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1www.dstgb.de © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Kommunaler Spitzenverband in Deutschland und Europa www.dstgb.de.

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Presentation on theme: "1www.dstgb.de © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Kommunaler Spitzenverband in Deutschland und Europa www.dstgb.de."— Presentation transcript:

1 1www.dstgb.de © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Kommunaler Spitzenverband in Deutschland und Europa www.dstgb.de

2 2 © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Regional Finance Instruments in Germany Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger Direktor des Europabüros des Deutschen Städte- und Gemeindebundes, Brüssel

3 3www.dstgb.de © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Regional Finance Instruments in Germany Gemeinschaftsaufgabe zur Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur (GA) (1969) = Joint Task for the Improvement of Regional Economic Structures 5-year agenda of federal government and regions main objectives

4 4www.dstgb.de © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Content of Agenda territorial boundaries objectives for these territories measures and instruments prerequisites, character and intensity of promotion of the diverse measures

5 5www.dstgb.de © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Territories 2007 -2013 Gemeinden, Stand 31.12.2003 Datenbasis: Beschluss Bund-Länder- Planungsausschuss GA vom 20.02..2006 A-territory of promotion C-territory of promotion C-territory of promotion ( (partly cities/communities) partly C-, partly D-territory of promotion D-territory of promotion D-territory of promotion (partly cities/communities) partly C-, partly E-territory of promotion C-Territory E-territory no promotion

6 6www.dstgb.de © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Measures and Instruments cash resources commitment authorisation debt guarantee ERP regional promotion promotion of non-investive enterprise activities additional promotion by the European Structural and Cohesion Funds, international joint promotion programs

7 7www.dstgb.de © DStGB Dr. Klaus M. Nutzenberger, Direktor Eurocommunalle 12th April 2007 Regional Finance Instruments in Germany control of performance and sucess and adaption of agenda cooperation of federal government and regions evaluation

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