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Old MacDonald had a farm

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Präsentation zum Thema: "Old MacDonald had a farm"—  Präsentation transkript:

1 Old MacDonald had a farm
German Accompanied with media clips links for singing-along with the music: GERMAN:


3 Onkel Jörg hat einen Bauernhof, Hia, hia, ho!
Und da laufen viele Schafe rum – hiahiahoh. Es macht mäh-mäh hier Es macht mäh-mäh da mäh-mäh hier und mäh-mäh da – mäh-mäh überall, jaja! Und da laufen viele Ziegen rum – hiahiahoh. Es macht meck-meck hier Es macht meck-meck da meck-meck hier und meck-meck da – meck-meck überall, jaja! Onkel Jörg hat einen Bauernhof, Hia, hia, ho! Und da laufen viele Hühner rum – hiahiahoh. Es macht bok bok hier, es macht bok bok da, bok bok hier, bok bok da, bok bok überall, jaja! Und da laufen viele Schweine rum – hiahiahoh Es macht grunz-grunz hier Es macht grunz-grunz da grunz-grunz hier, grunz-grunz da, grunz, grunz überall, jaja! This link has alternative words but would give an idea – will try to Go animate this song

4 German - English Translation
Old MacDonald has a farm, I-A-I-A-O And many chickens run around there - I-A-I-A-O With a cluck here, a cluck there, Here a cluck, there a cluck cluck-clucks everywhere, yes yes! Old MacDonald has a farm, I-A-I-A-O And many pigs run around there - I-A-I-A-O With an oink here, an oink there, Here an oink, there an oink Everywhere oink-oinks, yes yes! Old MacDonald has a farm, I-A-I-A-O And many sheep run around there – I-A-I-A-O With a cluck here, a cluck there, Here a cluck, there a cluck cluck-clucks everywhere, yes yes! Old MacDonald has a farm, I-A-I-A-O And many goats run around there - I-A-I-A-O With a meck-meck here, a meck-meck there, Here a meck meck, there a meck meck Everywhere meck-mecks, yes yes!

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