Bischof von Myra, sein Leben gefeiert am 6. Dezember


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 Präsentation transkript:

Bischof von Myra, sein Leben gefeiert am 6. Dezember Sankt Nikolaus Bischof von Myra, sein Leben gefeiert am 6. Dezember

Was passiert heute abend in Deutschland? Tonight in many countries across Catholic Europe, millions of children will place their shoes outside their doors, sometimes filled with hay for St. Nicholas's horse or donkey and waiting for small gifts and sometimes fruit in return. Naughty children will worry that they will find a bundle of birch switches, reminding them to be better in the next year!

Und in Österreich? In Austria, St. Nicholas arrives wearing red episcopal robes and accompanied by a scary devil figure named Krampus.  Krampus, dressed in heavy and matted furs, scares the children and threatens beatings if they have been bad.

Krampus kommt! In the Alpine regions the Krampus is represented by an incubus in company of Santa Claus. Traditionally, young men dress up as the Krampus in the first two weeks of December, particularly in the evening of December 5, and roam the streets frightening children (and adults) with rusty chains and bells.

The word Krampus originates from the Old High German word for claw (Krampen).

Krampus – Doppelgänger! St. Nicholas never lets Krampus harm anyone. In some areas, though, hooligans dressed as Krampus do cause distressing havoc. When children promise to be good and study hard, St. Nicholas rewards them with a treat. He may come by himself or with angel helpers.

Wie sieht Sankt Nikolaus aus? St. Nicholas (or Nicolo or Niklaus) is dressed as a bishop with flowing robes and a miter. He carries a big book and a bishop's crozier. During the year angels, who sometimes come with him, write children's good and bad deeds in this book.

Knecht Ruprecht? Ruprecht or Knecht Ruprecht is St. Nicholas' most familiar attendant in Germany. He is a servant and helper whose face is sooty from going down chimneys leaving children's treats. He carries the sack of presents and a rod for disobedient children. "Just wait until Ruprecht comes" is still a common threat in German homes.

Woher diese Informationen? Von der folgenden Website: Sehr interessant!

Traditionen sind verschieden. Zum Beispiel, in den Niederlanden eine Figur namens Sinterklaas reitet durch die Umgebung mit einem weißen Pferd, einem Schimmel. Er besucht die Leute in der Schule und bei ihnen zu Hause mit kleinen Geschenken.

Sinterklaas - Holland

Schmutzli Total braun, mit dickem braunem Haar, braunem Mantel, und einem dunklen Gesicht. In der Schweiz ist Schmutzli der Geselle von Sankt Nikolaus.

Children used to be told that Schmutzli would beat naughty children with the switch and carry them off in the sack to gobble them up in the woods. Today there is no more talk of beatings and kidnappings.

Aufgaben zum Nikolausfest You have a choice……… Create a stand up Sankt Nikolaus using the directions from our website: ODER……..

Krampus kommt mit Sankt Nikolaus! Choose one of the Coloring Sheets, print it out, and color it. Include an original Krampus-like figure in the picture. Follow the directions at the website.

Unsre Bescherung… Ein kleines interessantes Geschenk….. Von Zuhause! hübsch eingewickelt. Am Montag, Austausch mit einer Rede…….

Eine Rede . . . . „Dieses Geschenk ist für Bobby. Ich weiß, er hört gern CDs, so gebe ich ihm eine CD von Mozart. Alles Gute zum Nikolaustag!”.