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Microsoft Produkte und Lösungen

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1 Microsoft Produkte und Lösungen
SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Mai 2004 Detlev Jeschka, Ralph Kemperdick, Frank Stolley, Martin Vach, Technical Sales Database & Business Intelligence

2 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Agenda Nachmittag Teil 1 – Einführung und Überblick (14:00) Vision Reporting Lifecycle Erstellung, Management , Zustellung Fax-Anbindung Fenestrae Office Integration Architektur & Deployment-Szenarien Lizenzierung, Zusammenfassung Pause (15:15) Teil 2 – Report- Erstellung und –Management (15:30) Erstellung von Reports mit dem Report Designer Report-Konzepte und -Steuerelemente SAP-Anbindung Management von Reports Zugriffsrechte, Abonnements, Aktualisierung Printer Delivery Erweiterung Diskussion und Fragen (16:45) Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

3 BI für die gesamte Organisation „Business Intelligence for the masses“
Strategisch Taktisch Operativ Analytik Datenzugriff Kollaboration Execs Strategischer Wert 24x7 BI, RZ Integration Tagesgeschäft Analytiker/ Mittleres Mgnt. Aktualität Einfachheit Top-Level Überblick Betrieb Anzahl der Entscheidungen Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

4 Reporting Services - Vision
“Ermögliche allen Mitarbeitern im Unternehmen, die Business Intelligence-Idee umzusetzen und zu besseren Entscheidungen zu kommen” Dies wird erreicht durch: Traditionelle/statische und interaktive Reports Server-Infrastruktur: skalierbar, verwaltbar, integrierbar Integration mit Office, Browser und SharePoint Einheitliche Reporting-Plattform für alle strukturierten Daten Günstiges Lizenzierungsmodell Enable employees at all levels of an organization to realize the promise of Business Intelligence to promote better decision making Traditional and interactive reports Scalable, manageable and embeddable server infrastructure Integration with SharePoint, Office, browser and other familiar tools Support for LOB, RDBMS, OLAP, XML and other data sources Delivered through Scalable, manageable and embeddable server infrastructure Integration with SharePoint, Office applications, browser and other familiar tools Single platform and tools for all types of structured data (relational, hierarchical, multidimensional) Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

5 Szenarien für Reporting Services
Reporting in allen Fachbereichen/Organisationseinheiten Vertrieb, Buchhaltung, Controlling, Personalwesen, Lohn/Gehalt Integriertes Reporting Anwendungen nutzen für Berichte die Reporting Services B2B- und B2C-Reporting Reports für Kunden & Partner via Extra-/Intranet Reporting-Portal Auswertungen zentral bereitstellen, LOB-Anbindungen Integration & Nutzung in Microsoft Produkte SharePoint, Visual Studio, MOM In-house Sales, Finance, HR, Payroll Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

6 Reporting Services - Überblick
Plattform für das unternehmensweite Reporting Statische und interaktive Reports ohne Programmierung Leistungsfähige Chart-Komponente Automatische Aktualisierung und Verteilung von Reports Skalierbare Architektur – Serverfarmen, einfache Administration Offene Architektur durch XML und Webservices Integration mit Anwendungen & Partnerlösungen Unterstützt alle wichtigen Quell- und Ausgabeformate SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Excel, OLEDB, ODBC, OLAP, … PDF, HTML, TIFF, Excel, XML, CSV Unterstützt den Import von Access-Berichten Verfügbar seit Januar 2004 Hoher Mehrwert: Ergänzung zum SQL Server 2000 Lizenzierung im Rahmen der SQL Server-Lizenz Keine Mehrkosten bei bestehenden Installationen Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

7 Reporting Services Berichtswesen Data Transformation Services
SQL Server 2000 Eine vollständige Datenmanagement-Lösung für den unternehmensweiten Einsatz Reporting Services Berichtswesen Analysis Services Data Transformation Services SQL Server OLAP & Data Mining Relational Engine Development Tools Management Tools Background: SQL Server 2000 is currently the fastest growing database in the enterprise space across all operating systems. Over 50% of SQL Server revenue is tied to its usage as a data management platform for Line of Business (LOB) applications. The performance gains and lower total cost of ownership realized through the addition of 64-bit capability in SQL Server 2000 and Windows Server 2003 as components of the tightly integrated Windows Server System has resulted in SQL Server 2000 (64-bit) leading Unix systems according to key industry price / performance benchmarks. This leadership position is a direct result of Microsoft’s vision of providing an integrated platform that enables superior LOB user productivity combined with best overall economics. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (64-bit), actualizes this vision by offering optimal performance supported by a reliable and less complex enterprise data management infrastructure. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (64-bit) and Windows Server 2003 together offer a comprehensive, integrated, and interoperable server infrastructure that simplifies the development, deployment, consolidation and operation of LOB solutions to deliver greater business value. ISV applications, eCommerce solutions, and Business Intelligence become fundamentally easier to develop, deploy and manage. SQL Server license is required for Reporting Services (no extra cost to add to existing SQL licenses) SQL Server Standard Edition is limited to reporting on a single server Enterprise Edition can scale to a Web farm. Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

8 Benutzerprofile / Zielgruppen
SQL Server Analysis Services Analysten 5-10% SQL Server Reporting Services Informations-Nutzer 15-25% Informations- Konsumenten 65-80% Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

9 Einstieg: Demo – Sample Reports
Company Sales Zeige einen(!) der mitgelieferten Beispiel-Reports: Company Sales alle übrigen wieter hinten Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

10 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Agenda Reporting Lifecycle Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

11 Unterstützung des gesamten Lifecycles
Reporting Services sind eine offene und erweiterbare Plattform für die Erstellung, das Management und die Bereitstellung von aussagekräftigen, interaktiven Berichten für das gesamte Unternehmen. Erstellung Management Zustellung Reporting Services is an open and extensible platform supporting the authoring, management and delivery of rich, interactive reports to the entire enterprise Web services Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

12 Report – Erstellung (Authoring)
Werkzeuge interaktiv per Drag & Drop im Report Designer (Visual Studio) Third Party Werkzeuge mit RDL (Report Definition Language) Viele Quellformate SQL, Excel, Access, OLE DB, ODBC, Oracle, Eigene Single Source: eine Report-Definition für x Ausgabeformaten Erstellung Management Bereitstellung Online Access Report Definition Managed Report Erstellen von Reports: Der Reportentwurf erfolgt interaktiv per Drag&Drop oder Nutzung entsprechender WebService-Schnittstellen. Dabei wird als Datenquelle praktisch jedes Format, inkl. OLE DB und ODBC unterstützt. Damit lassen sich z.B. Oracle-Datenbanken ebenso zum Reporting nutzen wie Excel-Sheets. Als Ausgabeformat werden die gängigen Webbrowser, die Officeformate sowie eine Reihe anderer Standarddateiformate unterstützt. Alle Reports stehen darüber hinaus auch als WebServices zur Verfügung und können gleichzeitig wieder als Datenquelle für neue Reports dienen. Report developers can create reports to be published to the Report Server using Microsoft or 3rd party design tools that support the Reporting Services XML Report Definition Language (RDL). SAP – Anbindung in Vorbereitung Delivery Channels Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

13 Report-Erstellung - Details
Report ist eine RDL-Datei – Basis: XML Report Definition Language (RDL) abstrakte Beschreibung des Reports (Daten & Layout) öffentliches XML – Schema Erstellung der RDL-Dateien via Visual Studio im Report Designer Mindestens Visual Basic .NET 2003 erforderlich, z.B. via MSDN Basic parts: Page Header, Body, Page Footer Design-Elemente (Steuerelemente) Listen / Tabellen / Matrizen / Grafiken – auch geschachtelt Parameter - Dynamisch, Hierarchisch Sortieren / Filtern / Gruppieren / Aggregieren Interaktivität - Drill-Down, Drill-Through, Subreports komplexe VB.NET Ausdrücke / Funktionen Third Party Werkzeuge für RDL: CubeWare, Panorama, MIS, ProClarity u.v.a erweiterbare Architektur für Query-Ausführung SQL Server / Analysis Services, OLE DB / ODBC / Oracle Data Processing Extensions Industriestd Highlight RDL – Zeige ggf. rdl-Datei, RDL-Def im Hilfetext, Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

14 Demo-Report Erstellung
z.B. Sample Walkthrough aus dem Hilfetext

15 Report-Entwurf – Grafiken
Integrierte Chart-Komponente von Dundas Ausgereifte & erprobte Technologie Chart-Typen column, bar, line, pie, scatter, bubble, area, doughnut, and stock Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

16 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Report-Management Aktualisierung „on demand“ oder per Zeitplan (Schedule) Bei Abruf oder einmal am Tag um 20:00 Integriertes Caching (einstellbar) für Ergebnisse Grafische Web-Oberfläche für die Verwaltung (Report-Manager) Versionierung/Historie früherer Abrufe (einstellbar) Erstellung Management Bereitstellung Online Access Report Definition Managed Report Report Management: Reports können „on demand“ oder nach einem bestimmten Zeitplan (z.B. einmal am Tag) erzeugt werden. Zur Performance-Steigerung stehen Caching-Konzepte zur Verfügung Report definitions are published and managed in a reporting web service. Reporting Services includes a full set of SOAP APIs and graphical tools for management. Delivery Channels Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

17 Report Management - Details
Web Service API‘s für alle Management-Aufgaben Web- und Cmdline- Management-Oberfläche Report Management Funktionen Metadaten Name, Beschreibung, Verbindungen, Rechte, Parameter Ausführungspläne integriert in SQL Server Agent Ausführungsarten: Live, Cache, Snapshot erweiterbare, rollen-basierte Security-Architektur History of prior executions Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

18 Demo – Report Management

19 Report – Bereitstellung / Zustellung
Deployment „Push“: Abonnieren von Reports (ereignisbasiert bzw. per Zeitplan) Als mit Anhang bzw. URL, im Datei-System via File-Share „Pull“: Online-Abruf von Reports (on demand) über web-basierte Front-Ends, z.B. Browser, SharePoint Einbindung in eigene Web-Anwendungen via URL Ausgabeformate: Office, XML, CSV, PDF, TIFF, HTML Erstellung Management Bereitstellung Online Access Report Definition Managed Report Reporting Services supports both on-demand (“pull”) or event-based (“push”) delivery of reports. Users can view reports from a web-based front-end or subscribe for reports to be delivered in . Delivery Channels Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

20 Report- Bereitstellung - Details
Eine Report-Definition – Viele Ausgabeformate Web-Formate (HTML 4, HTML 3.2, HTML w/OWC) Druck-Formate (TIFF, PDF) Daten-Formate (Excel, XML, CSV) Bereitstellung und Abonnements personalisiert oder durch Administrator definiert Ausgabeformat pro Abonnement festlegen Bereitstellung via Links oder vollständiger Bericht Parametrisierte, personalisierte Berichte – z.B. “Meine Kunden” Erweiterbare Architektur für Bereitstellungskanäle Dateisystem, Drucker und kunden-spezifisch Partner-Lösungen, z.B. Fax- und SMS-Anbindung Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

21 Demo: Report-Bereitstellung

22 SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services FAX Anbindung

23 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Wichtige Funktionen Erweitert Reporting Services Mobile SMS und MMS Messaging Fax Versand Ökonomische Lösung durch direkte Integration in Mangement Funktionen Seamless user experience Erfüllt die Anforderungen für Mobile Lösungen und Fax Benachrichtigung Logging und Archivierung mit SQL Server (Nicht)Zustellbarkeits- Benachrichtigungen verfügbar im Report Manager Konsolidiert Mobile, Fax und Telex Lösungen SQL Server Notification Services, Exchange Server, BizTalk Server, Live Communication Server, Microsoft CRM Ergänzt bestehende Investitionen in die Microsoft BI platform und Mobile Technology Some key features. Compliance Business reports often contain sensitive and company confidential information. Knowing where, when, how and what information is sent is essential to meet regulatory requirements as well as company internal security or compliance policies. Furthermore, information in business reports is more and more used to base business decision on. Decisions that results in actions for which the company is ultimately liable. Here again it is essential companies back account for all information that they distribute, not only externally but also internally, so they can back track how certain actions have come about. The number of features of the Fenestrae Application Connector for Reporting Services are limited. Essentially this is because the product is so well integrated in Reporting Services. That means it is easy to deploy and easy to use for the end-user (generally an IT person or enterprise developer, sometime a technical savvy business manager) and economical to maintain and support. Of course the features of the Reporting Services Connector cannot be viewed separately from the features of Fenestrae Communication Server! Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

24 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Lösungsüberblick Rendering Report Management Reporting Services Report Data Subscription Data Web SMS FAX MMS A solution overview illustrating on a high level how Fenestrae Communication Server extends Reporting Services delivery of information and makes Reporting Services information available as fax. The products roadmap includes delivering reporting information as mobile (SMS and MMS) messages as well – for example for “data drive” reports that are generated when a business event occurs (for example, the number of back-orders increases above a certain level or the delivery times for a products are longer than a set trigger value). Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

25 Architektur und Integration
Fenestrae Transport Services Fenestrae XML Message Transfer Agent Routing Queuing Conversion SMS FAX MMS Management Logging and Monitoring Fenestrae Application Connectors SQL Report Services BizTalk Server Microsoft Exchange SQL Notify Services .NET Web services SQL Server Reporting Services Rendering Report Server Delivery Extensions Fenestrae Delivery Extension This slide illustrates how the integration with Reporting Services is technically/architecturally realized. Fenestrae deploys a Delivery Extension in Reporting Services to make the end user experience easy and completely transparent. A new Application Connector is added to FCS and the solution will work with the current version. For existing customers it is simply a matter of adding a new Application Connector to their FCS installation. All other features of FCS are available as usual. The fax message is transmitted from the Fenestrae Delivery Extension to the Fenestrae SQL Reporting Services Connector using .NET remoting. The status of the transmission (in process, success or failure) is reported back to the Fenestrae Delivery Extension and finally, to the user through the Reporting Services web-based user interface. User can choose "Fenestrae Fax Service" as a new Report Delivery Option. When selecting this option the user has to fill in a number of fields that are specific to the selected Delivery Extension. The fields are: Subject, To, Fax number, Coversheet, and Charge Code. The Fenestrae Delivery Extension takes care of validating those fields during the creation and modification of a subscription. There is an excellent technical white paper available as well as full product documentation. There are a number of disadvantages to delivering faxed reports using the Exchange or SMTP Connector: The delivery extension only recognizes SMTP addresses, the user has to type in either a (format Fenestrae SMTP Connector) or a (format Exchange Connector). By using the Fenestrae SQL Reporting Services Solution only the fax address is sufficient. The FROM address of every report is fixed and is set when SQL RS is installed. In that case reports will be sent from/on a single user account in the Kernel and all logging and charging will be on that account. By using the Fenestrae SQL Reporting Services Solution reports can be sent on behalf of the subscriber and logging and charging can be done on that account. There is no guaranteed delivery and no delivery confirmation when is used. By using the Fenestrae SQL Reporting Services Solution the user can see the status (e.g. delivery date) of the report inside the browser when connected to the Report Manager. .NET Remoting Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

26 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Benutzersicht “Information worker” managen Ihre Berichts- Abonnements (subscriptions) Nahtlose Integration von neuem Mobile und Fax Benachrichtigungs- Mechanismus “Information worker” und mobile Mitarbeiter erhalten Business Informationen In this page a user defines what reports he or she “subscribes” to, and how those reports are delivered. SQL Server Reporting Services delivers reports out-of-the-box as , to a printer and to a file share. Fenestrae extends the delivery of reports by adding a fax transport delivery service in a seamless way to the user. Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

27 Fenestrae Fax Erweiterung
Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

28 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Office Integration Report-Import von Microsoft Access 2002/XP 70-80% automatische Konvertierung Office Dokumenten-Formate Excel, CSV, XML HTML-Rendering kann OWC nutzen OWC-Office Web Components Interaktive Charts, PivotTables, Spreadsheets SharePoint Services Report Web Parts Report Bereitstellung in Dokumenten-Bibliotheken Report Library Template Volltextsuche möglich Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

29 Demo SharePoint und Reporting Services
BIP 2004 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

30 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Agenda Architektur Deployment-Szenarien Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

31 Reporting Services - Architektur
Alle Phasen des Lifecycles werden unterstützt Erstellung Management Bereitstellung Hochskalierbar durch Serverfarmen Durchgängig mit WebService-Schnittstellen Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

32 Deployment Szenario für Abteilungen
Database and Reporting Server Data Sources Client OLEDB, ODBC, .NET Flat Files Oracle SQL Server DB2 SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Windows Server Optional slide to explain the different deployment scenarios. For small to medium business, a single server deployment architecture may be sufficient to process all report requests. In this scenario, both the SQL Server Report Catalog, as well as the Report Server and IIS will be run on the same server. Report Catalog, Server, and IIS on single server SQL Server Standard or Enterprise Edition Reporting Services Standard or Enterprise Edition Licensed either per processor or server / CAL Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

33 Deployment Szenario für Unternehmen
Reporting Server Web Farm Data Sources Database Server Report Catalog Client OLEDB, ODBC, .NET Flat Files Oracle SQL Server DB2 Reporting Services Windows Server IIS Report Metadata SQL Server 2000 Windows Server Backend Report Catalog, security, in central repository SQL Server Standard or Enterprise Edition required Frontend Report Server and IIS on web farm servers Report Server Enterprise Edition required on Web farm servers (scale out) Licensed either per processor or server / CAL Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

34 Mehrstufiges Unternehmens-Deployment Szenario
IT Web Farm (existing) Hosting RS Web Service (and others) Client Infrastructure SQL Server w/ MSCS RS Catalog (RS Cat) Data Source Access Development Boxes (Novice, Part time, Departmental, Clerks, Sandbox Champion) .sln 2-Proc Sandbox RS Cat (MSCS) (IT Testers, Reviewers, QA Lead) .sln Reporting Services – Web Service Layer (leveraging existing IIS Farm) 2-Proc 2-Proc RS Cat QA/Debug (MSCS) (End Report Consumer, Power Approver) 4-Proc RS Cat Production

35 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Agenda Lizenzierung Referenzen Zusammenfassung Anhang Weitere Informationsquellen Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

36 Reporting Services Lizenzierung (1)
Reporting Services ist Bestandteil von SQL Server 2000 Es gibt keine separate Lizenz für RS Aber: RS läuft nicht mit SQL Server MSDE oder Personal Edition Reports können MSDE & PE aber als Quelle nutzen Reporting Services sind nicht kostenlos RS zusätzlich auf einem Server mit SQL Server 2000–Lizenz: keine weiteren Gebühren RS auf einem Server ohne SQL Server-Lizenz: SQL Server 2000 Lizenz erforderlich Bei Client-Lizenzierung: weitere CAL‘s erforderlich für „neue“ Benutzer, die noch keine CAL hatten Gleiches Lizenzmodell wie SQL Server Analysis Services Reporting Services ist Bestandteil von SQL Server 2000 Es gibt keine separate Lizenz für RS There is no separate license for RS NOTE – RS will not run on MSDE or Personal Edition Can report against data in both Reporting Services is not free Run RS on a server already licensed for SQL Server 2000? – No additional fee Want to run RS on a server not licensed for SQL Server 2000? – Requires a SQL Server 2000 license May need additional CALs This is the same licensing model as SQL Server Analysis Services Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

37 Reporting Services Lizenzierung (2)
RS benötigen eine SQL Server 2000 Datenbank Lokale oder remote Verbindung zu einem SQL Server 2000 zum Speichern der Report-Definitionen, Metadaten, Sicherheitseinstellungen, Schedule-Tabellen usw. RS-Lizenzierung pro Prozessor oder pro Server&CAL CAL: Client Access License Server&CAL: jeder User oder Device, welches auf Reports direkt oder indirekt zugreift, benötigt eine CAL Prozessor-Lizenzierung erforderlich bei Extra-/Internet-Szenarien Prozessor-Lizenzierung in den meisten Fällen am sinnvollsten und einfachsten Reporting Services requires an instance of SQL Server Report Server requires a local or remote connection to a SQL Server 2000 database for report definitions, report metadata, security settings, scheduling information, etc. Reporting Services can be licensed per Processor or Server plus CAL With Server plus CAL each user or device that accesses reports directly or indirectly must have a CAL A per Processor license is required for extranet/intranet deployments For simplicity, we should default to per proc. Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

38 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Referenzen Chicago Pizza & Brewery Reporting Portal Gives Managers at Restaurant Chain Access to Live Data Cox Communications Network Service Provider Improves Operational Efficiency with Comprehensive Business Intelligence Solution Mary Kay Solution Helps Mary Kay Inc. To Reduce Reporting Costs For Supply Chain And Fulfillment Operations McGuire Real Estate McGuire Real Estate Consolidates Applications to Gain Competitive Edge Through Real-Time Business Intelligence MTV Europe MTV Europe Seeks More Revenue by Deploying Reporting Services Office of Probation and Pretrial Services Reporting Solution Empowers Users, Reduces Time Needed to Develop and Deliver Reports RF Micro Devices (RFMD) New Solution Delivers Fourfold Increase in Productivity for Report Development Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

39 Wichtige Merkmale-Zusammenfassung
Vollständige Reporting-Plattform alle Server-Komponenten erweiterbar Objektmodell, Webservices einfache Integration / Einbindung in andere Anwendungen offene, erweiterbare Report-Definition (RDL) Skalierbarkeit und Performance von Grund auf als Webservice entwickelt Scale-out: Ohne Mehraufwand als Web Farm betreibbar optimierte Verarbeitung und Rendering Reports werden als .NET-Assemblies ausgeführt Full Reporting Platform All server components are extensible Completely embeddable Published, extensible report definition Scalability and Performance Designed from day one to be a .NET web service Web farm architecture Optimized processing and rendering Reports execute as CLR assemblies Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

40 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
3rd Party Angebote OLAP Panorama ProClarity SPSS Ad-Hoc Reporting ActiveViews Cizer Embedded GEAC Outlooksoft MaxQ Technologies Professional Advantage Excel Integration MIS AG Intelligent Apps SoftArtisan (Sept) SAP / LOB Software4You Attunity Fax / SMS Fenestrae Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

41 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Kurze Pause … Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

42 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Anhang Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

43 Weitere Informationen
Infos im Web: Newsgroup: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs MOC-Kurs 2030: Partner: Bestellung: Webcasts: SAP-Anbindung: Third Party Tools: Hitachi: Crystal Konverter (siehe newsgroup) ActiveView: Web-basiertes Designtool: Nehmen Sie am Beta-Programm teil: Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

44 Backup Slides Lizenzierung
Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

45 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Key For Charts Machine (Hardware) = Report Server = Report Server DB (stores metadata, history, RDL, etc) = External Data Sources = Report Server Report Server DB Data Sources Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

46 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Licensing Example (1) Report Server and Report Server Database on same machine Requires: One SQL Server 2000 License Standard or Enterprise Depends on user’s feature requirement (ex. Need custom authentication = Enterprise required) Data Sources Report Server DB Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

47 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Licensing Example (2a) Config. A Config. B Report Server and Report Server Database on different machines Requires: Two SQL Server 2000 Licenses Standard or Enterprise Depends on user’s feature requirement Example: Custom auth. On RS = Enterprise Edition Example: Clustering On DB = Enterprise Edition Data Sources Report Server DB Data Sources Report Server DB Enterprise Standard <OR> Standard Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

48 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Licensing Example (2b) Config. C Config. D Report Server and Report Server Database on different machines Requires: Two SQL Server 2000 Licenses Standard or Enterprise Depends on user’s feature requirement Example: Custom auth. On RS = Enterprise Edition Example: Clustering On DB = Enterprise Edition Data Sources Report Server DB Data Sources Report Server DB Enterprise Standard Standard <OR> Enterprise Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

49 Web-Farm Configuration
Licensing Example (3) Data Sources Report Server DB DB * Web-Farm Configuration * Minimum 3 x Enterprise Optional Server * Web-Farm Support Report Servers and Report Server Database(s) on different machines Requires: Enterprise Edition at the Report Server Tier Web farm support is an Enterprise Feature Enterprise OR Standard at Catalog * It’s NOT a requirement but Report Server DB may be in a cluster – This drives more SQL Server Licenses Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

50 Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1
Copyrights ... This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. 2001 – 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Companies, names, and/or data used in screens and sample output are fictitious, unless otherwise noted. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Microsoft BI-Day Nachmittag Teil 1

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