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The main world types of business, their advantages and disadvantages.

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1 The main world types of business, their advantages and disadvantages.

2 Types of Enterprises According to the ownership forms According to the organisational forms According to the activity According to the size 1. Individual enterprises 2. Family enterprises 3. Private enterprises 4. Collective enterprises 5. Utilities enterprises 6. State enterprises 7. Mixed enterprises 1. Single proprietorship 2. Partnership: a) with unlimited liability b) with limited liability c) with additional liability d) commandite 3. Joint stock company 1. Production enterprise 2. Financial enterprise 3. Intermediary enterprise 4. Insurance enterprise 1. Small enterprise 2. Middle enterprise 3. Big enterprise

3 According to the OWNERSHIP enterprises are divided into: 1. Individual enterprise Based on the individual property and individual labour. 2. Family enterprise Based on the property of the members of the family. 3. Private enterprise Based on the property of a single person with the right to hire the labour forces. 4. Collective enterprise Based on the property of the work collective, co-operative, partnership, public or religious institution. 5. UtilitiesBased on the property of administrative- territorial units. 6. State enterprise Based on the national property. 7. Mixed enterprise Based on the amalgamation of enterprises of different ownership forms.

4 According to the ORGANISATIONAL FORM enterprises are divided into: 1. Single p roprietorship p roprietorship 2. Partnership Based on joining up the property of different owners. a) with unlimited liability unlimited liability All the partners accept equal jointly liability with their property. b) with limited liability limited liability The partners accept the liability in proportion to their investments into the enterprise c) with additional liability additional liability The partners accept liability with their investments into the capital stock and in the case of necessity with their property (in proportion to their investments) d) commandite The partners accept liability to different degree: some accept liability with their property, the others-with the amount of stocks. 3. Joint-stock company company Based on joining up the costs of a great number of members by means of issuing shares.

5 i The form of the enterprise AdvantagesDisadvantages 1. Single proprietorship proprietorship 1) It is easy to set up and register; 2) The owner is free in his activity. 3) The whole profit belongs to the owner and is levied with the income tax. 4) It is a good opportunity to realize one’s enterprising inclinations and gifts. 1) The owner himself accept the complete personal liability. 2) The capital is limited. 3) There is the necessity of managing the enterprise personally. 4) The total volume of output is small; the assortment range of goods is narrow.

6 The form of the enterprise AdvantagesDisadvantages 2.Partnership a. with full liability full liability 1. Increasing the financial resources of the enterprise. 2. It is easy to set up and register. 3. Improving the management of the enterprise. 1. There is the necessity to rebilling the papers in case of the death of discharge of one of the partners. 2. There is possibility of conflicts between the partners. 3. The partners assume the unlimited liability.

7 The form of the enterprise AdvantagesDisadvantages 2. Partnership b. with limited liability limited liability 1. The partners run the risk of loosing only that capital which they invested into the enterprise. 1. The partners,whose liability is limited by the share of the investedcapital, don’t take part in managing the enterprise. 2. There is no public accounting.

8 i The form of the enterprise AdvantagesDisadvantages 3. Corporation 1. Accumulation of significant capitals. 2. The share-holders accept the limited liability. 3. The firm is stable even when a change of owners. 4. There is a possibility of sing fired managers’ labour. 1. There are great expenses and difficulty in setting up. 2. There are significant restrictions on the enterprise. 3. There is possibility of abusing by the control stock holders. 4. Double taxation (on the enterprise income and personal income of the owner).

9 According to the ACTIVITY enterprises are divided into 1. Production enterprises enterprises Produce goods 2. Financial enterprises enterprises With credit-financial relations 3. Intermediary enterprises enterprises Provide different intermediary services 4. Insurance enterprises enterprises Form money funds to citizens’

10 According to the SIZE enterprises are divided into: 1. Small enterprises enterprises The number of members is from 15 to 200 people (depending on the industrial branch and activity). 2. Middle enterprises enterprises The number of members is from 200 to 1000. 3. Big enterprises enterprises The number of members is over 1000 person.

11 Die Arten des Unternehmens, ihre Vorzüge und Mängel

12 Arten des Unternehmens Nach den Eigentums- formen Nach der Formenorganisation Nach der Kugeltätigkeit Nach dem Ausmaßen 1. Individuellen 2. Familien 3. Privaten 4. Kollektieven 5. Kommunale (munizipalen) 6. Staatlichen 7.Gemeinsamen 1. Das Einzelunternehmen 2. Die Gesellschaften (Genössenschaften) a) die Gufülltgesellschaften; b) die Gesellschaften mit beschränken Haftung c) die Gesellschaften mit zusätzlichen Haftung d) die Kommandit- gesellschaften 3. Die Aktien- gesellschaften (Korporationen) 1. Produktion 2. Finanziellen 3. Arbeits- vermittlungen 4. Versicherung 1. Kleine 2. Mittel 3. Große

13 Nach den Eigentumsformen unterscheidet man: 1. Individuellen 2. Familien Based on the property of the members of the family. 3. Privaten Based on the property of a single person with the right to hire the labour forces. 4. Kollektieven Based on the property of the work collective, co-operative, partnership, public or religious institution. 5. Kommunale (munizipalen) Based on the property of administrative- territorial units. 6. Staatlichen Based on the national property. 7. Gemeinsamen Based on the amalgamation of enterprises of different ownership forms.

14 Nach der Formenorganisation unterscheidet man: 1. Das Einzelunternehmen sind auf die Vereinigung der Vermögen der verschidenen Eigentumer gegründet 2. Die Gesellschaften (Genössenschaften) (Genössenschaften) a) die Gufülltgesellschaften a) die Gufülltgesellschaften alles Abteilhaber beleibten solidarischen Haftung ihren Vermögen b) die Gesellschaften mit b) die Gesellschaften mit beschränken Haftung beschränken Haftung die Teilnehmer (Abteilhaber) auf die höhe Haftung in Ausmaß ihren Einlage in dem Unternehmen c) die Gesellschaften mit c) die Gesellschaften mit zusätzlicheng Haftung die Abteilhaber tragen Haftung mit ihren Einlagen zu Stammkapital und in die Notwendigkeit – ihren Vermögen (proportional ihren Einlagen). d) die Kommanditgesellschaften die Abteilhaber haben verschiedenen Grad der Haftung verantwortlich: die Einige tragen die Haftung in allen Vermögen, die anderen haben die Haftung beschrengt mit ihren Einlagen 3. Die Aktiengesellschaften (Korporationen) (Korporationen) sind auf die Vereinigung der Kostet der vieles Abteilhaber mit der Aktien auslauf gegründet

15 Nach die Kugeltätigkeit unterscheidet man 1. Productions- Unternehmen Unternehmen ummittelbar der Produktion das Güter 2. Financielle Unternehmen Unternehmen die Tätigkeit in Kreditgeldmittel der Sphere der Verhältnisse 3. Arbeits- vermittlungen vermittlungen Unternehmen Unternehmen Leistungen der verschiedenen Arbeitsvermittburgdienste 4. Versicherungs- Unternehmen Unternehmen unternehmen Formierung Ausbildung der Geldmittelfonds für Ersetzung der Verluste Staatsbürgers

16 Nach dem Ausmaßen unterscheidet man: 1. Kleine Unternehmen die Anzahl von Besetzter aus 15 bis 200 Personen (je nachdem Zweck und die Tätigkeit). 2. Mittel Unternehmen die Anzahl von Besetzer aus 200 bis 1000 Personen 3. Große Únterhnemen die Anzahl von Besetzter mehr als 1000 Personen

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