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Flavoring Particles Advanced Translation Luise Krause&
Eva Stahlheber Maja Preuß SS June 5, 2012
Flavoring Particles (dt.: Abtönungspartikeln)
?*!*? Das war eine Überraschung! Das war ja eine Überraschung!
Das war aber eine Überraschung! Das war eben eine Überraschung! Das war doch eine Überraschung!
Importance/Function of Flavoring Particles
The general truth of a statement is not affected However: the speaker‘s position to the statement is expressed If flavoring particles are used, the language becomes more natural and flowing > otherwise harsh statements are ‘softened‘ “Flavor“ the speaking situation/atmosphere and can influence the dialogue partner Allow the speaker to give evaluation of his/her position and to connect the dots of a conversation
Hast du schon wieder vergessen, die Maschine auszuschalten? Ich habe dir schon so oft gesagt, wie wichtig es ist, darauf zu achten. Schon die Art, wie du dasitzt, zeigt, dass du nicht wirklich bei der Sache bist. Na, nun mach schon! So ist es schon besser! Hör schon auf zu weinen! Der Maschine wird schon nichts passiert sein.
Did you forget to turn the machine off yet again? I’ve told you so many times before how important it is to pay attention to this. The very way you sit there shows that your mind is not on your job. Alright, get a move on! That’s better! Stop crying! I am sure nothing serious happened to the machine.
One and the same particle in German has several meanings/functions depending on the context Flavoring particles as such are lacking in English The particles especially with their nuances of meaning rarely have an exact equivalent in English ?!? branches of research departments: linguistics, semiotics, translation science hint: topic of linguistics=pragmatics acts of speech flavoring particles as example for what is stated on which level >usage depends greatly on the situation
[Doch] „ Meine Idee ist doch gut. (oder?)“
degrees of insistence request for confirmation My idea really is good, isn’t it? (really + question tag) „ Du hast es doch selbst gesehen!“ obviousness reproach But, you saw it yourself! (but,…) „Ich hatte doch Recht!“ self-congratulatory confirmation of a speculation I was right after all! (+ after all) defiance
[Doch] „Lernen hilft doch manchmal.”
realization despite contradictory expectations = hindsight realization Studying really does help sometimes (really + do/is) „Wenn es doch aufhören würde zu regnen.“ disapproval wish (conditional sentence) If only it stopped raining (if only…) “Schrei doch nicht so!“ disapproval of the action strong demand Why don't you stop screaming? Stop screaming already! (why don‘t you.../+ already) hindsight = späte Einsicht in hindsight by means of hindsight realization he understood what he should have done „I told you so!“
[Eh] (+ in the first place) „Er weiß eh die Antwort.“
production of relief annoyed indifference He knows the answer anyway (+ anyway) „Ich hab dir eh gesagt, dass das keine gute Idee war.“ reproachful confirmation I told you it wasn’t a good idea in the first place. (+ in the first place) *synonyms: ohnehin/sowieso > regional differences in usage
That’s just the way it is…
[Halt/Eben] „Ich war müde, da habe ich mich halt hingelegt.“ reasoning with implicit defense I was tired, so I lay down. (What did you expect?) () „Alte Bücher sind eben staubig.“ explanation for an unchangeable situation Old books are dusty, it can’t be helped () maybe: Old books are just dusty. That’s just the way it is…
[Halt/Eben] „Das ist es eben!“ (Well,) that’s exactly it! (exactly)
supporting another’s argument (Well,) that’s exactly it! (exactly) maybe also: That‘s just it! „Das sind eben nur Kinder.“ apologizing explanation decreasing the person/matter in question They are just kids (just)
[Ja] „Sei ja vorsichtig!“ Do be careful!
warning of danger / punishment Do be careful! You had better be careful! (do.../you had better...) „Du kannst es ja versuchen.“ uncertainty and simultaneous encouragement You can certainly try (certainly) „Du musst ja frieren!“ speculation and simultaneous affirmation patronizing notion You must be freezing! (must be...)
[Ja] „Sie wissen ja, wie das ist.“ Well, you know how things are.
attempt to obtain consent Well, you know how things are. After all, you know how things are (well / after all) „Der Kaffee ist ja heiß!“ vs. „Der Kaffee ist aber heiß.” 1) astonishment at the fact itself 2) astonishment at the degree/quality/measure Gee, the coffee is hot. The coffee is pretty hot (exclamation,…) (further description)
[Mal] „Hör mal zu!“ Listen up!
admonishing demand Listen up! Why don't you listen? (demand / why don‘t you...) „Halt mal das Fenster auf!“ demand casualness of action Can you open the window real quick? (can you…real quick?)
[Schon] „Keine Sorge - sie passt schon auf die Kinder auf.“
affirmative assumption regarding an uncertain situation Don't worry – I am sure she will take good care of the kids! (+ to be sure) „Die Wohnung ist schon schön, sie ist aber auch teuer.“ affirmation with integrated objection Yes, the apartment is nice, but it is also expensive. (yes…,but)
[Schon] „Schon die Art, wie er spricht, macht mich wahnsinnig!“
relation btw. generally existent attitude and specific trigger The very way he speaks drives me crazy. (the very...) * quite formal „Komm schon!“ demand with overt/covert impatience Translation varies depending on the context…
[Schon] „Komm schon (wir müssen los)!“ Hurry! … „Na, nun mach schon!“
(warum hast du noch nicht angefangen...) Get a move on! „Mach schon (du schaffst das)!“ Come on! „Hör schon auf!“ Stop that! / Quit it! „Iss schon auf!“ Eat up! / Finish up! *(+ already)
[Wohl] „Er war wohl zu müde.“ He was probably too tired. (+ probably)
assumption concerning a probable circumstance He was probably too tired (+ probably) „Er wird doch wohl noch kommen.“ assumption concerning a questionable circumstance implied question Is he going to come for sure? He is going to come, isn’t he? ()
[Wohl] „Wirst du wohl still sein!“ Figures of speech
threat (informal context!) with implicit reprimand Can’t you be quiet! (can‘t you.../will you...) Will you be quiet! * Be quiet, already! Figures of speech „Du spinnst wohl?“ „Du willst mich wohl auf den Arm nehmen?“ You must be nuts! You must be kidding me! (must be...)
Thank you for your attention!
Bibliography Helbig, Gerhard. Lexikon deutscher Partikeln. Leipzig: Verlag Enzyklopädie, 1988. Humphrey, Richard. Uni-Wissen Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Grundkurs Übersetzen Deutsch-Englisch. Stuttgart, et al.: Klett, 2007. Paneth, Eva. „Partikeln im Unterricht – Erfahrungen mit englischen Studenten.“ Partikeln und Deutschunterricht. Ed. Weydt, Harald. Heidelberg: Julius Groos Verlag, Weydt, Harald, et al. Kleine deutsche Partikellehre: Ein Lehr – und Übungsbuch für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. München: Klett, 1993. grimm grammar, „flavoring particles“, last entry: June 4, 2012.
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