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KARAOKE-Type Presentations Exercises for a 2-Slides Presentation Entry (Convince or inform somebody)

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1 KARAOKE-Type Presentations Exercises for a 2-Slides Presentation Entry (Convince or inform somebody)

2 W. Runge 02/20092 What is the Overall Process? Design, Prepare, Deliver! Allow 10-15% of the time for questions The Formal Structure of a Presentation: –The Start (Introduction, Entry – Title Slide) –The Body (KISS – Keep it Simple, Stupid) –The End (Summary, Exit) The Process Structure, addressing the audience: –Tell them what you are going to tell them –Tell them –Tell them what you have told them

3 W. Runge 02/20093 Why is the Start so Important? Your introduction will get your speech off to a good start Grab attention – build tension (AIDA!) –A question is often a good start; analogies (What do these have in common?) –Tell the audience - what you will share with them; why they can win; –Use a statement with a catch word (growth) Bring the audience in line with you, the audience should be on the same wavelength

4 W. Runge 02/20094 A 10-Slides Presentation (10/20/30) 1.Company name, presenter name, contact information (Web) 2.Problem: the need and the market 3.Solution: offering and its key benefits 4.Business model and profitability 5.Technology and related processes/issues 6.Competition, intelligence and strategy 7.Marketing and sales plans 8.Leadership team and prior experience 9.Financial projections (summary) 10.Current status and funds required 3. 1. 2. Template

5 W. Runge 02/20095 Example 1 Nano-Tex, LLC Founded in 1998 (USA)

6 W. Runge 02/20096 The Problem … with Textiles Despite rapid changes in fashions, fabrics havent changed dramatically Textiles: an old industry; technologically, state-of-the-art is decades old Basic, widespread consumer problems remain unsolved, e.g. – Spills and stains, – Wrinkles, perspiration – Synthetic feel W. Runge 02/20096

7 7 What If …These Problems are Solved? In everyday fabrics Without compromising the look and feel of the fabric At a reasonable cost Cheaply enough to make these features broadly available – to consumers on a mass scale – around the world... through the use of proprietary technology W. Runge 02/20097

8 8 Das Problem … bei Textilien Trotz schnellen Wechsels in der Mode, haben sich die Stoffe nicht sehr verändert Textilien: eine alte Industrie; der Stand der Technik ist seit Dekaden der alte Fundamentale, weitverbreitete Probleme von Konsumenten sind weiter ungelöst, z.B. – Verschmutzungen und Flecken, – Falten, Schweiß – Anfühlen nach Kunststoff W. Runge 02/20098

9 9 9 Wie wäre es, wenn … diese Probleme gelöst sind? Für alltägliche Stoffe Ohne Kompromiß zwischen Aussehen und Anfühlen des Stoffes Zu vernünftigen Preisen Billig genug, um alle diese Merkmale breit zur Verfügung zu stellen – mit einem Massenangebot für Konsumenten – auf der ganzen Welt... mit einer proprietären Technologie W. Runge 02/20099

10 10 Example 2 Workshop Presentation: What Are Business Plan Specifics for New Technology-Based Firms? A business plan should ask and answer the tough questions!

11 W. Runge 02/200911 What Are We Talking About? New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) and/or Research-Based Startups (RBSUs)? Innovation? Invention (patents) to innovation? Science2Innovation?

12 W. Runge 02/200912 What Should We Talk About? Value Creation and Capture by Science and Technology (Technology for technical innovation and organizational innovation)

13 W. Runge 02/200913 Example 3 SOMS Technologies, Inc. (Spin-On Microfilter System) Founded in November 2006 (USA)

14 W. Runge 02/200914 Is It Worth to Deal with a Problem You Are All Familiar With? Routine car (vehicle) maintenance is repetitive, time consuming and expensive Most common is oil and oil filter change What if … you can use the same oil for ca. 30,000 miles rather than the common 3,000 – 5,000 miles?

15 W. Runge 02/200915 Whats the Solution? Through inefficient oil filters oil becomes dirty and requires changing The smallest particles (3-10 microns) create most friction and engine wear Remove small particles = Better engine protection, fuel efficiency and extended oil change interval (saving money) SOMS Technologies developed and offers a patented super-high efficiency engine lubricating oil filter! And its reducing CO2 emission!

16 W. Runge 02/200916 Example 4 Vitracom AG Founded in 2000 (DE)

17 W. Runge 02/200917 What Do These Have in Common? Tracking subjects (people; sports) or objects (automotive) against a structured background: how many (frequencies), how long Cars on a highway Customers with a retailer Security video surveillancePassers-by on a public place

18 W. Runge 02/200918 What about a Quantitative Marketing Tool? Using video-based tracking (video- basierte Objektver- folgung) For instance, peoples behaviors in supermarkets, big retail shops, shopping malls etc. Anywhere in the world Therefore, have a look at opportunities for just our main product: SiteView as multi- purpose video sensors for … (Besucherfrequenzmessung)

19 W. Runge 02/200919 Example 5 Quiet Revolution, Ltd. (Course Slide 4.19) Founded in 2005 (out of the firm CCO2 founded in 2000, an engineering and design studio providing low carbon solutions for the urban environment)

20 W. Runge 02/200920 CleanTech: Opportunities Driven by Societal Attitudes and Political Programs Is there still a big opportunity in the booming wind energy markets around the world? Change the perspectives: from well-known large industrial setups of (on-shore or off- shore) wind farms to urban standalone environments and private wind turbines! The problems? –Technology: blade size or obstacles in prevailing wind directions and wind power (turbulences) –Objections: turbines noise and visual impact –Cost/benefit: energy efficiency

21 W. Runge 02/200921 Quiet Revolutions Solutions Clients? Include major retailers, sports and leisure arenas, governmental departments, schools and universities; developers Concerning the size and noise: use a different type of windmill Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Concerning wind directions, turbulences and energy efficiency: VAWT produces 20-40% more energy than similar sized HAWT in turbulent (urban) environment

22 W. Runge 02/200922 CleanTech Gelegenheiten: gesellschaftliche Einstellungen und politische Programme Gibt es immer noch große Gelegenheiten in den weltweit boomenden Windenergiemärkten? Verändern Sie die Perspektiven: statt wohlbe- kannte große industrielle Anlagen der (on-shore oder off-shore) Windfarmen hin zu städtisch isolierten Umgebungen und privaten Windrädern! Was sind dabei die Probleme? –Technik: die Flügelgröße oder Beeinträchtigungen durch vorherrschende Windrichtungen und -stärke (Turbulenzen!) –Einwände: Rotorengeräusche und Anblick –Kosten/Nutzen: Energieeffizienz

23 W. Runge 02/200923 Quiet Revolutions Lösung Kunden? große Einzelhänd- ler, Sport- und Freizeit- arenen, staatliche Stellen, Schulen und Universitäten; Entwickler Bzgl. Dimension und Geräusche: Einsatz einer anderen Windmühle Vertikalachsen- Windrotor Horizontalachsen- Windrotor Bzgl. Windrichtungen, Turbulenzen und Energie- effizienz: VAWT produziert 20-40% mehr Energie als HAWT ähn- licher Größe in turbulenter (städtischer) Umgebung Quietrevolution Vertikalachsen- rotor (VAWT) nutzt Wind von allen Richtungen ohne jeweilige Anpassung Traditionelle HAWT müssen sich an die Windrichtung anpassen

24 W. Runge 02/200924 Example 6 ChemCon GmbH Founded 1999 (ex ChemCon GbR, active in chemical consulting since Jan 1997)

25 W. Runge 02/200925 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) – Still Room for Growth! There are myriads of startups and small firms active in APIs (many from China and India) – focusing on drugs for big pharma But, big pharmaceutical companies focus usually on diseases common for very large populations! Drugs for rare diseases do not receive proper attention; they are orphan drugs APIs are usually low-molecular weight organic compounds

26 W. Runge 02/200926 ChemCons Opportunities: Growth Constellation with APIs Special Offerings: Milli- and small scale API production for orphan drugs as well as bio-inorganic APIs (metals in life processes) – ChemCons global market leadership! Additionally, injectable APIs are targeted (higher level of microbiological regulation than other APIs!) Special customers: Orphan drug status (rare diseases) gives a manufacturer/customer financial incentives (e.g. in US tax reductions and marketing exclusivity)

27 W. Runge 02/200927 Pharmawirkstoffe (APIs) – Immer noch Raum für Wachstum! Für APIs gibt es unzählige Startups und kleine Firmen (viele aus China und Indien) – fokussiert auf Medikamente für Pharmagroß- unternehmen Aber, Pharmagroßunternehmen zielen meist aufübliche Krankheiten, die bei sehr großen Bevölkerungsgruppen verbreitet sind! Medikamente für seltene Krankheiten? Da gibt es wenig entsprechende Aufmerksamkeit; es sind verwaiste Medikamente (orphan drugs) APIs sind meist organische Verbindungen mit niedrigem Molekulargewicht

28 W. Runge 02/200928 ChemCon: Wachstumskonstellation mit APIs Spezielle Angebote: Im Bereich Kleinmengen-Pharmawirkstoffe (orphan drugs) als auch bio-anorganische Wirkstoffe (Metalle in Lebensprozessen) – ChemCon ist hier globaler Marktführer Außerdem werden auch injizierbare APIs in Angriff genommen (mit höherem Anspruch bezüg- lich gesetzlicher Regelungen als andere APIs!) Spezielle Kundschaft: Ein Orphan Drug Status (seltene Krankheiten) gibt Herstellern/Kunden finanzielle Anreize (z.B. in USA Steuererleichterung und Marktexklusivität)

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