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Veröffentlicht von:Korbinian Mosbrucker Geändert vor über 10 Jahren
Modal Verbs
k őnnen Das M ädchen kann gut backen.
sollen Du sollst nicht so viel Nutella essen.
m űssen Er muss die Schnitzel braten.
m őchten Wir m őchten eine Schwarzwälderkirschtorte essen.
m őgen M őgt ihr auch Apfelschorle?
d űrfen Wann darf ich meinen Kaffee trinken? Nach der Schule!
wollen Wo wollen wir den Kuchen essen? Im Café.
Rules/Regeln 1. The modal verb is conjugated 2. The modal verb takes the position of the verb in a sentence and in a question 3. The action verb will move from verb position to the end of the sentence. 4. The action verb will appear in its infinitive form! (therefore sometimes called: The dependent infinitive)
Conjugation wollensollenk őnnen m őgen m őchten d űrfen m űssen Ich willIch sollIch kannIch magIch m őchte Ich darfIch mag Du willst Er,sie,es ……will Wir …….wollen Ihr wollt Sie/sie ……wollen
Rules for conjugation of modal verbs 1. 1 st and 3 rd singular look the same 2. 1 st and 3 rd plural (and infinitive) look the same 3. 2 nd person singular is 1 st /3 rd singular +st 4. 2 nd person plural is 1 st /3 rd plural –en, +t
Practice You (Plural) ought to = We are able to = I like = He would like = They are allowed = You (Singular) have to = She wants to =
Homework/Hausaufgabe Use the terms for family (Schwester, Bruder, Eltern, Mutter…) and correct pronouns and write what you: Like to eat, want to do, have to do, are able to do, would like to try (probieren), should not eat, are not allowed to do/eat. At least 7 sentences. Due Thursday the 14 th !
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