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L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Types and levels of workers participation at plant level Empirical.

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Präsentation zum Thema: "L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Types and levels of workers participation at plant level Empirical."—  Präsentation transkript:

1 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Types and levels of workers participation at plant level Empirical evidence from Germany Ludger Pries 1. Spread of different interest representation patterns 2. Issues, types and levels of participation 3. Conclusions and recomendations

2 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies No Interest Representation Other Representation Body (ORB) Sample: N = 3254, unweighted data 40,7 % 37,3 % 12,1 % Plants with Works Council (WC) and Other Representation Body (ORB) Group speaker/repres., Employee committee Round Table etc. Legal framework based repr. bodies: works councils (WC), employee representation (MAV) 9,9 % 1. Spread of different interest representation patterns

3 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies 30 % of plants and 18% of employees have collective bargaining agreement but no WC 43% 13% 18% 27% Distribution by employees 56%45% 61% 40% 1. Spread of different interest representation patterns

4 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Joint Bodies with management prevail Almost ¼ of all ORB are elected and only workers composed Elected and only workers ORB more frequently in big plants, joint and asigned ORB more frequently in small plants N = 343 1. Spread of different interest representation patterns 30% 12% 22% 36% Distribution by employees 42%58% 52% 48% Types of ORB

5 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies 2. Issues, types and levels of participation

6 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Plants 10 to 99 empl. Plants 100 empl. and more View of Repr. Body 2. Issues, types and levels of participation

7 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Participation in investment planning 2,62 0,85 1,49 22,64 15,66 13,08 12,82 17,91 14,15 17,68 41,28 29,06 32,84 20,75 24,75 43,02 57,26 47,76 42,45 41,92 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Works Councils Empl. elected ORB Appointed ORB Joint elect. ORB Joint appoint. ORB Co-decision Consultation Information No participation 2. Issues, types and levels of participation

8 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies 25,18 6,84 1,52 6,60 15,23 24,46 28,21 36,36 26,42 14,21 30,07 23,93 13,64 20,75 18,27 20,29 41,03 48,48 46,23 52,28 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Participation in payment norms Works Councils Empl. elected ORB Appointed ORB Com. elect. ORB Com.appoint. ORB Co-decision Information Consultation No participation 2. Issues, types and levels of participation

9 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Percentage of strong co-decision according to issue and type of representation 2. Issues, types and levels of participation

10 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies 6 % heutiger BR-loser Betriebe hatten schon einmal einen BR. 20 % der heutigen BR-Betriebe hatten zuvor bereits ein AVO. Keine erhöhte Wahrscheinlichkeit, über ein AVO zum BR zu kommen WC (21,6 %) No collective repr. (59,6 %) ORB (18,8 %) BETRIEBSGEWICHTET (N=3254) 2,8% 4,0% 1,8% 3. Conclusions and recommendations

11 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies 3. Conclusions and recommendations 1. Quite complex structure of formal/legally based and informal/voluntary mechanisms 3. Informal/voluntary participation mechanisms reveal a broad scope from WC-prevention to innovative HRM 4. A combination of legal framing and flexible mechanism of negotiating participation figures at plant level (EWC) 5. How could public assistance and reviews be installed? 6. How could stakeholders participation be considered? 2. Legal framework is central point of reference

12 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies

13 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies geringe Unterschiede im Beteiligungsniveau bei weichen Regulierungsthemen 2. Issues, types and levels of participation

14 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Entscheidungskompetenzen im Vergleich

15 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies 3. Regulierungsmuster IV-Formen 3.2 Arbeitszeitregeln: Beteiligungsstärke im Vergleich

16 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies No. employees Age of plant (log.) Off shored plant Group national Group abroad Owner/manager direct. Collect.barg.agreemt East Gemany % women % under 35 % over 50 % high qualified % 400 /month % subcontr. Workers Working atmosph. (1-5) Mainly team work Monthly information Indiv.incentive systems Mining/energy/disposal Feeding/restaurants Consumer goods Invest./durable goods Construction Personal/security/clean. Health/social services Nagelkerkes r 2 No. of cases Works CouncilsOther Repr. Bodies +++: signif. at 0.01; ++: signif. at 0.05; +: signif. at 0.10; Not significant: technicians (Facharbeiter), unqualified, part-time, fixed term empl., other 9 sectors Factors increasing WC probability: - plant size, group belong. - plant age - managmt direct. - qualification,age empl. - collect.barg.agreemt - % unionisation Factors increasing ORB probability: - plant size - age of employees - info.-communic. strategy Few differences to plants without collective repres. 3. Spread of different interest representation patterns

17 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Generally, positive judgement of cooperation Overall more positive judgement (of management and ORB) for ORB Judgement of Management & Employee Repres. of mutual cooperation Works Council Other Repres. Body Works Council Manage -ment view WC/ ORB view Very good GoodPartly/partly Bad Very bad 4. Output of different interest representation patterns

18 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Almost active participation and own proposals of employee/workers representation in changes at plant level 4. Output of different interest representation patterns Completely correct Correct Almost incorrectCompletely incorrect Changes have to be implemented against empl.bodys resistance Manage- ment view WC/ ORB view Empl.body participates actively with proposals in changes

19 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Unions are estimated more positively by managers when union density is high Same positive judgement towards collect.barg.agreements when plant is subject to CBA Level of positive estimation in general lower in plants with ORB 4. Output of different interest representation patterns Management views to the statement: Unions contribute to positive conflict resolution at plant level Union density in plant More than half of employees Less than half of employees Only few employees No union members in plant Completely correctCorrectAlmost incorrectCompletely incorrect

20 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies More favourable work and employment conditions in plants with WC Differences smaller in big plants 4. Output of different interest representation patterns Plants 10 – 99 empl. Plants 100 empl. Interest represent. Body NO ORB WC Interest represent. Body NO ORB WC Regular weekly working hours Dismissals last 3 years Job security agree- ments at plant level Written agreements

21 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Works Council (BR) Collective bargaining teams/workers Level Global Europe Nat./reg. sectoral Company Plant Work area European WC IFA ETUC Supervisory board level co-determination World WC Individual regulation Other Regu- lation Bodies Unions employer/management Employer Associations Elect. workpl. union reps. GUF DGB UNICE BDA Comp. WC (GBR) Group WC (KBR) Social Dialogue GC, CSR Label/Index OECD-GLCampaign ILO Core Conventions/Minimum Standards 4. Output of different interest representation patterns

22 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Hohe Branchendifferenzierung beim Zusammenwirken von TV und BR Lücke zwischen Tarifbindung und BR-Existenz besonders ausgeprägt im Gastgewerbe und bei den einfachen unternehmensnahen Dienstleistungen BISS: vorläufige Berechnungen, N=3254

23 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies BISS: vorläufige Berechnungen, N=3254 2.11 Betriebsmerkmale unterschiedlicher IV-Formen

24 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies mehr als zwei Drittel aller Betriebsräte bringen sich aktiv ein nur ca. 16 Prozent der Betriebe Durchsetzung gegen BR-Widerstand am Weitesten mit über 60 Prozent verbreitet ist der Typ des aktiven Mitgestalters N = 1594

25 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies

26 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies

27 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Spread of interest representation forms by sector (Company- and employee weighting) in percent Source: RUB; BISS 2006, n=3254 (Rounding errors possible)

28 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Output: Ressourcenausstattung im Vergleich Schlechtere Ressourcenausstattung der AVOs - jedoch keine geringere Zufriedenheit bei befragten Vertretern! BISS: vorläufige Berechnungen, N=147/1254, Ungewichtete Daten

29 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Kaum Unterschiede zwischen Aussagen der BR und der GL Aussagen der AVOs unterscheiden sich teilweise erheblich Betriebe mit 10 bis 99 Beschäftigten Betriebe mit 100 und mehr Beschäftigten 3.1 Arbeitszeitregeln: Beteiligungsstärke im Vergleich

30 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies 4. Regulierungsoutput IV-Formen 4.4 Regulierungsoutput in Wahrnehmung nach Ländern BISS: vorläufige Berechnungen Ungewichtete Daten Bei gesetzlichen Vertretungen IV- Sicht positiver als Management-Sicht, bei anderen Vertretungen nicht

31 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies BISS: vorläufige Berechnungen, N=3254 Nach Beschäftigten etwas höherer Anteil gesetzlicher Vertretungen etwas geringerer Anteil anderer Vertretungsorgane 2. Verbreitung/Kontext IV-Formen 2.2 Verbreitung von IV-Formen nach Betriebsgröße

32 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies BISS: vorläufige Berechnungen, N=3254 2. Verbreitung/Kontext IV-Formen 2.3 Verbreitung von IV-Formen nach Branchen Vertretungsquoten nach Branche sind stark von der Betriebsgrößenstruktur der Branche gefärbt...

33 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies 3. Regulierungsmuster IV-Formen 3.2 Arbeitszeitregeln: Beteiligungsstärke im Vergleich

34 L. Pries - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sociology of Organisations and Participation Studies Überrepräsentanz Ostbetriebe Überrepräsentanz Großbetriebe Überrepräsentanz interessierender Branchen 32,4 19,2 13,7 1,0 5,0 1,8 Stichprobe Grundgesamtheit

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