Be able to say the seasons, months and numbers 1-31 from memory Ask someone when their birthday is Understand when someones birthday is.


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 Präsentation transkript:

Be able to say the seasons, months and numbers 1-31 from memory Ask someone when their birthday is Understand when someones birthday is.

JanuarJuli FebruarAugust MärzSeptember AprilOktober MaiNovember JuniDezember

Review saying the seasons, months and numbers 1-31 from memory Asking someone when their birthday is Understanding when someones birthday is. Be able to Say when your birthday is and which season Conduct a class survey on birthdays (ask 20 + people) in German

1.Ich habe am dritten Oktober Geburtstag. 2.Ich habe am elften Januar Geburtstag. 3.Ich habe am neunten November Geburtstag. 4.Ich habe am ersten Mai Geburtstag. 5.Ich habe am dreißigsten Juli Geburtstag. 6.Ich habe am zehnten August Geburtstag. 7.Ich habe am zwanzigsten Dezember Geburtstag. 8.Ich habe am dreiundzwanzigsten April Geburtstag. 9.Ich habe am vierten März Geburtstag. 10.Ich habe am siebten September Geburtstag.

1.3/12 = Ich habe am dritten Dezember Geburtstag 2.23/11 3.1/5 4.16/7 5.29/10 6.4/3 7.26/6 8.13/4 9.10/ /2

Review saying the seasons, months and numbers 1-31 from memory Asking someone when their birthday is Understanding when someones birthday is and saying when your birthday is. Be able to: Understand a conversation about birthdays and fill in the missing gaps Understand the different forms of Haben = to have

Review saying the seasons, months and numbers 1-31 from memory Asking someone when their birthday is Understanding when someones birthday is and saying when your birthday is. Be able to: say what you got for your birthday 9+ items

Review saying the seasons, months and numbers 1-31 from memory Asking someone when their birthday is Understanding when someones birthday is and saying when your birthday is. Say what you got for your birthday Be able to: say what you do for your birthday 9+ items