

Ähnliche Präsentationen
Die Tage The Days.

Listen to tracks 1,2 and 3 in the CD Repeat Read pages 6 and 7 in the work book Learn the days and the time. Notice the sentences structure in slides 3.
Das Wetter!!!.
With the Angry Family When, when, when? - Days of the Week.
The Clothes – Die Kleidung LO: Name clothes in German SC 1.I can play das Kartenspiel and give ‘Lob’ to support my partner 2.I can ask and answer questions.
Colours 2 with Flags LO: Talk about Flags and their colours SC 1. I can play das Kartenspiel and give ‘Lob’ to support my partner 2. I can say what colour.
Studies das Studium. diploma der Abschluss die Abschlüsse.
LO: Name the parts of the body in German
The Clothes – Die Kleidung LO: Create sentences about clothes in German SC 1.I can play der Kartentausch und give ‘Lob’ to my partner 2.I can ask and.
Guten Morgen! Heute ist der 11. November.
The breakfast – Das Frühstück LO: Identify breakfast food and drink SC I know the German for many breakfast items and say if.
Du! Hey! aber but Deutsch machen to do German homework.
The fruit – Das Obst LO: Name and describe fruit SC I know the German word for 7 fruits I can ask and answer questions about.
The animal/s – Das Tier/ Die Tiere LO: Name and describe animals SC I know the German word for 10 animals I can describe the.
Freizeit und Sport Mittwoch den 26. Februar.
Numbers 1 and Time LO: Count to 12 and tell the time SC I can count to 12 in German I can count back and forwards to 12 with.

Phone 1 – Das Telefon 1 LO: Speak on the phone in German SC I can recall vocabulary that I can use on the phone I know that some.
Phone 2 – Das Telefon 2 LO: Speak on the phone in German SC I can have a conversation on the phone in German I know that different.
Die Tage der Woche Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag
Weekdays 2 with Activities LO: Say what I do on some days of the week SC I can say the days of the week in German I can listen.

Book 1 Letters and Sounds LO: Read German letters and sounds SC I can say the alphabet in German I can spell my name in German.
Objective Students will be able to recognize Ch. 2 vocab. and dialogues when spoken to them. Students will be able to recognize any number from
The PowerLanguage Platform © PowerLanguage™ Ltd KEY LANGUAGE P7 / YEAR 1 / BLOCK 3 GERMAN.
The school 1 – die Schule 1 LO: Talk about school subjects SC I can name school subjects I can work in a team playing German.

Warm-ups, speaking credits, and journal topics

Greeting & Introducing (informal)

Der Kalender L3 GERMAN PRIMARY 5.
Deutsch I Kapitel 3: Hobbys Frau Spampinato

Warm-ups, speaking credits, and journal topics
Kapitel 4-Stufe 1 Talking about class schedules
Kapitel 4-Stufe 1 Wortschatz-Deutsch R.
Lernziele: arranging to go out with a friend
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Lernziele: arranging to go out with a friend

 Präsentation transkript:


LO: Talk about different types of Sport Sport 1 – Sport 1 LO: Talk about different types of Sport SC I can name 9 types of sport I can say what sport I play I can say when I play sport

Das Kartenspiel Yes, correct No, incorrect Good Super Excellent Fantastic Brilliant Wonderful Great Tremendous/super/great Beautiful/great Ja, Richtig Nein, Falsch Gut Super Ausgezeichnet Fantastisch Brilliant Wunderbar Großartig Prima Schön

To play - Spielen Do you do sport? Yes, I play … Treibst du Sport? Ja, Ich spiele …

Play football– Fussball spielen Ich spiele Fussball I play football

Play tennis – Tennis spielen I play tennis Ich spiele Tennis

Play rugby – Rugby spielen I play rugby Ich spiele Rugby

Play netball – Korbball spielen I play netball Ich spiele Korbball

Play hockey – Hockey spielen I play hockey Ich spiele Hockey

Play cricket – Kricket spielen I play cricket Ich spiele Kricket

Do gymnastics – Turnen I do gymnastics Ich turne

Run – Rennen I run Ich renne

Swim – Schwimmen I swim Ich schwimme

Do you do sport? – Treibst du sport? Ja I play football I play tennis I play rugby I play netball I play hockey I play cricket I do gymnastics I run I swim Ich spiele Fussball Ich spiele Tennis Ich spiele Rugby Ich spiele Korbball Ich spiele Hockey Ich spiele Kricket Ich turne Ich renne Ich schwimme gern

Treibst du Sport? Ja, ich …

When? – Wann? Am Montag On Monday Am Dienstag On Tuesday Am Mittwoch Am Donnerstag Am Freitag Am Samstag Am Sonntag On Monday On Tuesday On Wednesday On Thursday On Friday On Saturday On Sunday

When? – Wann? Morgens Nachmittags Abends Nachts Am Montagmorgen Am Dienstagnachmittag Am Mittwochabend Am Donnerstagnacht Mornings Afternoons Evenings Nights On Monday morning On Tuesday afternoon On Wednesday evening On Thursday night

Translation 1 Am Montag spiele ich Tennis Morgens spiele ich Tennis Am Dienstagmorgen spiele ich Rugby Dienstagmorgens spiele ich Rugby Am Samstag Nacht spiele ich Fussball Nachts spiele ich Fussball Am Sonntag schwimme ich Sonntagnachmittags turne ich

Translation 2 On Wednesday I play football Afternoons I play Tennis On Thursday I swim Evenings I run On Saturday evening I play rugby On Sunday morning I play hockey On Tuesday afternoon I play cricket On Friday morning I like to play football

Hangman Sport – What and When Sport – Was und Wann

LO: Talk about different types of Sport Sport 1 – Sport 1 LO: Talk about different types of Sport SC I can name 9 types of sport I can say what sport I play I can say when I play sport