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Deutsch 1 G Stunde.

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1 Deutsch 1 G Stunde

2 Donnerstag, der 1. November 2012 Deutsch 1, G Stunde
Donnerstag, der 1. November 2012 Deutsch 1, G Stunde Heute ist ein G- Tag Unit: Family & home Familie & Zuhause Question: Who / How is this person? Fragen: Wer ist die Person? Wie ist die Person? Objectives: describing people Unterricht: Welcher Tag ist heute? Wie ist das Wetter? Wie spät ist es? schreibe dein Hausaufgaben an die Tafel (Bilder) gemeinsam besprechen – Fehler korrigiren sprechen üben: ein Schüler liest die Fragen und ein anderer Schüler liest die Antworten Präsentationen erklären Hausaufgaben: nächste Seite -> erklären (explain)

3 Beschreibe die Person:
Wie heißt das Mädchen? (der Junge, der Mann, die Frau) or Wer ist das? Wie alt ist sie? (er) Woher kommt sie? (er) Wo wohnt sie? (er) Was ist ihre (her) Liebligsfarbe? (seine (his) Lieblingsfarbe) Was ist ihre Haarfarbe und ihre Augenfarbe? (seine) Sie hat …..e Haare und ….e Augen. (Er) Sie/Er hat lange/kurze Haare. Er/Sie hat eine Brille. (die Brille – glasses) Wie ist das Mädchen? (der Junge, der Mann, die Frau) (answer by stating two traits)

4 Hausaufgaben Prepare your presentation for Monday. The presentation will be signed in as homework – (more than usual point value) Monday is your day to ask questions about it and to practice with another student. Presentations start Tuesday. Think about your portfolio – see next page General Info about homework: It is always expected that you study your notes from the day and all previous vocabulary and concepts If you have any question, need help or for tutoring: please see me second lunch or after school! If you were absent or to hand in late work: see me second lunch or after school! Questions: see our website:

5 Presentation: to be continued
There is a presentation coming up - in German at the beginning of November, maybe Monday/Tuesday 5/6. I will give you a complete handout later this week. this was a homework assignment (due Tuesday 10/30) You will talk about your imaginary family. You will have to introduce 4 members - they have to come from different states or countries. They can live in different cities. You will describe them with traits. You will also describe their appearance - which we will learn this week. During the presentation you will ask another classmate the question that fit the answers another student is giving. Start your presentation by describing 4 people in complete sentences: where they are from where they live how old they are at least two traits ( all family members have to have different traits)

6 Portfolio The following items are required to be in the portfolio:
First stories - first day handout with notes taken Language tree - English and German language highlighted German Federal States - handout with information filled in the blanks German Federal States – your notes from the presentations Alphabet Unit Reflection Conjugation chart with pronouns and at least one conjugated verb – highlight the conjugated endings All Quizzes (1-6 so far) with corrections See website:

7 Log-in information for Netbook
Username: student ID Password: First letter of your first name – capitalized First letter of your last name – lower case Numbers for your birth-month – two digits Numbers for your birth-year – last two digits Male – add 01 or female – add 02

8 Zum Üben Translate into German unemployed - employed old - young lazy
healthy - unhealthy happy - unhappy funny - serious quiet - loud pretty - ugly sad mad Translate into German he comes from... she live in... her name is his name is

9 Zum Üben: make a conjugation chart of the verb “sein – to be”.
fill in the pronouns in German translate the content into English write on the side who is talking (talking to or talking about) Fill in the blank with the verb “sein” and then translate into English. Ich _______ fünfzehn Jahre alt. Meine Schweser ______ auch 15. Wir ___________ Zwillinge. Meine Großeltern ______ schon siebzig Jahre alt. Sie ________ sehr nett. Wie alt _______ du? Und Sie, Frau Meier? Wie alt ______ Sie?

10 Vokabeln Texte Seite 25 lieb – nice in der Nähe von uns – close by us
arbeiten – to work gern – like noch gern – still likes waren – were sie spricht – she speaks mit uns – with us die Verwandten – relatives keine – no der Besuch – the visit bringen – to bring toll – great das Geschenk – the present aber – but sie meint – she thinks, she is of the opinion

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