Tenses Grade C + ??????? To get a C, you need to use at least present, past and future tenses CORRECTLY!!


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Simple Past Tense. sehen sah to see antworten antwortete to answer.
2 Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS 2004 Ihr habt noch Minute ©CAS
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Verb Conjugation In German you need to be able to conjugate a verb in the present tense. It is important not only to use correct speech but depending.
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Was habe ich gestern gemacht?
Separable Verbs There is a group of verbs in German called separable verbs = trennbare Verben.
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
die Zeiten (The Tenses) das Aktiv (Active Voice)
Lernziele To revise how to use the past tense To use the past tense to talk about what other people have done.
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The future tense in German, is made with ‘werden’ and a verb.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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Change the sentences from the present to the present perfect tense.
Das Perfekt Present Perfect Tense. By Sarah & Rose.
Look at the sentences and decide if they are in the Present Tense (PR), Past Tense (PA), Future Tense (F) or Conditional Tense (C) (would). Click and you.
Ich esse Ich habe gegessen
Das Perfekt – past tense In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
Klassenfahrt Objektiv; To use past, present and future tenses together MUST be able to use a variety of tenses at the same time SHOULD be able to understand.
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To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
hätten wären wäre hätte wärest hättest hätte wäre hätten wären hättet
The perfect tense Vital for a good grade!!. There are 2 parts to the perfect tense 1)The correct part of haben (or sein) 2) + the past participle.
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To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
Deutsch Zwei Guten Tag! O Heute ist Montag! O Das Ziel: You will: report past events using the conversational past tense O talk.
to form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
TENSES There are six tenses in English + German present tense: I sing. Ich singe. simple past: I sang. Ich sang. present perfect: I have sung. Ich habe.
Present Perfect The present perfect is built with the auxiliary verb “haben” or “sein” and the past participle (gemacht, gefahren). “haben” is the rule.
To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
© 2015 AQA. Created by Teachit for AQA In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to talk about what you have done in the past. In German it is.
TENSES There are six tenses in English + German
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The Present Tense In German There Are Two Main Types of Verbs Weak Strong and.
Was hast du gemacht? Objektiv; To use the perfect tense
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THINK “HAMBURGERS” YUM YUM… There are ALWAYS at least 3 parts:
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Jetzt machen Venues aufmachen!!! Geh zu
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
Jetzt machen Venues aufmachen!!! Geh zu
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
I use this as a starter, often at the start of a revision lesson at the end of a topic . Students work in pairs. Give each pair a copy of the blank grid.
Learning Objective Be able to revisit key phrases for daily routine in present tense and change into future & perfect tenses.
TENSES There are six tenses in English + German
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
Annalieses Tagesablauf
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
The Conversational Past
Datum: _________________
 Präsentation transkript:

Tenses Grade C + ??????? To get a C, you need to use at least present, past and future tenses CORRECTLY!!

PR: Ich spiele TMP Ich mache TMP Ich gehe TMP PA:Ich habe TMP gespielt. Ich habe TMP gemacht. Ich bin TMP gegangen. FU:Ich werde TMPspielen Ich werde TMPmachen Ich werde TMPgehen

PR: Ich + essen = Ich + trinken = Ich + fahren = PA: FU:

Mit einem Partner: Findet mindestens 3 verben, die immer in Prüfungen gesagt werden können. Stellen sie in PR, PA, FU (extra: IM, CO) Ihr habt 5 Minuten.

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Sprechen: Man muss die Phrasen für jedes Antwort geben. Ihr habt 10 Minuten.

10 Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS 2004

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Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

Ihr habt nur Minute ©CAS

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Fragen?????? Denkt an 3 Fragen mit Sie, die immer in Prüfungen gesagt werden können. z. B. Was denken Sie an…? PR PA FU Extra: IM CO

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Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

Ihr habt nur Minute ©CAS

Ihr habt nur Minute ©CAS

Sprechen: Man muss die Phrasen für jedes Antwort geben und eine Frage in PR, PA und FU sagen. Ihr habt 10 Minuten.

10 Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS 2004

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Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

Ihr habt noch Minuten ©CAS

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