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Foundation Tier Role Play 1 ‘Life at home’.

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Präsentation zum Thema: "Foundation Tier Role Play 1 ‘Life at home’."—  Präsentation transkript:

1 Foundation Tier Role Play 1 ‘Life at home’

2 You are talking to your German friend about life at home.
You will have to…. Say what you do at home in the evening. Say what time you go to bed. Say what you have for breakfast. Ask your friend if he/she likes croissants.

3 Say what you do at home in the evening.

4 1. Abends mache ich meine Hausaufgaben.

5 2. Say what time you go to bed.

6 2. Ich gehe um 9 Uhr ins Bett.

7 3. Say what you have for breakfast.

8 3. Zum Frühstück esse ich Getreide und trinke Tee.

9 4. Ask your friend if he /she likes rolls.

10 4. Isst du gern Brötchen?

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