.....wolken über dem rechenzentrum...................................................................................................... cloud computing.


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 Präsentation transkript:

.....wolken über dem rechenzentrum cloud computing für it architekten beat schwegler microsoft western

a....b....s....t....a....n....d n....e....h....m....e....n

was ist die cloud?

warum eigentlich? billiger. weniger risiko. expertise.


elastizität Number of EC2 Instances 300 CPU’s on weekends Thursday 4/23/2009 Friday 4/24/2009 Sunday 4/26/2009 Monday 4/27/2009 Tuesday 4/28/2009 Saturday 4/25/2009 Wednesday 4/22/


kosten Source James Hamilton:

kosten Source James Hamilton:


Capacity provided by IT Initial Investment reduced to the minimum Reduce Over Capacity Never Under Capacity Capacity reduction in case of load drop Load Trend Computing Capacity Time cloud computing

patterns Usage Compute Time Average Inactivity Period Compute Time Average Usage Compute Time Compute Time Average Usage

cloud kriterien on-demand. internet. multi tenant. elastizität. skalierbarkeit.

Software as a Service Platform as a Service Infrastructure as a Service kategorisierung

privat... öffentlich

cloud fähigkeiten elastic compute. scalable storage. network topology.

herausforderung cap. base vs acid. datenschema.

wie sieht das nun konkret aus?

Windows Azure is an internet-scale cloud services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers around the world, proving a simple, reliable and powerful platform for the creation of web applications and services.



Special credit goes to Simon Guest who let me “borrow” these whiteboard slides

Web Role Azure Storage Browser Web Role NLBNLB Worker Role NLBNLB p1 p2 p3

Web Role Worker Role Tight coupling between web and worker role is an anti-pattern

Web Role Worker Role Queue Re q 1. Place on queue 3. Pickup from queue 4. Process 2. Respond to UI

Web Role Worker Role Queue Re q 4. Process Table 5. Add result to table 6. Query table on refresh

azure preise Compute: Per Service Hour Starting at $0.12/service hour + Variable instance sizes

azure preise Storage Per GB stored & transactions Blob & table $0.15 / GB Storage Access = $0.10 / 100K Transactions

azure preise Bandwidth Per GB transfer in or out of a datacenter US/EU Bandwidth = $0.10 in / $0.15 out / GB Asia Pacific = $0.30 in / $0.45 out / GB


sla Compute connectivity Storage availability Your service is connected and reachable via web Internet facing roles will have external connectivity Database availability Database is connected to the internet gateway Availability monitoring every 5- minute interval

budget capex. opex.

sicherheit physisch. ausfallsicherheit. platform. anwendung.

rechtliche aspekte safe harbor act. patriot act. PCI DSS.

software + services

it portfolio On Premise Buy Build New molecule research SAP Clinical trial software Exchange Siebel BPOS CRM Online to get access to elastic compute and cheaper storage their instance of SAP partner “legacy” HR system

wie beginnen? app szenarien. compute szenarien. storage szenarien. b2b datenaustausch.

welche applikationen eignen sich besonders für die cloud?

wie sieht es mit der sicherheit aus?

was ist eigentlich eine private cloud?

wie sieht das service level agreement aus?

was kostet mich die cloud?

wodurch unterscheiden sich die unterschiedlichen cloud-anbieter?