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To English Translations

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Präsentation zum Thema: "To English Translations"—  Präsentation transkript:


2 To English Translations
German To English Translations

3 to German Translations
English to German Translations

4 Was ist das denn?

5 Grammatik

6 Ein bisschen von alles

7 Jeopardy E->G Translations Was ist das denn? Ein bisschen von alles G->E Translations Grammatik 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

8 I-100 Was ist Der Kakao auf Englisch? Game board Answer .

9 I-200 Was ist Der Pausenbrot auf Englisch? Answer Game board .

10 I-300 Was ist Die Sojasprossen auf Englisch? Game board Answer .

11 I-400 Was ist Ich bedaure mich auf Englisch? Game board Answer .

12 I-500 Was ist Sie sind alle auf Englisch? Game board Answer .

13 II-100 Was ist the margarine auf Deutsch? Game board Answer .

14 the strawberry marmelade
II-200 Was ist the strawberry marmelade Auf Deutsch? Game board Answer .

15 II-300 Was ist That’s not so bad auf Deutsch? Game board Answer .

16 II-400 Was ist Do you eat vegetarian? auf Deutsch? Game board Answer .

17 Not entirely!/ Not necessarily!
II-500 Was ist Not entirely!/ Not necessarily! auf Deutsch? Game board Answer .

18 Something that you can eat for lunch
III-100 Something that you can eat for lunch Game board Answer .

19 Something to drink, it’s sweet, and it’s brown.
III-200 Something to drink, it’s sweet, and it’s brown. Game board Answer .

20 III-300 Something little kids like to eat for dinner. Can be deep fried or baked. Game board Answer .

21 III-400 Something that is a soft spreadable cheese. It’s similar to yogurt and cream cheese. Game board Answer .

22 A breaded cutlet that can be made out of pork or veal.
III-500 A breaded cutlet that can be made out of pork or veal. Game board Answer .

23 IV-100 They are “DER” words which can be used to answer questions and to ask questions. Game board Answer .

24 Ich gehe ____ Abendessen (n) mit Opa. -Use the correct form of zu
IV-200 Ich gehe ____ Abendessen (n) mit Opa. -Use the correct form of zu Game board Answer .

25 IV-300 Which two prepostions when used to describe what is in a sandwich make the nouns after DATIVE? Game board Answer .

26 ________ Joghurt (m) schmeckt dir besser?
IV-400 ________ Joghurt (m) schmeckt dir besser? -Use the correct form of WELCH- Game board Answer .

27 Kann ich bitte ________
IV-500 Kann ich bitte ________ Äpfel haben? -Use the correct form of DIES- Game board Answer .

28 Germans tend to eat more healthy then Americans tend to eat.
V-100 Germans tend to eat more healthy then Americans tend to eat. True or False Game board Answer .

29 Describe a typical Lunch for a German family.
V-200 Describe a typical Lunch for a German family. Game board Answer .

30 V-300 What is the difference between “Schau Mal!” “Guck Mal!” and “Sieh Mal!”? Game board Answer .

31 Gefallen and Schmecken are what type of verbs. What does that mean?
Partial Credit is available for partial correct answers. Game board Answer .

32 V-500 What might happen if you are in a small German town and you wish to go shopping around lunch time? Game board Answer .

33 I-100 A Chocolate Milk Game board

34 A sandwich for a class break.
I-200 A A sandwich for a class break. Game board

35 I-300 A Bean Sprouts Game board

36 I-400 A I am sorry! Game board

37 I-500 A They are all gone. Game board

38 II-100 A Die Margarine Game board

39 II-200 A Die Erdbeermarmelade Game board

40 II-300 A Nicht so schlimm! Game board

41 II-400 A Isst du vegetarisch? Game board

42 II-500 A Nicht unbedingt! Game board

43 III-100 A Das Sandwich Game board

44 III-200 A Der Kakao Game board

45 III-300 A Die Fischstäbchen Game board

46 III-400 A der Quark Game board

47 III-500 A Das Schnitzel Game board

48 IV-100 A Dies- Welch- Game board

49 IV-200 A zum Game board

50 IV-300 A In Auf Game board

51 IV-400 A Welchen Game board

52 IV-500 A Diese Game board

53 V-100 A True Game board

54 Several Answers are correct.
V-200 A Several Answers are correct. Game board

55 V-300 A Each saying means “Look!’ and are different depending on which region of Germany you are in. Game board

56 When used the noun you are talking about is in the Dative form.
V-400 A They are Dative Verbs When used the noun you are talking about is in the Dative form. Game board

57 V-500 A You might run into the fact that many of the stores are closed for a couple of hours so that the workers can go to lunch with their family. Game board

58 Final Jeopardy Sentence Translation

59 Answer the following Questions into German:
Was schmeckt euch am besten? Spaghetti oder Rindersteak More than one answer would be correct

60 Spaghetti schmeckt uns am besten. Rindersteak schmeckt uns am besten.
Your options are: Spaghetti schmeckt uns am besten. Rindersteak schmeckt uns am besten.

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