Deutsch 2 - Erdkunde 1 Quiz (closed note) vocabulary and city map


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Deutsch 2 - Erdkunde 1 Quiz (closed note) vocabulary and city map
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Составила Карпова Татьяна Валентиновна, МОУ СОШ №24 г.Владимира
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 Präsentation transkript:

Deutsch 2 - Erdkunde 1 Quiz (closed note) vocabulary and city map TEST (Part I and Part II – in class, open note) use your packet and any other materials Group Project – “Get to know a federal state”

Population Density- 230 persons/ (595 persons/sq.mi.) 82 Million (Bevölkerung) Population Density- 230 persons/ (595 persons/sq.mi.) 13 regular states + 3 city states = 16 federal states Bremen Berlin Hamburg Bundesrepublik Deutschland Federal Republic of Germany Deutsche Demokratische Republik German Democratic Republic

82 Million (Bevölkerung) Frankfurt 13 regular states + 3 city states = 16 federal states Stuttgart Műnchen

Shade in the 5.5 states that belonged to East Germany 82 Million (Bevölkerung) Population Density- 230 persons/ (595 persons/sq.mi.) 13 regular states + 3 city states = 16 federal states Bremen Hamburg Berlin Shade in the 5.5 states that belonged to East Germany Bundesrepublik Deutschland Federal Republic of Germany Bonn Deutsche Demokratische Republik German Democratic Republic Financial Capital = Frankfurt Mercedes = Stuttgart die Alpen BMW - Műnchen der Bodensee Lake Constance

Bundesrepublik Deutschland Federal Republic of Germany Deutsche Demokratische Republik German Democratic Republic 82 Million (Bevölkerung) Financial Capital = Frankfurt Berlin = 3.3 Million Hamburg = 1.7 Million München = 1.2 Million Köln = 965, 000 Frankfurt = 643, 000 13 regular states + 3 city states = 16 federal states Mercedes = Stuttgart die Alpen BMW - Műnchen der Bodensee Lake Constance Population Density- 230 persons/ (595 persons/sq.mi.)

die Flüsse von Deutschland die Elbe der Rhein der Donau