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GeoDRM Ansätze im Opengeospatial Consortium (OGC)

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1 GeoDRM Ansätze im Opengeospatial Consortium (OGC)
Anforderungen, GDI Integrationskonzepte, OGC Roadmap – 2. esgeo KONFERENZ Bochum, 2. Juni 2005 Dr. Roland M. Wagner (Co-Chair: OGC geoDRM WG) Datum: Name: Dr. Roland M. Wagner (IFGI),

2 Bemerkung Die Inhalte des Vortrags können aufgrund der laufenden Arbeiten keine offizielle Position des OGC darstellen und dienen zur Information. Teile dieser Präsentation stammen aus anderen Working Group Vorstellungen, insbesondere von Graham Vowles und Joe Cardinale. Andere Folien stammen von der DigitalEarth Conference, Tokyo. Aufgrund der Aktualität der authentischen Quellen wurde die Originalsprache der Folien beibehalten. Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

3 GDI Anforderungen an GeoDRM
Datum: Name: Dr. Roland M. Wagner (IFGI),

4 Problem Statement Geo-data is a valuable good, because of high efforts to capture and maintain it. Geo-data can be inappropriately/illegally copied, modified, used and re-used. Digital Protection Methods (GeoDRM) will motivate producers to publish or otherwise make geo-data available. GeoDRM as a tool should ensure re-financing of investments. GeoDRM technologies need to be smart to be accepted by customers. Insufficient incentives motivating users to use “third-party” data producers. Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

5 GeoDRM WG Overview Digital Rights Management – how to manage data ownership and rights management GeoDRM Working Group – formed during OGC TC June 2005, Southampton Charter is to tap into mainstream DRM technologies and extend for the geospatial usecase Lower GeoDRM (authentication, authorization, licensing, pricing&ordering) first, because of urgent need GeoDRM Working Group – defining vision and understanding business problem Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

6 DRM Playing Field – External to OGC
Funds JISC DRM Study Employs Shibboleth Project Ordnance Survey [UK] Contributes Member EDINA GeoDRM Initiative Work Group Partner DigiMap University of Edinburgh Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)[UK} Dr Charles Duncan Federal Geographic Data Committee [USA] GeoData Alliance [USA] Intrallect Todd Bacastow PennState Digital Rights Management Study International Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Organisation (IDO) Dr. Norman Paskin Open Digital Rights Management NSDI GeoDRM Initiative Bruce Joffe Open Data Consortium Project [USA] Kathy Covert Ownership of data, copyright, licensing The Stationery Office (TSO) [UK} International Digital Enterprise Alliance (IDEAlliance) Geospatial one Stop Public accessibility, equity, security, privacy, liability Methods of distribution, data update, metadata maintenance, stewardship Dianne Kennedy Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata (PRISM) GeoDRM WG Team X Funding public geodata, data sales and other methods USGS eXtensible Rights Markup Language Mark Reichardt Business Development Plan For DRM Open Mobile Alliance Renato Inella OpenGIS Consortium Oracle Corporation Yaser Bishr Chuck Heazel Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) W3C CEN/ISSS Elaine L. Westbrooks ODRL Geospatial Profile Working Group John Erickson UN/CEFACT Kathryn Breininger HP OASIS ebXML MPEG-REL (MPEG-21) International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) ebXML Registry TC SAML 2.0 IEEE XrML 2.0 Learning Technology Standards Committee Working Group on Digital Rights Expression Languages (DREL). Security Services TC Rights and Rules Working Group (RRWG) Rights Language TC Dr. Brian LaMacchia Hari Reddy Xrml.org Open eBook Forum (OeBF) ContentGuard Microsoft Corporation Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

7 DRM Playing Field – Internal to OGC
Government Data Providers Chair Member Target Member Funds Employs Contributes Member System Integrators Work Group Partner Government Data Producers US Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) NOAA NASA BRGM Ed Butterworth Jeff de la Beaujardiere Francois Robida Chuck Heazel Geoff Ives Edric Keighan Systems Integrators/Technology Providers Commercial Data Producers Jeff Lanzing Lockheed Martin DeLorme Publishing CubeWerx Roy Casino Spot Image Frank Kozak Commercial Service Providers Polexis Bob Mosis Space Imaging Simon Cox PCI Geomatics NAVTEQ BAE CSIRO Exploration and Mining Scott McAfee General Dynamics Cadastre and Land Registry Agency Dave Case Architecture WG Harris Mark Youg FEMA Robin Fegas Catalog Revision WG Intergraph NGA Doug Nebert Kathy Covert Joe Cardinale SAIC Commercial Data Providers USGS FGDC Graham Vowles Rajesh Khera Titan Terry Fisher Rick Morrison GeoDRM WG Technology Providers Chris Tucker Boeing S&IS Mission Systems Ordnance Survey [UK] Peter Rushforth John Moeller LizardTech Roland Wagner Natural Resources Canada Sydney Nestel Jim Farley IONIC Software S.A. Statistics Canada Anne Robertson Northrop Grumman IT Xavier Lopez  Jack Pellicci   Ontario MInistry of Natural Resources Paul Kelly Oracle Department of Land Information [Aus] Chris Higgins ANZLIC-Spatial Information Council [Aus] EDINA, University of Edinburgh Technical University of Munich Fraunhoffer Institute - Institut Software-und Systemtechnik Universities Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

8 Managing and protecting Intellectual Property
Today we rely on our legal framework and licence agreements to protect our intellectual property Our business is shifting so we need alternative ways to manage and protect our intellectual property Weak DRM Strong DRM encryption no protection wartermarking managed access copyright statement click-through licence Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

9 Task: Setting up a Reference Model
User Extents of Intellectual PropertyA Extents allocated to 3 Licencee Extents of Intellectual PropertyA Extents Licence A 2 Extents of Response 7 Extents of Request 5 4 Licence Manager Service Provider A Service Provider B Service Provider C 6 Licensor Extents of Intellectual PropertyA Extents of Intellectual PropertyA Owner A Owner B 1 Owner C Extents Delegated to Licensor Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

10 GDI Integrationskonzepte
Datum: Name: Dr. Roland M. Wagner (IFGI),

11 GeoDRM – Proposed Working Approach
1:1,000,000 Business Track User Define GeoDRM Concept Validate GeoDRM Concept update concept 1:100,000 Technical Track Define GeoDRM Standard Validate GeoDRM Standard update standard 1:10,000 Project Developers Project Implementation Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

12 GeoDRM Stack for Trading GI
GeoDRM Framework GeoDRM operations: basic operations vs. enhanced operations sub-set possible, depending on business model open number (enhanced) abstract and concrete interfaces Other, e.g. WaterMarking Pricing & Ordering Licensing Authorization GeoDRM Framework Authentication Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

13 General Requirements Re-use of existing geoDRM solutions,
Security, Pricing & Ordering, Copyright, Licensing, water marking Support of multiple mainstream protocols SAML, OSCI,… “Embedding without touching” Principle Clear separation with (Framework-Interface) Drivers Support for multiple (OGC) protocols All Protocols are based on HTTP, working on-the-fly and state-less Short-term: Client-Service Architecture, no third Object (e.g. Trust Center) Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

14 GeoDRM: Architecture WFS Example: OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) and Client (WFClient) WF- Client Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

15 GeoDRM Framework Service
GeoDRM Framework Client GeoDRM: Architecture WFS Example: OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) and Client (WFClient) WF- Client Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

16 GeoDRM Framework Service
Framework-Interface Service geoDRM: Architecture Driver Driver WFS GeoDRM 2 A GeoDRM 2 B Driver Driver Framework-Interface Service Driver Driver Driver Concrete Sub-Solutions GeoDRM 1 A GeoDRM 1 B GeoDRM 1 C GeoDRM Framework Service Driver Driver Driver Framework-Interface Service Framework-Interface Client Driver Driver GeoDRM Framework Client GeoDRM 2 A GeoDRM 2 B Driver Driver Framework-Interface Client Example: OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) and Client (WFClient) Driver Driver GeoDRM Framework Client Driver GeoDRM 1 C GeoDRM 1 A WF- Client GeoDRM 1 B Driver Driver Framework-Interface Client Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

17 geoDRM: Architecture Example: OGC Web Feature Service
WFS Pricing&Ordering-Interface Service geoDRM: Architecture Driver WPOS 2 A Driver Authentication-Interface Service Driver WSS 1 A GeoDRM Framework Service Framework-Interface Service Pricing&Ordering-Interface Client Driver WPOC 2 A Driver Authentication-Interface Client Example: OGC Web Feature Service Web Security Service Web Pricing & Ordering Service Driver GeoDRM Framework Client WSC 1 A Driver Framework-Interface Client WF- Client Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

18 Process Chain GeoDRM Framework general (abstract) Interface
Transformation of information models by “Service Driver” Concrete (Third Party) solutions Transformation Framework Framework-Interface Client Driver GeoDRM 2 A Driver Framework-Interface Client Driver GeoDRM 1 A Driver GeoDRM Framework Client Framework-Interface Client Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

19 OGC Roadmap Datum: Name: Dr. Roland M. Wagner (IFGI),

20 Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze
© 2003 Sunday Times – Reproduced with permission Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

21 Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze
© 2003 Sunday Times – Reproduced with permission Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

22 OGC GeoDRM: Active Threads
OGC GeoDRM Working Group GeoDRM.Demonstrator (AA) GeoDRM.OWS3 Click-Through License GeoDRM.Interoperability Experiment (geplant) GeoDRM Demonstrator OWS3, Click-Through GeoDRM IE, Framework, Authent, Authoriz, Pricing, t NYC January Frascati April St. Johns June ? September Bonn November Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

23 OGC GeoDRM: Active Threads, II
GeoDRM WG is very active (Status on-going) Weekly “full house” telecons Much input, strong discussions, open to everybody GeoDRM Demonstrator (Status: finalized) Members: Fraunhofer ISST, Oracle, Ordnance Survey, IFGI (University of Münster), TU Munich, State NRW, con terra, Boeing, Contributing Members Educated Members Topics Authentication (80%) Authorization (20%) Licensing (some issues) Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

24 OGC GeoDRM WG Demonstrator
Final Presentation, April 6th, 2005, OGC Meeting Frascati Datum: Name: Dr. Roland M. Wagner (IFGI),

25 OGC GeoDRM: Active Threads, III
GeoDRM.OWS3 Testbed “Click-Through”-Licensing Offizielles Testbed mit 5 Threads, u.a. GeoDSS, Catalog, SensorWeb Gesponsert und offener Call Aufgabe: Entwicklung eines einfachen click-trough Licensing Mechanismus mit Akzeptierung oder Ablehnung eines Freitextes mit Lizenzinformationen Kaskadierfähig Anwendungsfall WMS und WFS State-full für registrierte und überprüfte Nutzer, registrierte Nutzer Session Nutzer (Anonym) Nutzung und Anpassung vorhandener GDI Zugriffsschutz-Verfahren (z.B. GDI WSS) Ausgewählte GeoDRM.OWS3 Members IFGI/Fraunhofer/con terra (Konsortium) Architecture Lat-lon, UniBW München, Cubewerx (Canada) Implementation Start: April, Ende: Oktober 2005, geringe „Pflicht“  Weite „Kür“ Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

26 OGC GeoDRM: Active Threads, IV
GeoDRM.Interoperability Experiment Weiterführung der GeoDRM.Demonstrator Aktivitäten Integration und Test zwischen den Funktionen Authentication & Authorization (GeoDRM.Demonstrator) Licensing (GeoDRM.OWS3) Pricing & Ordering (GeoDRM Discussion Paper) Identifikation häufig wiederkehrende Verfahren (z.B. Einbettung, Fassaden) zur potentiellen Bündelung im GeoDRM Framework Eventuell: Test verschiedener Parallelverfahren für eine Funktionalität mithilfe des GeoDRM Frameworks Call: 30 Tage, Start Juli/August 2005, Ende: Januar 2006 Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

27 Konklusion OGC hat das Thema aufgenommen
Teiltechnologien vorhanden, Integrationsverfahren benötigt Nutzung verschiedener OGC Instrumente zur Strukturierung (Demo,OWS,IE) Erwartete erste Ergebnisse: Ende 2005 Aufruf1: Offener IE Call im Juni/Juli Aufruf2: Call für Business Model Anforderungen an GeoDRM Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

28 Institut für Geoinformatik (IFGI)
Kontakt Dr. Roland M. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Co-Chair Institut für Geoinformatik (IFGI) Universtität Münster Name: R. Wagner OGC GeoDRM Ansätze

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