
Ähnliche Präsentationen
Die deutsche Satzstellung

The Perfect tense Give an example of a perfect tense sentence in English: I went to bed / I ate breakfast. In English we use one word – went / ate etc.
Das Perfekt In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
PERFEKT 2 Starke Verben! (Conversational Past)
Present Perfect – Strong and Mixed Verbs
Haben – to have ich habe du hast er/sie hat es hat man hat wir haben
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Verbs that take ‘SEIN’ instead of ‘HABEN’
You use the Perfect Tense to talk about things that happened in the PAST.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
GERMAN 1023 present perfect tense.
The perfect tense.
Berfau syn cymryd sein Verbs that take sein Maer berfau canlynol yn cymryd sein ac nid haben wrth ffurfior amser perffaith. The following verbs take sein.
Wohin bist du gegangen?.
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Trouble with Time Travel Part 2b 2b = to be = sein.
Das Perfekt – past tense In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
Present Perfect – Strong and Mixed Verbs German 2.
Present Perfect Tense Conversational Past.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
The Common Past Forms of sein (to be), haben (to have) & wissen (to know [as a fact]) (Prof. Engel-Doyle, Version vom 2. April 2009)
Last lesson we looked at how to form the different tenses. Can you remember the pattern for the verbs? Kannst du die richtigen Verben finden? ich _______oft.
The perfect tense Vital for a good grade!!. There are 2 parts to the perfect tense 1)The correct part of haben (or sein) 2) + the past participle.
The Future Tense (Die Zukunft) In order to form the future tense, two parts are needed: 1. the verb werden 2. the verb you will be doing, in the infinitive.
Present and past tense German 2. Basic present tense.
Berfau sy’n cymryd ‘sein’ Verbs that take ‘sein’ Mae’r berfau canlynol yn cymryd ‘sein’ ac nid ‘haben’ wrth ffurfio’r amser perffaith. The following verbs.
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TENSES There are six tenses in English + German present tense: I sing. Ich singe. simple past: I sang. Ich sang. present perfect: I have sung. Ich habe.
The „Perfekt“ tense The German „Perfekt“ tense is a past tense that is similar to the English present perfect. For weak German verbs the rule for forming.
© 2015 AQA. Created by Teachit for AQA In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to talk about what you have done in the past. In German it is.
Imperfekt (Simple Past) Irregular or strong verbs
Übung Macht den Meister! (Practice Makes Perfect!)
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The Present Tense In German There Are Two Main Types of Verbs Weak Strong and.
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Die Vergangenheit Das Perfekt unregelmäßige Verben.
Das Perfekt In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
The FUTURE to boldly go where no man has boldly gone before!
ich stem +e du stem +st er/es/sie stem +t wir stem +en ihr stem +t
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Jetzt machen Venues aufmachen!!! Geh zu
Was hast du gemacht? What did you do?
The Perfect Tense in German
Wohin bist du gegangen? Where did you go?
The Perfect Tense with ‘sein’
Was hast du gemacht? What did you do?
Verbs that take ‘SEIN’ instead of ‘HABEN’
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The Conversational Past
The Conversational Past
The pluperfect tense in German
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The Past Tense (Part 2) IRREGULAR VERBS.
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School supplies.
What is CONJUGATION? When one makes the subject and verb agree.
 Präsentation transkript:


Remember – To make the Past Tense you need two things. 1) the correct part of the verb ‘haben’ – (to have) or ‘sein’ – (to be) 2) a ‘past participle’

How do we know whether to use habe or bin? Remember! Most verbs use hat. A small group use ist and they are almost all to do with MOVING from Point A -> B.

Examples of some common ‘sein’ verbs gehen (to go) gegangen fahren (to travel) gefahren laufen (to run) gelaufen kommen (to come) gekommen fliegen (to fly) geflogen

1. seid ihr 2. haben 3. Es hat 4. Anna hat 5. sind 6. haben 7 1. seid ihr 2. haben 3. Es hat 4. Anna hat 5. sind 6. haben 7. hast du 8. sind Sie 9. hast du 10. Wir sind

Unfortunately almost all the past participles we use with sein are irregular. So we have to just learn them as we’re going along. First let’s revise the verb ‘sein.’

SEIN ich bin I am du bist You (friendly) are er/sie/es ist He/she/it is ihr seid You (plural) are wir sind We are Sie sind You (polite) are sie sind They are

Perhaps the most common verb we will use is the past tense of gehen (to go), which is gegangen. Let’s start with that.

Ich bin ins Kino gegangen Ich bin in die Stadt gegangen Ich bin einkaufen gegangen Ich bin schwimmen gegangen

we she we you (pol) he wir sind in die Disko gegangen HELP! Ich bin du bist er/sie ist wir sind ihr seid sie sind Sie sind wir sind in die Disko gegangen sie ist in die Stadt gegangen wir sind ins Kino gegangen Sie sind schwimmen gegangen er ist einkaufen gegangen

Now some other examples.

fahren (to travel) gefahren wir sind nach Deutschland gefahren

kommen (to come) gekommen ich bin mit dem Fahrrad gekommen.

fliegen (to fly) geflogen sie sind nach Spanien geflogen.

laufen (to run) gelaufen sie ist im Park gelaufen.

bleiben (to stay) geblieben ich bin in einem Hotel geblieben

What was odd about that last one What was odd about that last one? Did you notice anything that broke the pattern for sein? bleiben (to stay) is NOTHING TO DO WITH MOVING!!!!! Don’t you just love Deutsch?