Am zweiundzwanzigsten Dezember...


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Objectives: To be able to construct Present and Perfect tense sentences using the correct TMP order. ………where you went on holiday? …………………how you got there?
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Das Perfekt In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
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+ Deutsch 3 B Stunde. + Donnerstag, der 11. Oktober 2012 Deutsch 3 (B Stunde) Heute ist ein F – Tag! Unit: Objectives: Phrases about.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Talking about activities in the past
GERMAN 1023 present perfect tense.
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Guten Morgen !.
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Guten Morgen !.
Change the sentences from the present to the present perfect tense.
Ankunft in Köln By the end of today’s lesson you will have revised the past tense. You will be able to understand what people have done during their train.
Look at the sentences and decide if they are in the Present Tense (PR), Past Tense (PA), Future Tense (F) or Conditional Tense (C) (would). Click and you.
Freitag: LZ: Imperfect 1.QUIZ Morgen!!! 2.LT: Express surprise, disappointment and annoyance 3.Hören: Schüler über Amerika.
Heute ist Dienstag, der 23. Oktober 2007
Das Perfekt – past tense In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
GERN ODER LIEBER? Was machen diese Personen gern? Was machen sie lieber? Write a sentence for each, stating that the person likes the first verb, but prefers.
Guten Morgen !.
Last lesson we looked at how to form the different tenses. Can you remember the pattern for the verbs? Kannst du die richtigen Verben finden? ich _______oft.
GERM 1023 Kapitel 8 3 present perfect exercises. Am Samstag bin ich um halb neun aufgestanden.
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To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
GERMAN 1023 Kapitel Sechs 6 review + practise. Change this text from present tense into present perfect tense Vier Tage vor Weihnachten brauche ich noch.
GERMAN 1023 Kapitel Sechs 2 perfect tense / past participle.
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R EVIEW F INAL E XAM GERM 1023 ~ Winter Term 2009.
Was hat Li Ting zu Weihnachten gemacht?. *Am zweiundzwanzigsten Dezember hat Li Ting Weihnachtskarten und s geschrieben. *Am dreiundzwanzigsten.
to form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
Present Perfect The present perfect is built with the auxiliary verb “haben” or “sein” and the past participle (gemacht, gefahren). “haben” is the rule.
To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
Perfect tense review + practise
Kannst du morgen zu meiner Party kommen?
Guten Morgen! Heute ist Freitag, der 2. Dezember 2005.
© 2015 AQA. Created by Teachit for AQA In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to talk about what you have done in the past. In German it is.
Heute ist Montag Der 2. November 2015 Lernziel: Conversational Past Tense.
Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)
Kapitel 11 Lektion A - Verkehrsmittel
Deutsch 3 Frau Snell. Unsere Ziele: use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past  Tagesordnung  Wir beginnen!  Was habt ihr letzte.
Angelina Jolie Ein Tag von Angelina Jolie Uhr Angeline steht auf und geht ins Badezimmer, um eine Dusche zu nehmen.
Das Perfekt In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
The perfect tense (haben)
Listening: You will hear a recording twice. (Bausteine für Gespräche 1) Fill in the blanks to create answers with complete sentences in German.
Perfect tense review + practise
die Zukunft – the Future
Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Talk about previous holidays - Use the perfect tense for travel.
Susanne studiert ein Jahr lang in Kanada
Learning Objective Be able to revisit key phrases for daily routine in present tense and change into future & perfect tenses.
Deutsch I Kapitel 3: Hobbys Frau Spampinato
TENSES There are six tenses in English + German
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
Bekommst du Taschengeld?
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
Talking about activities in the past (2)
Alltagsroutine – Present Tense
 Präsentation transkript:

Am zweiundzwanzigsten Dezember... Li Ting ist zu Weihnachten in Kanada geblieben. Was hat sie gemacht? Describe what Ting did during the Christmas holidays using the information below. Form complete sentences in the Present Perfect Tense. 22. Dezember 23. Dezember 24. Dezember 25. Dezember 26. Dezember Weihnachtskarten und E-mails schreiben einkaufen / abends: Kino mit Tom 16Uhr zum Flughafen fahren : Krista kommt Weihnachtsessen kochen / 18Uhr Freunde kommen / zusammen essen lang schlafen / mit Eltern in China telefonieren Am zweiundzwanzigsten Dezember...