1 | CONFIDENTIAL GlobalEnglish at Deutsche Telekom: Drive Global Collaboration Dr. Peter Schuster Sr. Customer Success Manager Oct. 2013.


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1 | CONFIDENTIAL GlobalEnglish at Deutsche Telekom: Drive Global Collaboration Dr. Peter Schuster Sr. Customer Success Manager Oct. 2013

2 | CONFIDENTIAL Our partnership: Facts and Figures Deutsche Telekom and GlobalEnglish have been doing business together since 1999 GlobalEnglish is a preferred partner of Deutsche Telekom Deutsche Telekom employees have had access to GlobalEnglish Employees in Austria, Germany, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland have used GlobalEnglish Deutsche Telekom Employees report a high satisfaction rate, high applicability and concrete productivity gains

3 | CONFIDENTIAL Key Findings: Impact Of Learning On Performance GlobalEnglish is helping Deutsche Telekom employees improve their ability to communicate at work:

4 | CONFIDENTIAL Reasons For High Satisfaction And Referral Top Support und Lehrer! ich habe bei Null begonnen und bin nun im Level B1 nur mit GE - für mich ist das Programm optimal. Flexibilität und Werkzeuge. Gute Übersicht der Grammatik. Abwechslungsreiche Übungen. Easy to use. Lessons are easy to understand. Fantastic speaking training. Good conversations with the trainer. Flexible. Nutzung eines Kurses bei freier Zeiteinteilung. keine festen Seminarzeiten! Inhalte sind allumfassend, lernen-hören-sprechen. Stetige Lernmöglichkeit an allen Orten und Lernen nach eigenem individuellem Tempo und Fähigkeiten möglich.

5 | CONFIDENTIAL Deutsche Telekom: GlobalEnglish Coach - Teilnehmer Feedback Sehr gute Erläuterung der grammatikalischen Zeiten, kombiniert mit direkter praktischer Verwendung. Sehr pünktlich,freundlich und lehrreich. Mein erster Eindruck ist das diese Form des Lernens meinen Bedarf sehr gut abdecken wird. The session was very good and I learnt a lot Very good and intresting discussion about Successful Women at work. Thank you Garry, for this session. Once more I learned a lot. Hat mich gut abgeholt, ging auf mich ein, hat mich nicht überfordert. It was a very pleasant atmosphere! Thanks a lot!

6 | CONFIDENTIAL Every now and then I get some presentations in English. Due to the English skills I acquired, I find it easier to understand the presentations. I was able to use the vocabulary I learned in phone calls with customers. In my last customer project I was better at writing English technical specifications. I could use some newly learnt idioms and expressions during a meeting with a Chinese supplier. I am better at forming English sentences when speaking to outside business partners, since due to the support of GlobalEnglish and an additional vocabulary study tool I now have a far bigger vocabulary. In our company many English terms are being used and due to the skills I acquired, I find communication generally easier. How Users Are Applying Their New English Skills

7 | CONFIDENTIAL In workshops my argumentation has become more fluent and I was better able to respond to questions. Co-workers, when conducting business phone calls. After the last call, my colleagues has said that my English is better, now. Also the supplier from England told me, that my English is very good. My supervisor in a conference call. It has been pointed out to me in discussions with co- workers. My English improvement has been noticed by my chief in an personal interview. My co-worker noticed in a team meeting in English that my English skills have improved. The quality of written technical specifications has improved and was noticed. Sample Situations In Which Someone Noticed Improved English Skills

8 | CONFIDENTIAL GlobalEnglish Coach and Executive Coach -Integrated -Blended -Virtual -1:1 -Flexible -Impactful Experience GlobalEnglish Coach through watching these videos.these videos Book GlobalEnglish Coach here.here A platinum-level, one-to-one Business English virtual coaching experience for executives seeking accelerated results. Watch the Executive Coach video Click the product icons and links to learn more:

9 | CONFIDENTIAL GlobalEnglish online und App GlobalEnglish Edge overviewGlobalEnglish LinGo Download Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie durch Klicken auf die Produkt Logos: Buchen Sie GlobalEnglish hier.hier