Eine ganze Industrie An entire industry Schluckt die dicken Gelder, Swallows the fat funds, Treibt die Preise hoch – denn sie Pushes the prices high –


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Word Order in German Subordiante Clauses

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The Pefect Tense By Abbie (:.
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MODAL VERBS Modal verbs are special verbs (you probably already know them!) and they exist in English and German. can/be able to = können (Ich kann) must/have.
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Sentence Structure Subject and verb are always together. Subject and verb are always together. Subject and verb must agree Subject and verb must agree.
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
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“To be or not to be…” Bin, bist, ist, sind, seid.
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Asking someone out in German.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or.
Imperfekt (Simple Past) Irregular or strong verbs
Seite 15, Aufgabe O Situations. 1. Say that you have to go to Halifax tomorrow. 2. Say that Robert cannot come this evening. 3. Say that you do not like.
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VERBEN KONJUGIEREN. What is a verb? An ________ _______, mental __________ or ________.  Examples of verbs:  __________________________ actionword state.
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Volume 1, Chapter 7.
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 Präsentation transkript:

Eine ganze Industrie An entire industry Schluckt die dicken Gelder, Swallows the fat funds, Treibt die Preise hoch – denn sie Pushes the prices high – because it hat die Kohlenfelder. Has the fields of coal.

Sie kann schröpfen und sie schröpft It can squeeze money from you and it squeezes Euch, die Konsumenten; You all, the consumers; Von dem Geld, euch abgeknöpft, from the money, you are separated, Zahlt sie die Agenten….. She pay the agents…. Presse, Kinos, süß gemischt - Press, movie theaters, sweetly mixed - Merkt ihr nischt? Do you all not notice?

Käseblätter schelten brav Local papers bravely chide Auf die Republike To the republic Und es tapst das deutsche Schaf And it moves the german sheep. Nach der Preßmusike. To the music of the press

Weil der Bauer profitiert Because the farmers profit Von der Feldgewäschen: From the field drivel: Loben Filme – wie geschmiert! - Praise films – like it was greased! - Fridericus Rexn. King Frederick Warum wird das aufgetischt? Why is this all being served up? Merkt ihr nischt? Do you all not notice?

Was mit offnen Mäulern prahlt: What with open yaps boast:,,Wir – wir sind die Stärkern! We – we are the strong ones! Das ist alles bar bezahlt - That is all paid in cash - Und von euern Märkern! And from your marks!

Vorn der Militärsoldat Forward the military soldier Und die Ideale - And the ideals - Hinten steht ein Syndikat: Behind stand the syndicate: Zahle, Dummkopf, zahle! Pay, Dummy pay!

Von der Welt könnt ihr nichts wissen. From the world can you all know nothing. Ach, wie seid ihr angelogen! Ah, how you are lied to! Und sie zahlen blutige Zinsen. And they pay with bloody interest. Und die Bauernfänger grinsen, And the conmen grin, Weil ihr alldeutsch aufgefrischt….. Because you all replenish pan-Germanism…. Merkt ihr nischt? Do you all not notice?