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Water Framework Directive

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1 Water Framework Directive
A Concept for Measures in the Agricultural Sector April 2006

2 Three Domains of Measures in Bavaria
In consequence of the river basin analysis 2004: Reduction of diffuse pollution in groundwater and surface waters Improvement of river bed structures and river continuity No. 1 and 2 are diffuse pressures. The concept shall be used for both. Reduction of remaining point sources pollution especially of priority substances

3 Catalogue of Measures „Water Sound Agriculture“ A toolbox for the reduction of diffuse pollution in groundwater and surface waters caused by nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus), soil erosion and pesticides Content 52 measures referring to nutrients and soil erosion farming practices for arable and grass land use of fertiliser live stock feeding technical equipment advisory services 6 measures referring to pesticides use of pesticides

4 Catalogue of Measures- Integrated Assessment
Potential effect on reducing pressure Assessment 2 Controllability of use +++ = high ++ = good + = moderate = no significant effect (referring to a specific pressure) = control is very expensive

5 potential effectiveness
Catalogue of Measures - Excerpt Assessment of potential effectiveness on pressures Assess ment of controll ability No Measure N primary effect on groundwater P, soil erosion primary effect on surface waters Protection of groundwater and surface waters from pollution by nutrients and soil erosion 1 Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen 1-1 Betriebsbewirtschaftung nach Kriterien des ökologischen Landbaus ++ ++ +++ Umwandlung von Ackerland in Grünland (+++ bei P: sehr hohe Wirkung nur bei 1-2 +++ ++(+) ++ + Hanglage) 1-3 Stilllegung mit gezielter Begrünung ++ ++ +++ 1-4 Verzicht auf Grünlandumbruch (+++ bei P: sehr hohe Wirkung nur bei Hanglage) +++ ++(+) +++ 1-5 Umbruchlose Grünlanderneuerung ++ ++ ++ 1-6 Wiesennachsaat auf lückigen Grünlandbeständen ++ ++ + 1-7 Umbruch von Feldfutter nur im Frühjahr + + ++ Zwischenfruchtanbau (ohne Leguminosen), Einarbeitung im Frühjahr 1-8 (Winterbegrünung) (+++ bei N: nur bei winterharten Zwischenfrüchten; +++ bei P: sehr ++(+) ++(+) ++ hohe Wirkung nur bei Hanglage)

6 Multiple Use of the Catalogue of Measures
Basic measures Full implementation of the Nitrates Directive: Standards of “best environmental practice“ Supplementary measures Design of a Rural Development Programme co-financed by EAGGF, Rural Development Regulation Design of further programmes if necessary Implementation of measures Agricultural advisory services, education, training Design of co-operative agreements

7 Specification of Measures
1. Specification : Catalogue of generic measures Spatial level: Catalogue „Water Sound Agriculture“ Bavaria km2 2. Specification: Catalogues tailored for agricultural regions Catalogue “Agriculture A” Catalogue “Agriculture B” Catalogue “Agriculture C” Agricultural regions some 3. Specification: Programme of measures 2009 70 sub basins à 1000 km2 Assignment of specific catalogues to sub basins; Indicators for scope of use Konkretisierung der Ziele: von allgemein,qualitativ zu gebietsspezifisch, quantitativ Zuordnung der Maßnahmenkataloge und des Umfangs ihrer Anwendung zu den Bewirtschaftungsräumen BR 1, BR 2, ... , BR n In Abstimmung mit den Zielen Überprüfung der Ziele: Entscheidung über Ausnahmen entsprechend der Realisierbarkeit und Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen 4. Specification: Implementation until 2015 Allocation of selected measures from the toolbox; decentralized, co-operative decision making 1000 water bodies

8 WFD Planning Concept – Two Level Planning
Basis Analysis Monitoring 2004 Analysis report Monitoring programmes Strategic Planning Programme of Measures River Basin Management Plan 2009 Framework planning: catalogues of measures indicators or scope of use feed back Konkretisierung der Ziele: von allgemein,qualitativ zu gebietsspezifisch, quantitativ Zuordnung der Maßnahmenkataloge und des Umfangs ihrer Anwendung zu den Bewirtschaftungsräumen BR 1, BR 2, ... , BR n In Abstimmung mit den Zielen Überprüfung der Ziele: Entscheidung über Ausnahmen entsprechend der Realisierbarkeit und Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen Operational Planning Allocation of Measures Controlling Local follow up planning until 2015 Allocation of measures: space & time Monitoring of implementation

9 Case Study River Vils Sub basin as planning unit catchment area
1400 km2 18 surface water bodies, total length 471 km 2 types of water bodies Ein Projektschwerpunkt; Verminderung von diffusen Phosphor-Einträgen durch Erosion

10 Pilotprojekt Vils; Schwerpunkt Stoffeinträge, Erosion
Case Study River Vils Bavarian Atlas of Potential Erosion: Use as an instrument - to indicate the scope of use for the catalogue of measures  PoM to allocate measures to hot spots  local planning Flächenspezifischer Pilotprojekt Vils; Schwerpunkt Stoffeinträge, Erosion Handlungsziel: Verminderung der diffusen Phosphor-Einträgen infolge von Erosion Ein Projektschwerpunkt; Verminderung von diffusen Phosphor-Einträgen durch Erosion

11 Cost Effectiveness - A Decision Supporting Tool
Aspects of costs Direct financial costs - costs for farmers: loss of income and additional expenditures - costs for state: Rural Development Programme (unit costs) Indirect environmental and economic costs Aspects of effectiveness effectiveness of emission reduction effectiveness of the instrument RD Programme (success,acceptance) Assessment of cost-effectiveness Pre-screening for the catalogue (framework planning level) Second screening by allocation of measures (farming level) Controlling of implementation (water body status, cost & time plans)

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