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Foundation/ Higher Tier Role Play 2 At the restaurant.

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1 Foundation/ Higher Tier Role Play 2 At the restaurant

2 You have made a telephone booking in a restaurant in Germany for you and a friend. You will have to…. 1.Say you have telephoned yesterday and when. 2.Say it is for your friend and spell his name (SCHMIDT). 3.Answer the question. 4.Ask for the 26 euro menu.

3 1. Say you have telephoned yesterday and when.

4 1. Ich habe gestern um sieben Uhr angerufen.

5 2. Say it is for your friend and spell his name (SCHMIDT).

6 2. Es ist für meinen Freund S-C-H-M-I-D-T

7 3. Was möchten Sie trinken?

8 3. Ich möchte ein Cola trinken.

9 4. Ask for the 26 euro menu.

10 4.Ich möchte die 26 Euro Speisekarte.

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