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The German Marine Data Infrastructure

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1 The German Marine Data Infrastructure
(MDI-DE) 1

2 German EEZ Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
Germany‘s got federal structure, so even if our coastline is relativly short compared to other, larger countries, there are 18 different agencies and Institutions responsible for all the different aspects like waterways, fishing or environmental monitoring.

3 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) Data Originators 18 Agencies and Institutions in the EEZ and 12 Mile Zone Federal Government BSH Federal Government BfN Schleswig-Holstein LKN-LLUR Federal Government BAW Mecklenburg-Vorpommern LUNG Niedersachsen NLWKN NLPV

Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) For which Systems do we need Data IODE MyOcean INSPIRE OSPAR CISE GEBCO HELCOM SeaDataNet MaNIDA Copernicus InSitu ICES MUDAB EMODnet BOOS NOOS TMAP MSFD BaltSeaPlan AufMod WasserBLIcK WFD GDI-DE

5 MDI-DE Project Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
MDI-DE = Marine Data Infrastructure - Germany Supra-institutional network for the integration of marine data from all relevant data sources National Institutions Federal Institutions Research Organizations National marine and coastal information system Central geoportal Central metadata catalogue Local infrastructure nodes providing data Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research But luckily we have this great project called MDI-DE, where finding solutions to ease the fulfilling of reporting duties is one of main research goals. MDI-DE stands for Marine Data Infrastructure Germany. The aim is to create a national data infrastructure for marine and coastal data spanning across all federal and bureaucratic boundaries. Thus simplifiying the access to such data and reducing the redundancy through a central metadata catalogue. There are 9 institutions involved directly in this project as partners and several more as cooperation partners, providing and accessing data. The project started 2 years ago and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research with a generous sum 

6 Subprojects Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
Joint Project with 4 Subprojects Subproject 1: Coastal Engineering and Protection of Coastal Waters Lead: Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) Subproject 2: Marine Environmental Protection Lead: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) Subproject 3: Marine Nature Conservation Lead: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) Subproject 4: Scientific and Technical Accompanying Research Lead: Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformatics (University of Rostock) Project duration: 42 months (projected: until ) Funding period: 30 months Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Behörden von Bund und Küstenländern haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um die Marine Daten-Infrastruktur Deutschland – MDI-DE aufzubauen. Die Beteiligten arbeiten bereits erfolgreich seit 1972 im Kuratorium für Forschung im Küsteningenieurwesen (KFKI) und seit 1997 in der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bund/Länder-Messprogramm für die Meeresumwelt von Nord- und Ostsee (ARGE BLMP Nord- und Ostsee) zusammen. Der Förderantrag soll noch in 11/2009 gestellt werden.

7 Team Members Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (Coastal Engineering) BAW Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein’s Government-Owned Company for Coastal Protection, National Parks and Ocean Protection, LKN Husum and Tönning Lower Saxony agency for water management, coastal and nature conservation NLWKN Branches Norden-Norderney and Brake-Oldenburg Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park Administration, NLPV Wilhelmshaven Directorates of Water and Navigation, WSD Northwest, Aurich / North, Kiel Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Marine Environment) BSH Hamburg State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas Schleswig-Holstein, LLUR Flintbek State Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-West Pommerania, LUNG Güstrow Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Marine Nature Conservation) BfN, Bonn AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut BfG, Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde BKG, Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie CWSS, Common Wadden Sea Secretariat GKSS, GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht ICBM, Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres an der Uni Oldenburg IFM-GEOMAR, Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel IOW, Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde MARUM, Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Bremen PortalU, Umweltportal Deutschland Senckenberg am Meer, Institut Senckenberg am Meer in Wilhelmshaven SH-MIS, Internet-Portal für das schleswig-holsteinische Metainformationssystem UBA, Umweltbundesamt vTI-SF, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Institut für Seefischerei ZfG, Zentrum für Geoinformation an der Uni Kiel

8 Project Partners Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
AWI Alfred-Wegener-Institut BfG Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde BKG Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie CWSS Common Wadden Sea Secretariat HZG Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres an der Uni Oldenburg GEOMAR, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel IOW Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde MARUM Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Bremen PortalU Geschäftsstelle Umweltportal Deutschland Senckenberg Institut Senckenberg am Meer in Wilhelmshaven SH-MIS Schleswig-Holsteinisches Metainformationssystem UBA Umweltbundesamt – Dessau vTI-SF Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Institut für Seefischerei ZfG Zentrum für Geoinformation an der Uni Kiel AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut BfG, Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde BKG, Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie CWSS, Common Wadden Sea Secretariat GKSS, GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht ICBM, Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres an der Uni Oldenburg IFM-GEOMAR, Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel IOW, Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde MARUM, Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Bremen PortalU, Umweltportal Deutschland Senckenberg am Meer, Institut Senckenberg am Meer in Wilhelmshaven SH-MIS, Internet-Portal für das schleswig-holsteinische Metainformationssystem UBA, Umweltbundesamt vTI-SF, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Institut für Seefischerei ZfG, Zentrum für Geoinformation an der Uni Kiel

9 Goals Project Goals Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) Development of
a multidisciplinary network for integrating the major coastal data sources located at Federal and State public authorities and research centers, a new Web portal for Ocean and Coast, MDI-DE, a comprehensive national Ocean and Coastal Information System and a coordinated working environment relying on metadata and Web services. Benefits comprehensive provision of distributed marine data, improvement of workflows with data from heterogeneous coastal sources to produce data products to support political and economic decisions as well as for reporting and presentation in different target systems. Die für Aufgaben in der Küstenzone spezifizierten und verwendeten Metadaten-Kataloge und Web-Services sollen in der MDI-DE zu einer Arbeitsplattform vernetzt werden, die eine Fach-, Behörden-/Institutions- und Länder-übergreifende Integration verteilter Datenbestände unterstützt. Wesentliches Ziel ist es, die Arbeitsprozesse mit den Daten aus heterogenen Quellen durch Dienste bei der Herstellung von Produkten für Berichte und zur Präsentation in Informationssystemen zu optimieren. Im Fokus steht das Berichtswesen zur Meeres-Strategie Rahmen-Richtlinie MSRL. Eine wesentliche inhaltliche Grundlage von Informationssystemen sind Fachthesauri, die zur Verschlagwortung und zur Recherche verwendet werden. Im Rahmen der MDI-DE sollen die bei den Projektpartnern vorhandenen Ansätze zusammengeführt werden.

10 Spatial Data Infrastructures
Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) Spatial Data Infrastructures Service Oriented Architecture Decentralized network of data providing services Data and Services documented with metadata Focus on interoperability open standards International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Broker Find Publish For those who are not familiar with spatial data infrastructures, I will quickly go over this. They key buzzword is Service Oriented Architecture, I’m sure most of you are familiar with it or have at least heard about this. A SDI is composed of a decentralized network of data providing services. These services as well as the data therein are documented with metadata documents. As the main benefit of SDIs is interoperability, no good can come from limited data formats and interfaces. This is why SDIs rely heavily on open standards and the work of standardization groups like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). One of the main paradigms of an SDI, is the so-called „Publish-Find-Bind“ Principle. Erklären User Service Provider Bind 10

11 Future Network Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) MDI-DE
GDI-BSH NOKIS Metadaten Daten Dienste Services Portal Harvesting Thesaurus Gazetteer Node @ LUNG Node @ HZG Node @ vTI Node @ LLUR Node @ BfG Node @ NLWKN / NLPV Node @ LKN Node @ WSDn Node @ AWI Node @ BfN Node @ BAW Node @ BSH Node @ NN Service Oriented Architecture Decentralized network of data providing services Data and Services documented with metadata Focus on interoperability open standards (ISO, OGC).

12 Users: authorities, science, politics, economy, public
Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) Marine Data Infrastructure-Germany (MDI-DE) INSPIRE WISE-Marine OSPAR HELCOM (ICES) WRRL, SoE, FFH, HWRL, MSRL MUDAB TMAP MDI-DE Users: authorities, science, politics, economy, public

13 Basic Architecture Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
Central Geoportal Central Metadata Catalogue Infrastructure Nodes providing marine data Our website uses this principle, we call it our portal, where users can search, view and download data. To make this work, we have a central metadata catalogue in the back, where all the data is annotated and allow you to find the datasets you‘re looking for. The data itself is not stored centrally but remains at the infrastructure nodes situated at the participating Institutions. So, we got a network spanning the whole north of germany providing us with marine data. The whole concept is of course devoloped in such a way, that additional nodes can be added rather easily.

14 Infrastructure Nodes 14 Now let‘s take a closer look at these nodes.
Each of these infrastructure nodes is of rather simple design. To achieve a seamless integration, each infrastructure node needs to be equipped with a few basic components: services to provide the data and metadata and a database to feed these two. For the provision of spatial data, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has developed a number of open and international standards. The most fitting in this context are the Web Map Service (WMS) to generate digital maps and the Web Feature Service (WFS) to download the data in an interoperable form. For both several open source implementations are available and easily set up. The underlying database needs to provide data to these services, which can be achieved by either installing a spatial database dedicated for this purpose or adding a data view to an existing database to adapt existing structures to the needs of the services. To ensure the data distribution, the last piece of the puzzle is the corresponding metadata, which again is supplied by either a specialized database or a data view and distributed over the net by any metadata management tool which offers a standardized Catalogue Service for the Web (CS-W) interface 14

15 Basic Workflow User MDI-DE Portal [1] Search [4] maps and data [2]
WMS = Web Map Service WFS = Web Feature Service CSW = Cataloque Service for the Web Metadata catalogue Mapviewer [2] harvesting [3] map request Infrastructure node 1 Metadata catalogue Map and Featureserver CSW WMS/WFS Infrastructure node 2 Metadata catalogue Map and Featureserver CSW WMS/WFS Infrastructure node n Metadata catalogue Map and Featureserver CSW WMS/WFS Geo DB Geo DB Geo DB 15 15

16 Common User Workflow

17 Reporting Workflow Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) 17 User
[5] Send Permalink [1] Search [4] Create Permalink MDI-DE Portal Metadata catalogue Mapviewer [2] Administration [3] map request Infrastructure node 1 Metadata catalogue Map and Featureserver CSW WMS/WFS Infrastructure node 2 Metadata catalogue Map and Featureserver CSW WMS/WFS Infrastructure node n Metadata catalogue Map and Featureserver CSW WMS/WFS For each institution that gets reported to, a custom-made composition of thematic data layers can be compiled without having to touch the data itself. Geo DB Geo DB Geo DB 17

18 Data Harmonization Harmonization based on mutual agreements
Flexible and sustainable with data base views Unified Data Map colouring Symbols Legend Harmonization takes a lot of time and discussions in commitees to come to an agreement, as everybody of course favores the data structures they are used to 18

19 Eutrophication Even though it is considered one of the more straighforward descriptors, it is a rather complex matter, as this diagram illustrates quite nicely. For the eutrophication descriptor, a little over 50 parameters are measured, combined and the 5 year mean taken. HELCOM, 2006: Development of tools for assessment of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, Baltic Sea Environmental Proceedings No. 104 19

20 Harmonization: Example Eutrophication
Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) Harmonization: Example Eutrophication The Nitrite-N-Layer of different agencies with their own styles The harmonized Nitrite-N-Layer with unified symbols and legend

21 MSRL D5: Eutrophication
Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) MSRL D5: Eutrophication Erwähnen welche Entscheidungen anhand des Prototypen getroffen wurden. (Nitrate-N) 21 21

22 MSRL D5: INSPIRE compliant WFS
Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) MSRL D5: INSPIRE compliant WFS 22

23 MDI-DE Portal https://www.mdi-de.org
Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE) MDI-DE Portal Data Search DataVisualisation Data Access 23

24 CONTIS (Continental Shelf Information System)

25 Sediments, Classification and Thickness

26 Spatial Subject Data: … & Profile-Lines / Boreholes

27 Geodateninfrastruktur des BSH
Density of  Harbour Porpoise Geodateninfrastruktur des BSH

28 Wrecks and Obstructions

29 Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)

30 Summary and Outlook Marine Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
Use of a SDI can simplify the processes of providing data to different systems Data remains with its originators Minimal alteration to existing data structures Datasets could be provided for multiple uses Processing Services and SOS Thesaurus and Gazetteer dataDIVER will be integrated into the portal

31 Thank you for your attention. Questions?
Thank you for your attention. Questions? 31

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