Sachsen Anhalt Wiege der Reformation Cradle of Reformation Landschaft – Mittelgebirgszone Hauptstadt – Magdeburg Made up of former Saxon domains and the.


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 Präsentation transkript:

Sachsen Anhalt Wiege der Reformation Cradle of Reformation Landschaft – Mittelgebirgszone Hauptstadt – Magdeburg Made up of former Saxon domains and the duchy of Anhalt

Sachsen-Anhalt continued Eisleben is the birth and death place of Martin Luther Wittenberg – 95 Theses give rise to protestanism Magdeburg – an ancient archbishopric founded in Charlemagne’s time to christianize the slavs Badly damaged during 30 years was and WWII

Magdeburg Wittenberg

Schlosskirche in Wittenberg Thesentür, tourguides in historic dress


Schleswig-Holstein Landschaft – Norddeutsches Tiefland Southern part of the Peninsula of Jutland Hauptstadt – Kiel (alte Hansestadt und Ostseehafen) Grenze zu Dänemark Nord-Ostsee Kanal Viele Hafenstaedte und Hansestaedte

Schleswig Holstein continued Peninsula was in dispute between Denmark and Germany for a long time After WWI, it was decided that the northern part (inhabited mostly by Danes) would go to Denmark and the southern part to Germany Several popular vacation islands such as Helgoland, Sylt in the Nordsee Fehmarn (gateway to Scandinavia) in the Ostsee

Sylt at Sunset and Helgoland


Thüringen Landschaft : Mittelgebirgszone und Norddeutsches Tiefland Hauptstadt Erfuhrt (founded in the 6 th Century) Other important locations: WEIMAR – Schiller, Goethe, Weimarer Constitution after WWI Wartburg – where Luther translated the bible into German

History of Thüringen Martin Luther studied in Erfurt Jena is home of Schiller Universitaet Weimar was home of Goethe Eisenach is Birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach Weimar Republic was in place from after WWI until Nazi regime rose to power

Sights in Weimar Buchenwald Memorial – Goethe und Schiller – early Renessaince House

Sights of Erfurt
