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Phonetic symbols and how they describe German pronunciation Most Language dictionaries use phonetic symbols based on the International Phonetic Alphabet.

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Präsentation zum Thema: "Phonetic symbols and how they describe German pronunciation Most Language dictionaries use phonetic symbols based on the International Phonetic Alphabet."—  Präsentation transkript:

1 Phonetic symbols and how they describe German pronunciation Most Language dictionaries use phonetic symbols based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to describe the pronunciation of words or expressions. [ˈdɔytʃe ˈaʊsʃprɑ:xə]

2 1. Describing German vowels ɑ ɑ ɑ: ə ə ɛ ɛ Tante, Katze, das, dann Bahn, Vater, sagen, Plan Bett, nett, hätte, Test ɛ: e: Regen, sehen, lesen, stehen zählen, wählen, Realität, Erklärung Mutter, mache, Sprache, Sache ɑ ɑ ɑ: e: ɛ ɛ ɛ: ə ə

3 ɪ ɪ i: ɔ ɔ o: ø: ist, sitzt, Sinn, Milch spielen, viel, Biene, Liebe Post, Tochter, Hochzeit, kosten Boot, wohnen, Sohn, Rose Öl, schön, hören, Löwe œ œ göttlich, nördlich, Pförtner, löschen ɪ ɪ i: ɔ ɔ o: ø: œ œ

4 ʊ ʊ 1. Describing German vowels u: ʏ ʏ y: u u Mutter, Hund, unten, Butter Hut, tun, Spur, Nudeln Museum, Duett, Universität, Universum mündlich, füllen, fünf, Glück Sprachführer, grün, grüßen, düster ʊ ʊ u u u: ʏ ʏ y:

5 2. Describing German diphthongs aɪ aʊ ɔʏ Reise, Kleidung, Lerneinheit, drei kaufen, laufen, rauchen, Auftakt Euro, teuer, Feuer, Häuser aɪ aʊ ɔʏ

6 3. Describing German consonants b b d d f f ɡ ɡ h h k k l l m m n n p p r r s s t t v v z z Bild [bɪlt] einkaufen [ˈaɪnkaʊfən] Gemüse[gəˈmy:zə]

7 3. Describing German consonants j j ŋ ŋ ʃ ʃ ʧ ʧ ʤ ʤ ts pf ʒ ʒ ç ç x x j j Jung, ja, Jahr ʃ ʃ ŋ ŋ ʧ ʧ ʒ ʒ ʤ ʤ ts pf ç ç x x singen, lang Stein, schön Matsch, Quatsch Genie, Garage Pferd Dschungel zwei lachen ich ʔ ʔ ʔ ʔ einkaufen

8 4. Some phonetic transcriptions [ˈhø:rən] [ˈdɔytʃlant] [ˈy:bʊŋ][ˈmaxt] [den] [ˈmaɪstə] Deutschland hören Übung macht den Meister [y:bəˈzɛtsn̩]übersetzen

9 5. Next steps  This website provides phonetic symbols for English together with their pronunciation http://www.macmillanenglish.com/phonemic-chart/  This website provides words with phonetic transcriptions using IPA. In addition you can also hear the pronunciation of the word http://de.pons.eu/  This website also provides pronunciation of words in many languages http://dict.leo.org/  Check pages XIV-XV in the set dictionary (Collins German Dictionary & Grammar)

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