Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Say how you’re feeling - Use dative personal pronouns - Describe.


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Volume 1, Chapter 2.
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How Are You?.
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By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to:
Measurable objectives:
By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Talk about work - Explain why you’re learning German - Use seit to say how long - Place 2.
Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Explain what’s happened - Use a range of verbs in the perfect tense.
Measurable objectives:
Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - read property descriptions - use prepositions with the dative case.
Measurable objectives:
Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)
Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - enquire about renting a villa - use ‘zu’ with a second verb in the.
Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Follow instructions - Talk about the future using werden - Recognise.
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introduce someone talk about your family ask and give someone’s age
ask where buildings are in a town understand where they are
DATIV Ich schreibe meinem Bruder einen Brief.
say where you’re from say where your home town is
Reflexive Verbs.
Measurable objectives:
 Präsentation transkript:

Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Say how you’re feeling - Use dative personal pronouns - Describe symptoms - Use the verb wehtun By the end of the lesson, most learners will be able to - Initiate a conversation with a German speaker - Formulate their own questions and answers

Wie geht es Ihnen?

Wie geht es dir?

Was ist los?

Geht’s dir nicht gut?

Dative of personal pronouns mir dir ihm ihr uns euch ihnen Ihnen

Mir geht’s gut

Ihr geht’s gut

Uns geht’s schlecht

ihnen geht’s schlecht

Mir geht’s furchtbar

Ihm geht’s furchtbar

Mir geht’s gar nicht gut

Ihr geht’s gar nicht gut

Du Armer!

Du Arme!

Gab es einen Unfall?

Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Say how you’re feeling - Use dative personal pronouns - Describe symptoms - Use the verb wehtun By the end of the lesson, most learners will be able to - Initiate a conversation with a German speaker - Formulate their own questions and answers