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Human Creativity by Artificial General Intelligence

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1 Human Creativity by Artificial General Intelligence
WKÖ-NÖ 1. Juni 2017

2 Systemüberblick Artificial General Intelligence
Network Operating System for high performance cloud or client server computing Artificial Intelligence and Virtual user Financial Applications and Analytics Cryptographic Relational Database Folien rausnehmen Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

3 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – starke KI
Weiterentwicklung von KI Nicht nur Maschinenlernen, sondern auch Maschinendenken möglich Jede intellektuelle Aufgabe, die ein Mensch erfüllen kann, kann ausgeführt werden Maschinelle Kreativität möglich Appendix Digitization and automation affect almost all sectors. and our software is also usable for different industries and use cases Especially big companies still have to rely on highly qualified humans to execute many processes and regular manual tasks. There are too many disadvantages in this. First, it costs the companies tremendous amounts of money. Second, the knowledge this qualified person accumulates during the years is mostly gone when he or she leaves the company. Through our deep learning technology all the knowledge stays in the company, errors are minimized, and costs are cut up to 80 % in specific areas Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

4 Arten der künstlichen Intelligenz
Intelligente Systeme Maschinenlernen Tiefgehendes Lernen Maschinendenken advantage Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

5 Induktivismus vs. Deduktivismus
Aus vielen Beobachtungen wird auf allgemeingültige Gesetze geschlossen Reiz-Reaktions Schema: Gegebenheiten werden gelernt und es wird in bereits gelernter Form darauf reagiert Der Computer kann keine neuen Ideen produzieren und deswegen auch nicht auf neue Situationen reagieren Deduktivismus: Hypothesen werden gebildet und überprüft Mutationsschema: Verallgmeinerungen gelten vorläufig bis etwas besseres kommt Computer produziert neue Ideen advantages Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

6 Anwendung: Risikomanagement
How does our system works? The system contains so called “virtual users” which are mirroring the “real user” (humans who do a certain task). Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

7 Risiko-Predicting Ergebnis
Eigenkapital-Rentabilität jährlich 2,5% -> 200 Millionen $ Appendix Digitization and automation affect almost all sectors. and our software is also usable for different industries and use cases Especially big companies still have to rely on highly qualified humans to execute many processes and regular manual tasks. There are too many disadvantages in this. First, it costs the companies tremendous amounts of money. Second, the knowledge this qualified person accumulates during the years is mostly gone when he or she leaves the company. Through our deep learning technology all the knowledge stays in the company, errors are minimized, and costs are cut up to 80 % in specific areas Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

8 Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH
Anwendung: Industrie Verbesserte Produktivität Effizienzsteigerung Gezielteres Risikomanagement Appendix Digitization and automation affect almost all sectors. and our software is also usable for different industries and use cases Especially big companies still have to rely on highly qualified humans to execute many processes and regular manual tasks. There are too many disadvantages in this. First, it costs the companies tremendous amounts of money. Second, the knowledge this qualified person accumulates during the years is mostly gone when he or she leaves the company. Through our deep learning technology all the knowledge stays in the company, errors are minimized, and costs are cut up to 80 % in specific areas Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

9 Industrie: Optimierungspotenziale
Predicting: Optimierung Stromversorgung/Energieverteilung, vorausschauende Wartung -> 20% verbesserte Anlagennutzung Maschinendenken: Neue Produktionsabläufe -> Reduktion der Lagerhaltungskosten um bis zu 50% Pattern recognition: Qualitätsüberwachung -> 50% produktiver werden. In bestimmten Bereichen ist eine Reduktion des Ausschusses um bis zu 60% möglich. Pattern association: Automatisierung von Geschäftsabläufen -> 30% der Tätigkeiten können übernommen werden Quelle: Appendix Digitization and automation affect almost all sectors. and our software is also usable for different industries and use cases Especially big companies still have to rely on highly qualified humans to execute many processes and regular manual tasks. There are too many disadvantages in this. First, it costs the companies tremendous amounts of money. Second, the knowledge this qualified person accumulates during the years is mostly gone when he or she leaves the company. Through our deep learning technology all the knowledge stays in the company, errors are minimized, and costs are cut up to 80 % in specific areas Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

10 Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH
Anwendung: Security How does our system works? The system contains so called “virtual users” which are mirroring the “real user” (humans who do a certain task). Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

11 Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH
Anwendung: Marketing Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

12 Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH
Funktionsweise Real User acts as a teacher Virtual User How does our system works? The system contains so called “virtual users” which are mirroring the “real user” (humans who do a certain task). Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

13 Funktionsweise Real User acts as a teacher Virtual User Virtual User knows optimal strategies Through this, an artificial brain behind the system learns every step a human is doing, adapts the patterns and can even simulate patterns which never appeared before (“creativity”). Furthermore the system also learns through data integration, and even learns from the system itself. Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

14 Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH
Funktionsweise Real User acts as a teacher Virtual User Virtual User knows optimal strategies Many iterations and simulations are made (through “networks of neural networks”) and after 3-4 months the system can substitute and execute certain tasks autonomously. Virtual User Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

15 Empfehlungen für Unternehmen
Chancen der KI verstehen, für sich selber Pilotprojekte festlegen und dabei die Wirtschaftlichkeit nicht aus den Augen verlieren, intern KI-Kompetenzen aufbauen, jedoch auch mit spezialisierten Drittanbietern zusammenarbeiten, granulare Daten speichern, wo immer es geht – sie sind der Treibstoff für KI- Anwendungen, bestehendes detailliertes Wissen über die eigenen Produkte und Fertigungsverfahren mit neuen KI-Anwendungen kombinieren, kleine Tests schnell auf den Weg bringen; es sind keine riesigen Investitionen notwendig, aber Agilität ist eine Erfolgsvoraussetzung. Appendix Digitization and automation affect almost all sectors. and our software is also usable for different industries and use cases Especially big companies still have to rely on highly qualified humans to execute many processes and regular manual tasks. There are too many disadvantages in this. First, it costs the companies tremendous amounts of money. Second, the knowledge this qualified person accumulates during the years is mostly gone when he or she leaves the company. Through our deep learning technology all the knowledge stays in the company, errors are minimized, and costs are cut up to 80 % in specific areas Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

16 Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH
Danke! Xephor Solutions GmbH Copyright © Xephor Solutions GmbH

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