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Evangelische Akademie Loccum 25. – 27. Juni 2007

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1 Evangelische Akademie Loccum 25. – 27. Juni 2007
Energie & Armut Aufbau und Betrieb dezentraler Versorgungsstrukturen auf der Grundlage regenerativer Energieträger als Aufgabe für kleine, mittelständische Unternehmen, im Rahmen internationaler Zusammenarbeit Heinz -W. Böhnke Evangelische Akademie Loccum 25. – 27. Juni 2007

2 Energie & Armut Energie ist nicht Ursache oder Abhilfe von Armut
vielmehr eine von mehreren Voraussetzungen für Produktivität und so eine politische Versorgungsaufgabe Versorgung mit Brenn-/Treibstoff gilt nicht als öffentliche Aufgabe wenig politische Unterstützung Versorgung mit Strom ist öffentliches Mandat liegt im politischen Spannungsfeld arme / unwirtschaftliche Regionen werden zuletzt versorgt hohes finanzielles und technisches Risiko für private Betreiber

3 Versorgungskonzepte Dynamische Versorgungskonzepte orientieren sich an Bedarf und Wachstum spezifisches Angebot arm < > reich Ausbau (mehr Leistung) Ausweitung (mehr Nutzer) There is no single supply model satisfying all customers all the time. The dynamic supply concept for a focal area supports the growth of the individual demand by keeping the systems extendable, and it mostly results in an expanded spread of users into the area. The users can be expected to increase their demand from a BCS or a single panel system to multi-panel systems, several larger units will eventually form a focus which is even viable for centralized electrification, while the fringes expand being served with various levels of decentralized supply systems.

4 Energiekosten verkaufen schenken finanzieren
Qualität, Nachfrage schenken Nutzen, Angebot finanzieren Organisation, Kondition, Bonität Kosten der Versorgung, Wartung

5 Energienutzen Produktive Anwendungen Wenige Referenzen Hohes Potenzial
Batterieladung Trocknung Stromerzeugung Wenige Referenzen Technische Risiken, Marktbedingungen Hohes Potenzial Unternehmerische Anforderung, verbesserte Bedingungen Potenzial produktiver Nutzung

6 Integrated Southern Africa Business Advisory
Unternehmer INSABA Integrated Southern Africa Business Advisory RE-Unternehmungen brauchen mehr Kenntnis von Markt, Technik, Finanzen als gewöhnliche Geschäfte! KMU-Analysen Namibia, Botswana ergeben Mindestanforderungen: 85 % scheitern in 5 Jahren > 3 Jahre Praxis 80 % informell > registriert 75 % “selfemployed” > Vertragsarbeiter 80 % keine Finanzierung > kreditwürdig 27 % ohne Schulbildung > Hauptschule Hohe Bereitschaft zu spezifischer Weiterbildung und Unternehmensberatung sind erforderlich + viel Enthusiasmus!

7 PV Options Village Lantern System 50W

8 PV Options Battery Charging Station 200W

9 PV Options Solar Home System 70W

10 Opportunity Equivalents Grid vs. PV Electrification
4.500 $ / km tieline 2 $/M minimum fee PV 460 $ / SHS 7,5 $ / Month service fee 12-6 % Interest No Subsidy Centralized village power plants have been introduced early and largely failed not for technical reasons, butin their management. When reduced to mini-centrals they could be feasible. Solar home systems cater best for individual demands. Battery Charging units can be operated commercially for small demands. Village Lantern concepts cover very small demand for lighting and radio Supplying entire “solar villages” failed, when they were largely subsidizedand when individual demand variations were not addressed. A dynamic expansion with various supply units is more sustainable.

11 Objectives Reliable Affordable Manageable
Availability of monitored Systems > 98 % Component Lifetime Longer than Assumed Affordable Systems for Small Residential Load Highly Attractive Various User-Friendly Financing Schemes Available Manageable Utilities / User Groups Manage Operation, Collection Management Offers Increased Local Labour Content

12 Potential of Rural Photovoltaic Electrification
Improved Service Rural Employment Productivity of Rural Citizens Productivity of Rural Energy Sector Technical Advancement, New Economies The Least Cost Service to Rural People ... but it is not available for free !

13 Barriers Participants are not Aware NGOs Institutional Impediments
Says who: NGOs Aid Agencies Politicians Banks Universities Participants are not Aware Institutional Impediments People Cannot Afford No Financing Available No Technical Adaptation

14 Lessons Learned Objective Site Appraisal Consistent Information
Swift, Strict Implementation Enforcement of Regulations Regular Monitoring

15 Interventions Workshops Conferences Long-Term Training Individual
Business Management, Marketing, Technology, Quality, Tenders Conferences Policy Development, Financing, Standards, Exhibitions Long-Term Training Courses Wind Energy / Solar Energy Project Manager Individual RET-Promotion, Press Briefing, Business Tours Private Public Partnerships Clean Development Mechanism The interventions of InWent are always matched to the particular requirements of the country and the local stakeholders. Consultative workshops aim to reflect the local demand profile as closely as possible. A variety of tools, from local to regional workshops and conferences, to individual promotion support etc. exist as a base for the most appropriate form of such a training cooperation. Entrepreneurs investing in RET related training receive co-financing and support under a Public-Private Partnership scheme, and on even larger scale international financing is available for Co2 mitigation projects under a CDM scheme.

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