

Ähnliche Präsentationen
Modal Verbs Pläne machen

Use with infinitives in any tense!
Deutsch 1 Frau Spampinato
Modal Verbs ich kann = I can ich mag = I like ich will = I want ich muβ = I must or I have to ich darf = I may or I am allowed to ich soll = I should or.
Modal Verbs.
Deutsche Verben.
The Clothes – Die Kleidung LO: Name clothes in German SC 1.I can play das Kartenspiel and give ‘Lob’ to support my partner 2.I can ask and answer questions.
modals dürfen können mögen müssen sollen wollen to be allowed to
Colours 2 with Flags LO: Talk about Flags and their colours SC 1. I can play das Kartenspiel and give ‘Lob’ to support my partner 2. I can say what colour.
Connect Four Print out a copy of the game board on the next slide and try to get four in a row: across, down or diagonally by answering the German questions.
LO: Name the parts of the body in German
The Clothes – Die Kleidung LO: Create sentences about clothes in German SC 1.I can play der Kartentausch und give ‘Lob’ to my partner 2.I can ask and.
modal auxiliaries Chris can read the book. (has the ability to)
modals dürfen können mögen müssen sollen wollen to be allowed to
Modal auxiliaries Chris can read the book. (has the ability to) Chris may read the book (is allowed to) Chris must read the book (has to) Chris should.
Modal auxiliaries Chris can read the book. (has the ability to) Chris may read the book (is allowed to) Chris must read the book (has to) Chris should.
Der Astronaut Der Akrobat Afrika Hans sagt – Hans (Simon) says Berüht... Touch...
The breakfast – Das Frühstück LO: Identify breakfast food and drink SC I know the German for many breakfast items and say if.
The fruit – Das Obst LO: Name and describe fruit SC I know the German word for 7 fruits I can ask and answer questions about.
Numbers 1 and Time LO: Count to 12 and tell the time SC I can count to 12 in German I can count back and forwards to 12 with.
Modal auxiliaries Chris can read the book. (has the ability to) Chris may read the book (is allowed to) Chris must read the book (has to) Chris should.
Modal auxiliaries Chris can read the book. (has the ability to) Chris may read the book (is allowed to) Chris must read the book (has to) Chris should.
GERM 1023 Kapitel 9 3 modals / infinitive completion with and without “zu”
Das Baby. Das Baby Der Ball Die Banane Hans sagt – Hans (Simon) says Berüht ... Touch ...

modals dürfen können mögen müssen sollen wollen to be allowed to
Phone 1 – Das Telefon 1 LO: Speak on the phone in German SC I can recall vocabulary that I can use on the phone I know that some.
Phone 2 – Das Telefon 2 LO: Speak on the phone in German SC I can have a conversation on the phone in German I know that different.

Book 1 Letters and Sounds LO: Read German letters and sounds SC I can say the alphabet in German I can spell my name in German.
The school 1 – die Schule 1 LO: Talk about school subjects SC I can name school subjects I can work in a team playing German.
Die Nummer Nigeria Das Netz Oggy Oggy Oggy Europe Oggy Oggy Oggy Asien Nord und Süd Amerika Oggy Oggy Oggy Afrika.

Expressing Opinions, Desire and Ability

Deutsch I: Kapitel 6 Modal verbs….

Be able to form sentences linking activities with weather

Ich will ihn kennenlernen. He likes to read (do not use MODAL)

 Präsentation transkript:


LO: Write Using Modal Verbs SC I can conjugate 6 modal verbs and combine them in sentences with other verbs I can match up German and English sentences that have modal verbs I can understand and answer comprehension questions about a German text containing modal verbs

Das Kartenspiel Yes, correct No, incorrect Good Super Excellent Fantastic Brilliant Wonderful Great Tremendous/super/great Beautiful/great Ja, Richtig Nein, Falsch Gut Super Ausgezeichnet Fantastisch Brilliant Wunderbar Großartig Prima Schön

To be allowed to - dürfen I may/am allowed to You may/are allowed to He may/is allowed to She may It may They may We may Ich darf Du darfst Er darf Sie darf Es darf Sie dürfen Wir dürfen

To like - mögen I like You like He likes She likes It likes They like We like Ich mag Du magst Er mag Sie mag Es mag Sie mögen Wir mögen

To be supposed to - sollen I should/am supposed to You should/are supposed to He should/is supposed to She should It should They should We should Ich soll Du sollst Er soll Sie soll Es soll Sie sollen Wir sollen

To be able to - Können I can You can He can She can It can They can We can Ich kann Du kannst Er kann Sie kann Es kann Sie können Wir können

To have to - Müssen I have to (must) You have to He has to She has to It has to They have to We have to Ich muss Du musst Er muss Sie muss Es muss Sie müssen Wir müssen

To want - Wollen I want You want He wants She wants It wants They want We want Ich will Du willst Er will Sie will Es will Sie wollen Wir wollen

Verbs learnt so far To play To dance To sing To read To do/to make To hear/to listen to To watch TV To swim To run To do gymnastics To speak Spielen Tanzen Singen Lesen Machen Hören Fernsehen Schwimmen Rennen Turnen Sprechen

Verbs learnt so far To be To have To have on To eat To drink To visit To travel To be called To shine To rain To snow Sein Haben Anhaben Essen Trinken Besuchen Fahren Heißen Sheinen Regnen Schneien

Its all about Franzi – where is she? Es geht um Franzi – wo ist sie? King or Queen Challenge König oder Königin Herausforderung Its all about Franzi – where is she? Es geht um Franzi – wo ist sie? Warm Heiß Kalt Eiskalt Links Rechts Halt Gerade aus Ich brauche Hilfe Ich habe Franzi gefunden Warm Hot Cold Ice cold Left Right Stop Straight on I need help I have found Franzi

Fill in the ___________ and translate

Ich ______ Musik hören Wir können Tee ___________ Du _______ Schokolade essen? Sie mag in der Schule __________ Er ________ schnell sein Sie sollen am Samstag __________

Match Up I like to play I want to visit my uncle Ich will mein Onkel besuchen Ich mag spielen

Reading Comprehension Das Mädchen heißt Heidi. Sie mag Fußball spielen. Am Samstag spielt sie für München. Heidi kann schnell rennen und sie will für Deutschland spielen.

Comprehension Questions Wie heißt das Mädchen? Was mag sie? Was macht sie am Samstag? Ist sie langsam? Was will sie? Das Mädchen heißt Heidi Sie mag fußball spielen Am Samstag spielt sie für München Nein, sie kann schnell rennen Sie will für Deutschland spielen

LO: Write Using Modal Verbs SC I can conjugate 6 modal verbs and combine them in sentences with other verbs I can match up German and English sentences that have modal verbs I can understand and answer comprehension questions about a German text containing modal verbs