

Ähnliche Präsentationen

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 4: Die Schule Frau Spampinato Describing Class Activities Describing Class Activities.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Fächer Welche Fächer hast du?.
Alles für die Schule Kapitel
The Clothes – Die Kleidung LO: Name clothes in German SC 1.I can play das Kartenspiel and give ‘Lob’ to support my partner 2.I can ask and answer questions.
Colours 2 with Flags LO: Talk about Flags and their colours SC 1. I can play das Kartenspiel and give ‘Lob’ to support my partner 2. I can say what colour.
LO: Name the parts of the body in German
The Clothes – Die Kleidung LO: Create sentences about clothes in German SC 1.I can play der Kartentausch und give ‘Lob’ to my partner 2.I can ask and.
Talking about your school subjects
The breakfast – Das Frühstück LO: Identify breakfast food and drink SC I know the German for many breakfast items and say if.
The fruit – Das Obst LO: Name and describe fruit SC I know the German word for 7 fruits I can ask and answer questions about.
The animal/s – Das Tier/ Die Tiere LO: Name and describe animals SC I know the German word for 10 animals I can describe the.
Numbers 1 and Time LO: Count to 12 and tell the time SC I can count to 12 in German I can count back and forwards to 12 with.

Die Schule.
Phone 1 – Das Telefon 1 LO: Speak on the phone in German SC I can recall vocabulary that I can use on the phone I know that some.
Phone 2 – Das Telefon 2 LO: Speak on the phone in German SC I can have a conversation on the phone in German I know that different.
Weekdays 2 with Activities LO: Say what I do on some days of the week SC I can say the days of the week in German I can listen.

Book 1 Letters and Sounds LO: Read German letters and sounds SC I can say the alphabet in German I can spell my name in German.
The school 1 – die Schule 1 LO: Talk about school subjects SC I can name school subjects I can work in a team playing German.

The 15th of February Den 15. Februar.

Mein idealer Stundenplan.

© Goethe-Institut London 2017


Der Kalender L3 GERMAN PRIMARY 5.

Einheit 2 - Ausbildung Meine Schulfächer.
Wortschatz Hier ist Alex' und Sinas Stundenplan
Kapitel 4-Stufe 1 Talking about class schedules
Kapitel 4-Stufe 1 Wortschatz-Deutsch R.
Die Schule Mein Stundenplan.
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Deutsch ist toll! Lernziele:
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 Präsentation transkript:


LO: Make and talk about my timetable The school 2 – die Schule 2 LO: Make and talk about my timetable SC I can name the school subjects I can say the days of the week I can create a timetable in German I can talk about when I have certain subjects

Das Kartenspiel Yes, correct No, incorrect Good Super Excellent Fantastic Brilliant Wonderful Great Tremendous/super/great Ja, Richtig Nein, Falsch Gut Super Ausgezeichnet Fantastisch Brilliant Wunderbar Großartig Prima

The school subject – das Schulfach Maths German Science English PE Music Art RE D.T. ICT Geography History Mathe Deutsch Sachkunde Englisch Sport Musik Kunst Religion Werken IKT Geografie Geschichte

Bonus Words The school – die Schule The break The lesson The homework The lunchtime The assembly (The) Reading Short/Shorter than Long/Longer than Early/Earlier than Late/Later than die Pause die Schulstunde/Stunde die Hausaufgaben die Mittagspause/ die Mittagszeit die Versammlung (das) Lesen kurz/kürzer als Lang/länger als Früh/früher als Spät/später als Bonus Words

Secret Signal Werken IKT Geschichte Sachkunde Mathe Hausaufgaben Pause

My timetable – Mein Stundenplan Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag 1 Englisch 2 die Pause 3 Mathe 4 die Versammlung 5 die Mittagspause 6 Deutsch 7 Music 8

My timetable – Mein Stundenplan On Monday On Tuesday On Wednesday in the first hour (lesson) is … in the second hour is … in the third hour is … in the fourth hour is .. I have in the fifth hour … I have in the sixth hour … I have in the seventh hour … Am Montag Am Dienstag Am Mittwoch in der ersten Stunde ist … in der zweiten Stunde ist ... in der dritten Stunde ist … in der vierten Stunde ist … Ich habe in der fünften Stunde … Ich habe in der sechten Stunde … Ich habe in der siebten Stunde …

School subject within a sentence Hangman School subject within a sentence

A school day in Germany Ein Schultag in Deutschland BBC Learning Zone: The school day in Germany UK German Connection: Voyage kids (A school day in Germany)

LO: Make and talk about my timetable The school 2 – die Schule 2 LO: Make and talk about my timetable SC I can name the school subjects I can say the days of the week I can create a timetable in German I can talk about when I have certain subjects