Saturday, 5th November 7 pm til midnight


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 Präsentation transkript:

Saturday, 5th November 7 pm til midnight text German refreshments on tap German-style food Brezn (Pretzel), Schnitzel, Brathändl (roasted chicken), sausages, Sauerkraut, Kartoffelsalat, (potato salad) Apfelstrudel (appel pie), Schwarzwälder (Black Forrest)… Vegetarian options available Oktoberfest music with the “Münchner Spitzbuam”, all the way from Bavaria. Expect to hear Bierzelt classics ! Dress up if you wish! FIRST TIME AT RAHRC Die Münchner Spitzbuam Refreshments Sauerkraut Saturday, 5th November 7 pm til midnight Brathändl RAHRC, Sohar Garden Schnitzel OMR 15/- Members OMR 17/- Non Members Age 21 and above