

Ähnliche Präsentationen
How many German words can you find? List them.

Die Schule Kapitel 4 (s ).
Deutsch 1 Review for Chapter 4 Deutsch 1 Review for Chapter 4.
©2013 GermanTeacherResources.com
Was ist dein Lieblingsfach?
ROLE-PLAY OVERLAP You are talking about your school For help with the vocab, click herehere Say its because its interesting Weil es interessant ist.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Speaking Test Practice
Hallo - hi Guten Tag - hello Au revoir Auf Wiedersehen / Tschüs – bye
Q: Wer will die Zeit stoppen?
©2014 GermanTeacherResources.com
Die Fächer Objektiv; To talk about what you study MUST be able to say what you study SHOULD be able to give opinions on the subjects you study COULD use.
Deutsch Eins Guten Morgen! Heute ist Donnerstag! Das Ziel: You will ask/answer questions about yourself and others – You will conjugate.
The Clothes – Die Kleidung LO: Name clothes in German SC 1.I can play das Kartenspiel and give ‘Lob’ to support my partner 2.I can ask and answer questions.
Colours 2 with Flags LO: Talk about Flags and their colours SC 1. I can play das Kartenspiel and give ‘Lob’ to support my partner 2. I can say what colour.
LO: Name the parts of the body in German
The Clothes – Die Kleidung LO: Create sentences about clothes in German SC 1.I can play der Kartentausch und give ‘Lob’ to my partner 2.I can ask and.
The breakfast – Das Frühstück LO: Identify breakfast food and drink SC I know the German for many breakfast items and say if.
The fruit – Das Obst LO: Name and describe fruit SC I know the German word for 7 fruits I can ask and answer questions about.
The colours – Die Farben LO: Know the colours in German SC I can point to something when told a colour in German I can say ‘that is’ or ‘that is not’
The animal/s – Das Tier/ Die Tiere LO: Name and describe animals SC I know the German word for 10 animals I can describe the.
Numbers 1 and Time LO: Count to 12 and tell the time SC I can count to 12 in German I can count back and forwards to 12 with.
Was machst du am Sonnabend?. Objectives Kapitel 3 Vokabeln: – –What you LIKE to do – –Common Activities in Germany – –Discuss popular styles of “Musik”

Die Schule.
Phone 1 – Das Telefon 1 LO: Speak on the phone in German SC I can recall vocabulary that I can use on the phone I know that some.
Phone 2 – Das Telefon 2 LO: Speak on the phone in German SC I can have a conversation on the phone in German I know that different.

Book 1 Letters and Sounds LO: Read German letters and sounds SC I can say the alphabet in German I can spell my name in German.
The school 1 – die Schule 1 LO: Talk about school subjects SC I can name school subjects I can work in a team playing German.

Einheit 2 - Ausbildung Meine Schulfächer.
Kapitel 4-Stufe 1 Talking about class schedules
Kapitel 4-Stufe 1 Wortschatz-Deutsch R.
Die Schule Mein Stundenplan.

Deutsch ist toll! Lernziele:
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 Präsentation transkript:


LO: Talk about school subjects The school 1 – die Schule 1 LO: Talk about school subjects SC I can name school subjects I can work in a team playing German card games I can say what my favourite subject is and what subjects I like and don’t like I know some facts about life in a German school

Das Kartenspiel Yes, correct No, incorrect Good Super Excellent Fantastic Brilliant Wonderful Great Tremendous/super/great Ja, Richtig Nein, Falsch Gut Super Ausgezeichnet Fantastisch Brilliant Wunderbar Großartig Prima

The school subject – das Schulfach Maths German Science English PE Music Art RE D.T. ICT Geography History Mathe Deutsch Sachkunde Englisch Sport Musik Kunst Religion Werken IKT Geografie Geschichte

The school – die Schule What is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is? What subject do you like? What subject don’t you like? I like … I don’t like … The break The lesson The homework Was ist dein Lieblingsfach? Mein Lieblingsfach ist … Welche Fach magst du? Welche Fach magst du nicht? Ich mag … Ich mag … nicht die Pause die Schulstunde/Stunde die Hausaufgaben

Which card do I have? Welche Karte habe ich? Do you have … ? Hast du … Do you have the … card? Hast du die … Karte?

Remember the order Reihenfolge merken


Geografie Englisch Religion Geschichte Hausaufgaben Kunst

Mathe Sachkunde Geografie Kunst Geschichte Hausaufgaben

Mathe Englisch Religion Hausaufgaben Sachkunde Kunst werken

Match the cards up

Match the cards up 2

A school day in Germany Ein Schultag in Deutschland BBC Learning Zone: The school day in Germany UK German Connection: Voyage kids (A school day in Germany)

LO: Talk about school subjects The school 1 – die Schule 1 LO: Talk about school subjects SC I can name school subjects I can work in a team playing German card games I can say what my favourite subject is and what subjects I like and don’t like I know some facts about life in a German school