both SAP and Microsoft for their specific needs. Therefore, interoperability of SAP and Microsoft is of utmost importance. While on face value (and what is often at the forefront of news articles) it seems as if SAP NetWeaver and Microsoft .NET are simply only competing technology platforms where customers are faced with an either/or decision, reality is that customers are faced with how best to utilize both technologies to derive the best value and solution of their investments – specific to the business processes at hand. While yes, there indeed are specific competitive points (e.g. BizTalk vs. XI) within the two technology platforms, it’s important to realize the benefit of using both depending on customers’ specific scenarios. Many companies have chosen SAP and Microsoft as their strategic technology vendors or partners and expect the two to work together in the best interest of their joint customer.
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