Die Zeiten (Tenses).


Ähnliche Präsentationen
Die Vergangenheit (simple past)

PERFEKT (Conversational Past)
IMPERFECT TENSE. Imperfect Tense Definition: it is a past tense used to say what you used to do or to narrate a string of past events. E.g.: Als Kind.
The Simple Past Tense.
Strong Simple Past Verbs
(auf Deutsch - Perfekt)
Meine Ferien My Holiday activities Click on an activity to start.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
die Zeiten (The Tenses) das Aktiv (Active Voice)
Starke Schwache ich – te du – test er/sie/es te wir – ten ihr – tet Sie, sie - ten.
Simple Past Tense Past Perfect The Narrative Past.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Lesson 1 – the Past Tense (das Perfekt)
The perfect tense how to say what you did (in the past)
Imperfekt (Simple Past) Irregular or strong verbs
Talking about activities in the past
GERMAN 1023 present perfect tense.
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PAST TENSES in German Simple Past=NARRATIVE PAST (used in writing)
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Change the sentences from the present to the present perfect tense.
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en route unterwegs.
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Konjugier,,sein”! ichwir du ihr er, sie,essie, Sie.
Das Perfekt Conversational Past Tense Present Perfect Tense Weak Verbs 1. Conjugated form of haben 2. Past participle (z.B. gehört)
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To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
The perfect tense Vital for a good grade!!. There are 2 parts to the perfect tense 1)The correct part of haben (or sein) 2) + the past participle.
Mein Alltag.
Guten Morgen! Heute ist der 18. Dezember. 1. Jetzt: Mach die “Wiederholung Tenses” Arbeitsblatt. (Present, Future, Past) 2. Aufsätze? 3. Später: Imperfekt.
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T EST 1 K APITEL 6 1. Given a list of prefixes and a list of verbs, form separable prefix verbs (infinitive) and write their English equivalents: an/ab/ein/
Present and past tense German 2. Basic present tense.
To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
TENSES There are six tenses in English + German present tense: I sing. Ich singe. simple past: I sang. Ich sang. present perfect: I have sung. Ich habe.
Present Perfect The present perfect is built with the auxiliary verb “haben” or “sein” and the past participle (gemacht, gefahren). “haben” is the rule.
The „Perfekt“ tense The German „Perfekt“ tense is a past tense that is similar to the English present perfect. For weak German verbs the rule for forming.
To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
Edexcel Rot Perfect Tense (regular) (using haben verbs)
TENSES There are six tenses in English + German
Copyright jane breen 2005 Vergangenheitsform Perfekt Past Perfect Tense.
Zeitformen Merle Haviko Januar PRÄSENS Wortstamm + Endung.
Was hast du gemacht? Objektiv; To use the perfect tense
The perfect tense (haben)
THINK “HAMBURGERS” YUM YUM… There are ALWAYS at least 3 parts:
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
TENSES There are six tenses in English + German
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
Simple Past Tense Past Perfect.
to form the present perfect tense in German you need
The Conversational Past
The Conversational Past
The Perfect Tense with ‘haben’
Einheit 3 – Wir haben frei
The Perfect Tense.
 Präsentation transkript:

Die Zeiten (Tenses)

Das Präsens (The Present) Weak Verbs Ich schlafe in meinem Bett. Spielst Du Fußball? Ich trinke ein Glas Wasser. Was siehst du? e st t en

Imperfekt (The Past Tense) Weak Verbs Ich schlief in meinem Bett. Spieltest Du Fußball? Ich trank ein Glass Wasser. Was sahst du? te test ten tet

Das Perfekt (The Present Perfect) Ich habe in meinem Bett geschlafen. Hast du Fußball gespielt? Ich habe Wasser getrunken. Was hast du gesehen? Helping verb / Auxillary Verb (haben / sein – in present tense) Past participle (normally at the end)

Das Plusquamperfekt (The Past Perfect) Ich hatte in meinem Bett geschlafen. Hattest du Fußball gespielt? Ich war nach Atlanta gegangen. Was hattest du gesehen? Helping verb / Auxillary Verb (haben / sein – in past tense) Past participle (normally at the end)

Das Futur (The Future Tense) Ich werde in meinem Bett schlafen. Wirst du Fußball spielen? Ich werde ein Glas Wasser trinken. Was wirst du sehen? conjugated form of werden 2nd verb in infinitive form at the end.

Das Futur II (The Future Perfect) Ich werde in meinem Bett geschlafen haben. Wirst du Fußball gespielt haben? Ich werde ein Glas Wasser getrunken haben. Wo wirst du gegangen sein? conjugated form of werden Past participle of secondary verb. Auxillary verb in infinitive form at the end