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Die Medien in meinem Leben

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Präsentation zum Thema: "Die Medien in meinem Leben"—  Präsentation transkript:

1 Die Medien in meinem Leben
Freitag, 16. November 2018 Lernziele By the end of this lesson you will be able to… write about the media people use in everyday life; conjugate verbs in the present tense. Füll die Tabelle mit den richtigen Vokabeln aus! Ich sehe Ich lese Ich höre Ich spiele

2 Die Medien in meinem Leben
Liebegeschichten Musiksendungen Kindersendungen Filme Krimis am Computer Liebesromane Quizsendungen fern Bücher Zeitungen Sportsendungen Wii Zeichentrickfilme Vocabulary to be used in activity in slide 1. ‘Die Medien in meinem Leben’ Stretch & Challenge worksheet available at Musik Zeitschriften STRETCH & CHALLENGE Complete worksheet ‘Die Medien in meinem Leben’ Seifenopern Lieder

3 Lesenverständnis Echo Rot, Seite 6, Übung 1
Lies die Texte. Wer spricht? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Julia Carolin Phillip Silke Peter Anja

4 Present Tense Verb Endings
Which two letters does the infinitive normally end in? -en e.g spielen, machen, hören How do you form the stem of the verb? Remove the ‘-en’ from the infinitive e.g. spiel, mach, hör How many subject pronouns are there? ich I du you (singular) er/sie/es/man he/she/it/one wir we ihr you (plural) sie/Sie they/you (formal) Can you remember any of the verb endings? -e -st -t -en

5 Present Tense Verb Endings
ich du es Sie sie (she) wir er sie (they) Rules of the game: Print off slides 6-9 in colour, cut out each box and stick around the classroom. Split your class into two teams of equal number, so that you have ‘die gelbe Mannschaft’ and ‘die lila Mannschaft’. Assign students in each team with a number in German so that you have 2 students, 1 from each team, with the same number (i.e. if you have a class of 20, assign ‘die gelbe Mannschaft’ with numbers 1-10 and then ‘die lila Mannschaft’ with numbers 1-10 also). Shout out a number in German and press return to reveal the first square on the whiteboard. The two students with the number you have just shouted out should race around the room in search of the verb with the correct ending, making sure to take the correct colour as well as the blu tac/ sellotape. They should race to stick it to the correct pronoun that you have just displayed on the whiteboard. The first person to stick up the correct verb wins. The winning team is the team with the most number of verbs on the whiteboard. SAFETY WARNINGS It is advisable to warn the class before you begin that if their number has not been called out, they must remain in their seats. Also make sure that students’ bags etc… are under their desks and that they are tucked in to avoid any injuries. I always insist that students may not run, but are allowed to power walk. I also encourage the students to help out their teammates so that the whole class gets involved, although be aware that it can get rather noisy!

6 Present Tense Verb Endings
Complete the following table, making sure to use the correct verb endings. Watch out for irregular verbs! surfen machen schreiben kaufen spielen *lesen *sehen ich du er/ sie/ es/ man wir ihr sie/ Sie surfe mache schreibe kaufe spiele lese sehe surfst machst schreibst kaufst spielst liest siehst surft macht schreibt kauft spielt liest sieht surfen machen schreiben kaufen spielen lesen sehen surft macht schreibt kauft spielt lest seht surfen machen schreiben kaufen spielen lesen surfen

7 Present Tense Verb Endings
‘Die Medien in meinem Leben’ Crossword (with clues) available at

8 Hausaufgaben Revise the present tense verb endings for a test
Due: Next lesson

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