Theorie U: Von der Zukunft her führen Identitäten: “Ich bin..., Ihr seid...” 9-11- Mai, 2008, Würzburg C. Otto Scharmer MIT Presencing Institute.


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 Präsentation transkript:

Theorie U: Von der Zukunft her führen Identitäten: “Ich bin..., Ihr seid...” 9-11- Mai, 2008, Würzburg C. Otto Scharmer MIT Presencing Institute What I would like to do is to share some work in progress. Three streams of experience

Two Sources of Learning, Two Learning Cycles A. Learning by reflecting on the experiences of the past act - observe - reflect - plan - act B. Learning from the future as it emerges (presencing) © 2005 C.O. Scharmer © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

Der blinde Fleck von Führung Was Wie Quelle: der Ort aus dem wir handeln Leere Leinwand Prozess des Malens Fertiggestelltes Bild

The Blind Spot of Leadership “The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor.” The Blind Spot of Leadership William O’Brien, former CEO of the Hanover Insurance Company

Downloading runterladen Performing In die Welt bringen Access Your... Downloading runterladen Performing In die Welt bringen innehalten Open Mind Seeing hinschauen umwenden Open Heart Sensing hinspüren Open Will loslassen Presencing anwesend werden Who is my Self? What is my Work? © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

Individual: Group: Organization: System: Field Structure Of Attention Perception Group: Conversation Organization: Structure System: Coordination Listening 1: Downloading habits of thought Downloading: Talking nice, politeness rule-reenacting Centralized: Machine bureaucracy Hierarchy: Central plan I-in-me Listening 2: Factual, object-focused Debate: Talking tough rule-revealing Decentralized: divisionalized Market: competition I-in-it Listening 3: Empathic listening Dialogue inquiry rule-reflecting Networked relational Dialogue: (mutual adjustment) I-in-thou Listening 4: Generative listening Presencing: Collective creativity, flow rule-generating Ecosystem Ba Collective Presence: Acting from the emerging Whole I-in-now © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

Downloading runterladen Performing In die Welt bringen innehalten Seeing hinschauen umwenden Sensing hinspüren loslassen Presencing anwesend werden © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

Downloading runterladen Performing In die Welt bringen innehalten verkörpern Open Mind Seeing hinschauen Prototyping erproben VoJ umwenden Open Heart hervorbringen VoC Sensing hinspüren Crystallizing verdichten Open Will loslassen entstehen lassen VoF Presencing anwesend werden Who is my Self? What is my Work? © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

U-PROCESS: 1 PROCESS, 5 STAGES 1. Co-initiating: uncover common intent stop and listen to others and to what life calls you to do 5. Co-evolving: embody the new in ecosystems that facilitate acting from the whole 2. Co-sensing: observe, observe, observe connect with divers people and places to sense the system from the whole 4. Co-creating: prototype the new in living examples to explore the future by doing 3. Presencing: connect to the source of inspiration and will go to the place of silence and allow the inner knowing to emerge © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

5. Gemeinsame Gestaltung: Umsetzung des Neuen, so dass Handeln und Wahrnehmung vom Ganzen her möglich wird 1. Gemeinsame Intentionsbildung: Den gemeinsamen Grund entdecken und freilegen VOJ 4. Gemeinsames Experimentieren: Entwickele Prototypen von Beispielen des Neuen, um die Zukunft im Tun zu erkunden 2. Gemeinsame Wahrnehmung: „Hinschauen, hinschauen, hinschauen“-- gehe zu den Orten und Menschen, die für deine Situation wichtig sind und höre mit offenem Denken und Herzen zu. VOC VOF Gemeinsame Willensbildung: Geh zu einem Ort der Stille und lass das innere Wissen entstehen (Presencing). © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

Field Listening1: Downloading I-in-me Listening 2: Factual I-in-it Field- Structure Of Attention Field Downloading habits of thought reconfirming old opinions, judgments Listening1: Downloading I-in-me Attending from an open mind noticing disconfirming or new data Listening 2: Factual I-in-it Listening 3: Empathic Attending from an open heart seeing the world through the eyes of another I-in-you Attending from source seeing from emerging future possibilities Listening 4: Generative I-in-now © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

Dialogue: Reflective inquiry Field- Structure Of Attention Field Speaking from what they want to hear Polite routines, empty phrases Autistic system (not saying what you think) 1 Downloading: Talking nice I-in-me Speaking from what I think Divergent views: I am my point of view Adaptive system (say what you think) 2 Debate: Talking tough I-in-it 3 Dialogue: Reflective inquiry Speaking from seeing myself as part of the whole From defending to inquiry into viewpoints Self-reflective system (reflect on your part) I-in-you Speaking from what is moving through Stilness, collective creativity, flow Generative system (identity shift: authentic self) 4 Presencing: Generative flow I-in-now © 2007 C.O. Scharmer

Literature: Scharmer, C. O. (2007). Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges Cambridge, MA: SoL Press. Scharmer, C.O. 2001. Self-transcending knowledge: Sensing and Organizing Around Emerging Opportunities. In: Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 5, no. 2: 137–150. Senge, P., C. O. Scharmer, J. Jaworski, and B. S. Flowers. (2004). Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future, Cambridge, MA: SoL Press.,